Naakt sporten

nederlandse vlagDutch post – Nederlands artikel.

Naakt sporten.

Wie wil dat nou niet? Wat is er prettiger dan gewoon lekker in beweging te zijn zonder last te hebben van kleren die te strak zitten, zweet opnemen en daardoor onfris gaan ruiken?

Het probleem is natuurlijk dat we een ondergeschoven kindje zijn. Er zijn amper sportscholen die hun deuren willen openen voor een stel idioten die zonodig in hun nakie willen komen sporten. Het grootste struikelblok: hygiëne. Dat is natuurlijk een lachertje want mijn ervaring is dat nudisten over het algemeen schoner zijn dan kledingdragenden. Zo vaak als ik in een sportschool zie dat kledingliefhebbers zich niet eens douchen na het sporten… daar krijg je de griebels van.

Bloot Pétanque.

Naakt pétanque spelen

Via de NFN kalender vond ik een leuke mogelijkheid om pétanque te spelen. Er is een naakt toernooi gepland in Hellevoetsluis. Pétanque is een soort Jeu de boules.) Het toernooi wordt gehouden van 30 april tot en met 1 mei 2016 dus voor de liefhebbers is dit een uitdaging!

Naakt jeu de boules.

Helaas nog steeds geen sportschool, voetbal of hardloopwedstrijd. Op 2e pinksterdag, 16 mei 216, wordt in Reeuwijk een Jeu de Boules toernooi georganiseerd.



Nu komen we ergens. Op 18 en 19 juni 2016 is er een volleybaltoernooi voor de sportlustigen. Je moet ervoor naar Het Vinkel in de buurt van Den Bosch, en houd er rekening mee dat je tot 1 juni kunt inschrijven. Opschieten dus!

World Naked Bike Ride Amsterdam.

Voel je iets voor fietsen? Zorg dan dat je op 2 juli in Amsterdam bent. Dan wordt er weer een WNBR gehouden; een wielertoer door de stad waarmee op een ludieke, naakte wijze aandacht wordt gevraagd voor de kwetsbaarheid van fietsers in het verkeer. De WNBR begint om 1 uur ‘s middags in het park Frankendael, meer lees je achter de link.

Nog niet genoeg?

Als dit nog niet genoeg is kijk dan eens op de evenementenkalender van de NFN. Daarop staan nog meer evenementen, zoals een hardloopwedstrijd en een aantal mogelijkheden om te gaan wadlopen.

Alvast veel plezier met deze evenementen. Mocht je zelf nog leuke activiteiten weten, laat het dan weten via een commentaar hieronder, of stuur me een mailtje.

Naked authors

Naked writing

naked writing

Yes. I’m coming back to writing. I enjoy writing. The list of books I’ve written so far might have given that away. I like writing in the nude most of all because that allows for uninhibited writing. I am convinced that other naked writers agree with me. It might not surprise you that more writers like (or liked, because some of them aren’t among us any more) to be naked while acting out their imagination and committing that to people.

The famous ones

(and there might be a few surprises in here for you).

Victor Hugo. The famous author of great works like Les Misérables and The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. At one point he ran into writer’s block and came up with the brilliant scheme to have his clothes taken away so he had nothing else to focus on than his writing. No clothes to fidget with. All he had to do was sit. And write. Naked.


Ernest Hemingway.

The author of Farewell to Arms also bid a farewell to his clothing. I haven’t found any proper confirmation of this but it’s rumoured that he wrote naked, standing up.  Nudism ran in the Hemingway family. Ernest’s cousin Edward opened England’s oldest nudist resort (then still called colony.)


D.H. Lawrence.

Remember him? He wrote Lady Chatterley’s Lover. Apparently he liked to climb trees in the nude and ponder what he was going to write about, before coming down and do his actual writing. I like that approach and would love to try it. Might be difficult to find trees away from people, but who knows…


James Whitcomb Riley.

James Whitcomb made his friends lock him up in a room, alone and naked, so he would write instead of popping down to the bar for a drink. Always good when you can count on your friends. I guess they had his drinks for him. 😉


Edmond Rostand, from France.

He was constantly interrupted by his friends and he was annoyed by that. Because of that he took up working naked in his bathtub. It might be hard to believe but his greatest work, Cyrano de Bergerac, was indeed written in a bathtub…


Now here might be a familiar face and a surprise to many: Benjamin Franklin. He too liked to write, and he too often retreated to his bathtub for that.

But not only did he write in his bathtub. He also liked to sit naked in a cold room where he would write without being disturbed.


