A naturist’s view on parks

Parks for naturists (and resorts of course)

As a kind of follow-up on my post on nudist colonies I’d be surprised if you hadn’t heard of naturist parks and resorts. There’s even a good chance you visited one or more. I was thinking about parks and resorts one day and a thought popped up: Does size matter?

Does size matter?

This is because there are parks and resorts in many forms, shapes and sizes.


What is small and large in this context? I guess that’s what you’re used to. Depending on your area a club with 100 members can be large, whereas a resort with 400 members can be small. Look for instance at the giant resorts in France, like Montalivet or Euronat, each of which can house thousands of guests at the same time.

Those are resorts where you can shop, dine, walk and bike in the nude for your entire stay.

So what’s your choice?

Do you like big parks? Small parks? Any kind of park? Or do you dislike parks and so on in general?

A naturist’s view on “colonialism”

Nudist “colonies”

Remember that expression? It’s from long ago. Hence the title of this post. Colonialism. I really wonder how many people in the world still think of nudism/naturism and ‘colonies’ as belonging together. I for one really dislike the expression. It makes it sound as if nudism is something dirty that should be put away, like there used to be leper colonies.

Open air nudists
Exercising together at a naturist resort

Resorts, parks, clubs, beaches

Those are the places that naturists and nudists entertain these days. Instead of colonies we have resorts and beaches. Places where we can be ourselves, even with loads of people still not understanding what we’re about.

nudist friendsHow much does a name for your favourite place affect you? Are you okay with being in a ‘colony’?

One might argue that it doesn’t matter as long as a colony looks like this, but for me there’s power in words, and names are words too.

I’m not offended by this word. People can’t offend me because I won’t let them. I think it’s insulting, which is much worse as that hits me on a personal level. (Being offended for me means not being able to cope with something in a mature way.)

I have visited several nude places, like the naturist park Flevonatuur (Dutch) and the local nude beach. I’ve been to the naturist part of the North Sea beach near Zandvoort in the Netherlands, to Vritomartis in Crete and to Charco del Palo, a naturist village on Lanzarote. None of them have anything to do with a colony. They’re great places where great people can hang out in their favourite, great lifestyle.

I really would like to hear your opinion on this word. Maybe I make too much of it. I know that ‘nudist colony’ is an ancient expression. I know it’s still used by some. And as we speak of this: do you think there would come a new word for a naturist place in the future?


A naturist’s view on the fashion industry

Fashion. Worse than you might know.

Let me tell you something. Second to oil, fashion and textiles is the most polluting industry in the world. Did you know that? I didn’t. I read about it here. I don’t know if you headed over to read the article. Here’s a summary of the facts:

  • It can take more than 20,000 litres of water to produce 1kg of cotton.
  • Up to 8,000 different chemicals are used to turn raw materials into clothes.
  • The clothing that doesn’t sell, falls apart or goes out of style usually ends up on landfills.

Clothes on landfill

Wow. Impressive, isn’t it? According to classiccotton.org 3/4 of all produced clothes end up on landfills. Now that is scary.

Naturism, a.k.a. common sense.

After these figures it’s even more evident that people who prefer nudity are on the smart side of the scale. I hope that all the clothes we don’t buy make a difference. Less water wasted, fewer chemicals all over the place, and less garbage and waste.

Of course there will always be garbage, but I almost fell out of my chair when I read how much junk is created by the manufacturing of clothes. But… did you see the number of chemicals used? Up to eight thousand! And that is used on stuff everyone happily puts on their skin. I’m convinced most of that stuff will be washed out with 20,000 litres (that is almost 5,200 gallons, for non-litre people) of water per kilo / 2 lbs. but still. All that stuff has to go somewhere. Do you trust the fashion industry enough to make sure that any remaining chemical is caught and discarded in a responsible manner? I wouldn’t put my money on that.

dirty secretsAfter digging into all this matter I am even more inclined not to wear clothes as much as I can. We hear about pollution and such every day, but the fashion industry is a market that goes on doing that without anyone batting an eye at it. If we talk about dirty secrets: new clothes have them!

The author nude

A naturist’s view on dick pics


Yes. Dick pics. You saw that. A few days ago I heard a podcast in which, among other things, was a mention of dick pics. Before you jump to conclusions: this is not an invitation to send them in. Quite the contrary.

So why a blog post about dick pics?

In the podcast they talked about the fact that women who dare to show themselves online in a naturist forum or on social media, either dressed or undressed, are amazingly quickly ‘treated’ to images sent by a certain kind of gentlemen. Images, as you have already guessed, of their penis.

taking a dick pic

Hearing this, I wondered what goes on in the mind of people who do that. They’re clearly not naturists because naturists know better than to surprise people with pictures of certain parts of their anatomy.

A picture of a man’s penis isn’t something most women aren’t waiting for. Following that train of thought, I suddenly wondered how the average, non dick pic sending man would interpret such a surprise. Would you, sir normal nudist or naturist, appreciate a series of images of erect penises as a welcome to a naturist platform? I would absolutely not appreciate that.

Confidence or the lack of it

Woman sex object

Many people wonder why there is such an apparent absence of women in the naturist scene. I think dick pics are part of it, but by far not all of it. They are one expression of the sexualisation of women that’s been going on since far too long. For women it’s difficult to show themselves in this world. Look at how girls in school are being told off if they wear something ‘too revealing’. The daughter of someone I know was sent home because the shoulder straps of her top were too thin; they would ‘sexually arouse’ the boys in her class. How stupid is that? Is it any wonder that children of now are being trained to think that any part of a female body that shows skin has to do with sex? How do women feel when they’re pushed in such a situation?

What’s the reason behind dick pics?

I may be entirely wrong here, but I think they are sent off  by either immature people or by those who think that naturism/nudism focusses on genitals. And boy (or girl), how wrong they are. These people mistake our lifestyle with porn, as so many do. Distasteful? Yes. Disgusting? Yes. Disrespectful? Certainly so! As we know, naturism and nudism is about being free from clothes.

If someone gets ‘treated’ to a dick pic, please send them a link to this blog post so they may learn something. I doubt the message will arrive where it’s supposed to go but never give up hope. Not all of them think with the little head.