On the joy of being naked
Nudity is permitted beyond this point.

Network. Mirror Earth book 3.

In Mirror Earth Network we rejoin old friends from various Earths. While Elisabeth and Gloria work on making the portal transport system work optimally, Professor Holger can't stop planning new expedition

Again there are many questions to answer and problems to solve. How dangerous are leatherbirds? Will Professor Holger ever make it to Mirror Earth and get his plans executed? And why is that painted person hanging around Elisabeth so much?

Sarah, once a science assistant, suddenly gets into flowers. This story will divulge her reasons. And if you like the Redolans... there are a few surprises waiting for you too!

Welcome back to Mirror Earth. Connect to the Network.

Find it at SmashwordsAmazonBarnes&NobleApple iTunesKobo, Google Play and the paperback is at Amazon POD.