And here’s the last famous naked author. Agatha Christy, the woman whose work has only been outsold by William Shakespeare. She too liked writing in the bathtub.

Who would have thought that Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple perhaps began their life in a bath?

The less famous ones

The writerYou probably know this one. Author of the Naked Crow series, Mirror Earth and so forth.

Writing in the nude is the best, freeing thing possible for me. I would live my life nude if I could – there’s just this every day life bit that gets in the way of it.

Let me be nude and I’m happy. Let me write in the nude and I’m ecstatic!


co-ed naked philosophyWill Forest. Another not yet very famous author who writes in the nude. If you have not heard of him before then you have now. To the right you see the cover of his book Co-ed Naked Philosophy which I have read and enjoyed tremendously.

Will is very engaged in the naturist way of life. Not only does he write in the nude about naked people, he also maintains a weblog. I don’t know if he writes in the bathtub.


Wallace GreensageWallace Greensage might be an author you have not heard of yet. This could be entirely true as he released his first naturist novel, “Who is this naked lady? (And what have they done with my wife?” only a short time ago.

I haven’t finished this book yet but I can say that it is a very promising start to what I can hope is a good writing career!

That’s the list for now

This list isn’t complete and I didn’t mean to make it an extensive one. Let me end this long post by wishing you lots of reading pleasure. If you know of other naked writers, please let me know. Maybe this can be compiled into an impressive list and tool for naturist readers who are looking for more books in our specific genre.


Naked Dreamers – No to body shaming

I am going to promote a group of people from Norway here. Why? Because they are going to make a film about body positivity. Anyone who is in any way active about that deserves my – and your – support!


If so, then go to

Shoot a short video (e.g. with your mobile phone) or send us a few words where you present yourself and tell us about your relationship with your body.

Is it important to you how others see you? How do you deal with being naked? How are you affected by all these things, and do you want to change how you feel in relation to this?

Remember, we also need: your full name, email address, mobile phone number, date of birth – and attach a photo of yourself.

Send the email to
Use or similar if you attach a video.
More information:

If you want to see and hear Dalchows Verden, the person who wants to make this film, go to their facebook page and look at the video he made and where he addresses you.

Naked is healthier and here is why.

Most textile-oriented people won’t agree with this statement but naked is healthier. I feel like living proof and I let me tell you why. First have a look at this picture:


…do you see something odd? If not, look again. (If you have to look again you’re still learning to be a naturist as you probably only saw a penis.) I saw it immediately as soon as it appeared. There’s a bump on the right side. It’s an inguinal hernia, also known as groin rupture. People who are comfortable with seeing and knowing their own naked body will notice and acknowledge such strange occurrences much sooner than clothes people. I am convinced of that.

Doesn’t mean that I’m happy that I see it because this probably means surgery (be it minor surgery according to the doctor) and I haven’t been in a hospital since almost 40 years.

Something clothes addicts will never experience

We have an advantage over dressed people who are addicted to their coverings. Perhaps some would even call it a blessing. We know what it is to feel free. And that means really free. Many naturists talk about freedom, liberation, being unhindered, and that is what we are. We savour the freedom from restraints like clothes and such as much as possible.

naked freedom

The longer I’m a naturist, the more I understand how free we are. When I get home I take my clothes off. Clothes that have been on me all day while I did things I would rather not do. After all, work is a hobby that pays the bill but it does eat up an awful amount of time.

The joy of being naked is the feeling that so many have never experienced. It’s mind-boggling when you think of it. How did this happen? Why is being naked so bad in the eyes of the majority of people? As I said before, people are shocked more by the sight of a naked person than by the sight of a gun. Or violence. Or injustice. Naked people aren’t dangerous. Sorry if I bring in something horrible but look at suicide bombers who wear those belts with explosives. Beneath their clothes. A suicide bombing nudist wouldn’t go unnoticed in a crowded market place. And then I mean a market place crowded with other nudists. (Can you imagine how I would love to wander around in such a market place?)

Naked people are the most relaxed people that I know, and often also the kindest. Because they don’t need to hide and don’t want to hide. Because, indeed, they are free.

making the bedThe awareness that nothing like clothes is holding me back when I walk through my apartment often hits me like a brick wrapped in velvet. Hard but also very pleasant. I can do this. I am not afraid of my own nudity. Every real nudist or naturist feels secure in her or his nakedness. Because of that freedom. I am strongly convinced that such freedom isn’t only physical. It has its effect on one’s mind as well. Mental freedom. Now there’s something to be proud of. So many people long for that…