Nude and autistic. Nudistic
Let me coin a phrase, as the saying says.

Nudist / naturist, and part autistic.
Some of you, who follow this blog for a while, may know I'm sort of into naturism. Nudism. Clothes-freeism. Call it what you want-ism.
Some of you, who follow this blog for a while, may also know I'm kind of introverted, to the point of autistic in a way. (There are many levels of autism, I'm not in the 'extreme' part of the spectrum.)

You might have noticed this in the (few) pictures I post. It's me in them, and no one else.
That's why I am not a 'social naturist', which is a phrase I read and hear very often. It makes me smile, and happy for all those who enjoy being in a naked crowd. That's not for me. My slogan is, "Why do you need a social life when there are social media". It works for me.