Are you nude with a mask on your face?

Naked with a mask?

I have heard a lot about this. Is a nudist really naked with a mask on?

Short answer: Yes, even when you wear something.

If that is all you have time for then you can move on and be busy with what you consider more important stuff.

The long answer is, as usual, longer and more thought through. Yes, a nudist isn’t naked with a mask on, but here’s the but: everyone wears such a thing.

COVID-19 image

These days, if you do it right, a mask is like having a nose or eyes. You need it. For living. Because if you don’t use it, the chances of not living very long are quite big. The reason for that, you probably guessed it already, is our little friend COVID-19.

A virus that has such an impact on life as we know it is not something to make fun of. Nor is it something to ignore.

We’re nudists so we refuse to wear anything

Even a mask.

That is one of the stupidest things I have heard in the past decade. That is like saying “We’re nudists so we don’t take medicine when we’re sick”.

You’re right, you can take medicine when you’re totally and veritably naked down to your lack of blue suede shoes, but consider the alternative in the light of a mask and taking home a good shot of the old COVID and blues. Is that worth the risk?

Last Thursday, July 2nd 2020, the USA alone reported 53,000 new cases of COVID-19. That is not just a lot. That is scary. And the majority of these people wore clothes but probably no mask. (I refuse to call it a face mask because I still haven’t figured out on what other body part you can wear a mask.)

Let’s be grateful that masks like up here aren’t obligatory.

Look at it from the other side.

Is a dressed person undressed when not wearing a mask?

If you say yes, you can’t be serious. People have gone without masks for the longest time, unless they intended to rob banks and stuff like that.

I don’t think you’ll find anyone in the textile world who will tell you they feel ‘naked’ without their mask. Masks have become a life necessity with friend Covid still hanging around. A virus doesn’t care if you naked, dressed in rags or the finest silk a caterpillar can poop. It wants to get in your face – and the way to keep it away is to wear a mask when you go out among people. It’s that ff-ing simple.


Paul nude outside

Having a mask on to stay healthy and alive isn’t that bad, I think.

Also, there is still this 6 foot distance rule, right? Take that into consideration. Keep a distance and the need for a mask isn’t major. (Please, correct me if I’m wrong!) Do keep a mask at hand. You never know when someone isn’t able to guestimate 6 ft.

Happy nude summer, everyone!


A good thing with a bad thing. The nude and the virus.

You’re most probably facing the same thing I am. The invitation of your (local) government to stay home as much as possible.

Yes. It’s annoying, depending on where you are. In many places of the world you’re simply forbidden to go outside unless there is a strict need, like grocery-shopping, medical attention, walking the dog, etc.

Here in the Netherlands it’s not that bad yet. We can still go outside for a breather. Groups are not allowed, and people have to stay 1.5 metres / 5 feet apart. I understand that.

Nude, coffee, sunshine

I’m making the best of it. Since there is no one in my home who complains about me not wearing clothes, I go nude as soon as the temperature is nice in the living room. (We’re having quite some night frost lately, which isn’t usual for March any more.)

And so I enjoy the morning sun, drink my coffee and do my work.

Yes, the restrictions that are in place aren’t the biggest joys ever, but doing it this way, it’s not a punishment for me.

It’s also interesting to notice that, for me, not very much changes in this pandemic virus situation. Of course, I don’t drive to work every day, which is different, but not being a very social person now has it’s benefits. I don’t have the need to meet many other people on a daily basis. Actually, meeting so many of them during a normal office day is very draining for me, so in a way this is a great relief! I’m fine with being alone – I’ve been doing that most of my life.

Working nude on the couch
Working on the couch. It’s a great experience, definitely when you can do it naked!

How are you coping with the lock down, if that’s applicable for you? Are you bored? Going crazy? Desperate to be around dozens of people, even from a distance?

I’m very curious how long all this will go on. China reports fewer cases and people can go out again. It took them 2 months of rigorous lock down. Let’s hope we can get through that with less strict rules, but we’ll see!

Have a good day, everyone, and stay naked if you can. Let your skin breathe.