On the joy of being naked
Nudity is permitted beyond this point.


On the joy of being naked.

P.Z. Walker

Cyber security

Last week, I received an e-mail from someone who'd read one of the previous posts. I think it's important to display the entire text of it here (doing so with permission) which focusses on women, even though this goes for men as well. We're all…

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P.Z. Walker

Claim your freedom

Claiming your freedom? Some people might ask: "Why?" Because not many folks are going toΒ give it to you. That's why. A few times, last week, I've been reading about courage. The courage to do things which aren't common. Which aren't "normal". (Remember, normal is just…

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P.Z. Walker


Saturday, june 17th, I was at Flevonatuur. One of the best naturist parks in the Netherlands, and I say this from experience. I went there on a mission. I'd been asked by a journalist if I wanted to be interviewed as a naturist. She works…

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P.Z. Walker

Sunday Nudist

I thought this a fun image. Made in the UK, long time ago, I think 2016. It was a very old railway track, not used for a considerable time. I walked along it for about half an hour, then turned back as that was another…

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P.Z. Walker

Are we like UFOs?

I was listening to a podcast in the "Unexplainable" series. It was about UFOs and the truths and lies, and most of all the unknowns about them. Another line from the podcast: "We have to protect America against the threat of UFOs." (** Note, "America"…

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P.Z. Walker

Social media future for naturism

This is the dead twitter bird. No, the platform isn't dead yet, but I wonder how long the world will still be there. A while ago I closed my non naturist account there. For now, I'm still there as a naturist, but... Musk pulled twitter…

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P.Z. Walker

Naturist vacations

Do you ever have a vacation? As far as I know, even US-Asians* have those, be it in a limited way. So, with that out of the way... I love going on vacation. I've been to the US of A at least seventeen times. I've…

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