Freedom does not come without a price.

Freedom does not come without a price.

We all know this. Some of you may even know the actual entire words said by Charlie Dent.

The idea for this post comes from a tweet I saw. One I agree with.


The tweet read: NUDIST LIVES MATTER TOO! Nudist are one of most discriminated segments of society charged money to live naturally!


Of course we all value our freedom and we all know that many people have sacrificed a lot to make all that happen. The odd thing however is that freedom is a relative concept. How free are we? As you see above, you have to pay to be free of clothes. It’s mad, but money matters more than lives, as usual.

This can also be said for the American right to bear weapons. Everyone is free to carry a gun – but they have to pay for that. The big difference of course is that we have already paid for the clothes that the greater community forces us to wear in the first place, and in many locations (think nudist resorts etc.) we have to pay (entrance fees, membership etc.) to take them off. There is something very wrong with that concept of freedom.


That is something everybody wants but not many actually feel up to. It’s clear though that without action there will never be change. Read up on your local laws. Find out what’s allowed and legal. Print that out and carry it with you. In the US of A and also in Canada for instance it is legal for women to go around topless in more places than you’d expect. Have a look here. Understandably not many women will feel up to that challenge as there are too many predators around. The way to counter that would be to have others go along, and that is not limited to women. Also bare-chested men! And that doesn’t mean they all have to look like the beautiful specimens you see depicted everywhere in the fake glossies that insist we all have to be twenty-two, slim, clever, blond and tanned, sporting a six-pack in muscle. Plain and simple, real people will do just fine. We will have to make a stand for what has been achieved. Others will not do it for us, because those others are happily confined within their cloth.



This stuff bothers me.

wcsYes. This. This stuff bothers me. Not the fact that this is a billboard like thousand others, but the fact that a company that sells online sex is allowed to do this. In public.

Everyone knows what this is about. Nude people in exchange for money. This is allowed while nude people for free, otherwise known as nudists or naturists, should be very careful where they ‘exhibit’ themselves.

Nude in parkNaturism isn’t forbidden in my country, something I am very grateful for. It’s still not considered ‘normal’ by most people but I don’t want to dwell on that. Being naked in ‘designated areas’ is allowed, and the term ‘designated area’ is quite liberal if you look at the law.

Still it irks me to see that companies are free to display their business anywhere in the street and along the motorways. As you can see on the first image. Webcamsex. Putting that stuff up there makes it okay. Normal. Acceptable. Inviting, also to the younger public. The way to teach them that nakedness is something you pay for, something exciting.

nudism-pure6Why would there be a movement that promotes nakedness and nudity as something normal and healthy if you can make money of making it something special?

Nudity should not be dragged into the gutter like that.

Nudity, nudism, naturism, call it what you want, should be recognised as something wholesome, something that is not connected to lewdness and porn. I can only hope that the billboards like the one up there won’t be around for too long because they infuriate me. There is one not far from where I live. I pass it twice a workday and each time it makes my blood boil.

Clothes. Why.


clothesYour clothes. You wear them.

Not because it’s cold but because you’re told to wear them.

There is a reason for clothes, but not all the time.

tight-clothes-250811Clothes, they are normal. Clothes are a must. You must cover your body for nude bodies are bad. Didn’t you know? Your body is vile, ugly, nasty, no one should see it.

For heaven’s sake.

clothes_too_tight_copyBut clothes limit your freedom. They hide who you are.

Well done you clothes-wearers, for with all your stripes and colours, your baggy trousers and your bulge, you all look the same.

Naked_humanWhy is nakedness shameful? Is there anything wrong with a healthy body? Why has the world gotten so obsessed with nudity that people are less afraid of a gun than of a naked man? Or woman?

Why do we need energy-devouring air-conditioners? To keep us cool underneath all those wonderful layers of clothes that keep us covered. People get nervous breakdowns over not being able to get the clothes that are in fashion.

Go naked. Your skin is always in fashion.

A nude photo in a gallery window

I found the below article on artnet. Isn’t it bizarre how much difference there is between perceiving a female or a male body? This has to change!!

Nude Photo in Gallery Window Gets a Rise Out of Neighbors

The photograph in question by Bek Andersen, in the window of Rivington Design House. Photo via Bowery Boogie

Lower East Side gallery Rivington Design House is in hot water with its neighbors over a photograph of a nude man displayed in its front window. Despite the fact that the image is not sexual or vulgar in any way, neighbors accused the gallerists of being unaware of or indifferent to the fact that many children pass by the Kenmare Street storefront every day.

The nude photo is the work of artist Bek Andersen, and is part of a show entitled “Clothed Female/Naked Male,” which seeks to shift the paradigm of nudity in art. “There is nothing pornographic or offensive happening in that photo,” Andersen told Gothamist. “It’s a portrait of a man. He is naked, but doing nothing indecent. We see naked women all the time in photos where they are highly sexualized and people don’t notice because they are desensitized.”

The backlash from community members only confirms Andersen’s point—that we are so accustomed to artistic nudity being limited to portrayals of women that we find it offensive when the male body is put on similar display.

Despite the wave of complaints, there are no reports that the work in question has been removed from the storefront. You can see the photographs, as well as the offended passersby, until August 15.