On the joy of being naked
Nudity is permitted beyond this point.

science fiction (17)

P.Z. Walker


You can find your e-book at Smashwords, Apple books, Barnes&Noble, Google Books, Kobo and Amazon Kindle. A paperback is available at Amazon too.

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P.Z. Walker


You may wonder what a Zalerion is. Hell if I know, so thank you for reading this far. 😂😂😂😂 Zalerion is the next book that will come out "soon". It's been in the making for a while but it's all written now, and almost checked.

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P.Z. Walker

Family Affairs. Mirror Earth book 6.

Just as life is returning to some kind of normalcy, things start happening again. Pyramids disappear, mountains vanish, cities are removed, and parts of a forest are taken away. The problem: no one knows who does that. Elisabeth and Soran have to go out and…

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P.Z. Walker

Nude in Space 3: The Station

The Earth is in a more and more desperate state. Storms, fires and earthquakes are some of the problems the diminishing population is facing. Food shortages and rising temperatures make life even more difficult. Clothes become less and less an option, because of the heat…

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P.Z. Walker

Nude in Space 2: A New World

In this sequel to 'Nude In Space', a group of "nudies" want to escape a dying Earth in search of CS 298. Will they succeed? And what if they do? Will there be that planet which was once visited and that no one ever returned…

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P.Z. Walker

Nude in Space 1

Earth, somewhere in the future. The environment has changed. Cities are large, closed structures with permanent air conditioning, and nudist villages have appeared in the warmer areas. When space explorers encounter problems while trying to 'tame' a new planet, they turn to the nudist population…

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P.Z. Walker

A new book is out! Nude in Space 3

It took a while, but it happened. "Nude in Space 3: The Station" is now available through most regular e-book watering holes. Earth isn't doing well, but a discovery could make a difference for thousands of people. Curious? Head over to one of the stores…

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P.Z. Walker

Discoveries. Murphys in Space book 3.

The Murphys have settled in well on Ballata. Everyone has something to do - except Henry. Wherever he looks, others are already doing what needs to be done. A bit frustrated, Henry starts exploring the planet, first from the comfort of home, later with and…

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P.Z. Walker

Ballata. Murphys in Space book 2.

Henry and his family find themselves on a small spaceship that is taking them away from Earth. After a stop and another start, the trip goes past Saturn, into deep space. The Murphy family does their best to fit in with the others. Suzy enjoys…

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P.Z. Walker

Pathways. Mirror Earth book 5.

A stranger shows up in the prehistoric jungle, and that is the start of new journeys and discoveries. Meanwhile, the attempts to get Gloria a new arm aren't making much progress either. Abilities may come and go, but there will always be some pathways to…

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P.Z. Walker

Connected. Mirror Earth book 4.

Redolans. You have to hate them. They're making the worst mess ever on Earth? On which one, though. A meteorite shakes up the lives of Elisabeth, Gloria and Cobyo. Things from the past are suddenly out in the open again. Do they mean something? Tell…

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P.Z. Walker

Network. Mirror Earth book 3.

In Mirror Earth Network we rejoin old friends from various Earths. While Elisabeth and Gloria work on making the portal transport system work optimally, Professor Holger can't stop planning new expedition Again there are many questions to answer and problems to solve. How dangerous are…

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