Clothes. Why.


clothesYour clothes. You wear them.

Not because it’s cold but because you’re told to wear them.

There is a reason for clothes, but not all the time.

tight-clothes-250811Clothes, they are normal. Clothes are a must. You must cover your body for nude bodies are bad. Didn’t you know? Your body is vile, ugly, nasty, no one should see it.

For heaven’s sake.

clothes_too_tight_copyBut clothes limit your freedom. They hide who you are.

Well done you clothes-wearers, for with all your stripes and colours, your baggy trousers and your bulge, you all look the same.

Naked_humanWhy is nakedness shameful? Is there anything wrong with a healthy body? Why has the world gotten so obsessed with nudity that people are less afraid of a gun than of a naked man? Or woman?

Why do we need energy-devouring air-conditioners? To keep us cool underneath all those wonderful layers of clothes that keep us covered. People get nervous breakdowns over not being able to get the clothes that are in fashion.

Go naked. Your skin is always in fashion.

A nudist’s mind

Do you have a nudist’s mind? Or do you just nave nudists on your mind? Or, even worse, only nudity? Perhaps the difference isn’t immediately clear.

If you have nudity on your mind you’re probably not a nudist. Then you’re probably someone who likes to look at naked people, perhaps even from the safety of your clothes.

If you have nudists on your mind you think about them, you want to be among them. Or read the previous paragraph. Maybe you just want to peek at them.

Now, if you have a nudist’s mind then there’s a distinct change that happened inside you. I don’t remember when my mind turned into it (quite long ago), but a few days ago I suddenly was aware that it had happened.

People on the beachWhat happened was that I went from seeing “people and naked people” to “people and dressed people”.

This awareness for me means that nudism, being naked and natural, has taken over my way of being, thinking and, indeed, seeing. No more need to cover up what everyone knows is there. No false shame or other forms of such bull.

nudism pureLet me be naked and among ‘my own’ kind of people. The natural ones. The real ones.

Because I think I have a nudist’s mind.

I hope you do too.


No, my clothes are comfortable!

You may have heard people saying that. My clothes are comfortable. They’d rather say that than drop their clothes and be comfortable.

Here is an example of ‘comfortable clothing’.

It restricts your skin and leaves marks on it. That is no problem of course, because skin is flexible and will restore its normal appearance again after a while but… even when this kind of mark isn’t bad in itself, isn’t that a sign that something’s wrong with clothes when they do that?

I have to wear clothes too; when I go outside, to work, when it’s cold, you probably know the drill. And I never like these odd marks on me when I can finally drop the stuff at the end of the day.

The marks that my clothes leave on me however are nothing compared to this:

This to me looks horrible. I wouldn’t want to have something on me that squeezes so much (it has to, otherwise it can’t leave those marks). This can not be comfortable. Being male I have no experience with bras but… just look at this…

Clothes free life wins for me. My skin fits me perfectly and is always more comfortable than any kind of textile I cover myself with.

Don’t lead me into temptation

I read somewhere (sorry, lost the source) that public nudity would create problems because people are so curious about it. Most of them won’t admit that, but if you watch videos of e.g. a World Naked Bike Ride or a public skinny dipping event, you’ll find that not many dressed people turn away from the nude folks. On the contrary, a whole lot of ogling  is going on:


So where does this idea come from that nudity triggers curiosity? I think it’s because of clothes and most people not being used to all things nude. When you see someone in clothes you have no idea who is beneath them. There’s a secret, a puzzle, something unknown. And it’s in the nature of the people-beast to unravel such secrets – they want to get to the bottom of someone, look through their clothesWell, a nudist takes that hurdle away.



Now, be honest. Look at the picture below and then tell me which side is the greatest source of curiosity, left or right?

temptationLeft: you’ll just keep staring if something more will show.
Right: one look and you’ve seen it all.


So if you don’t want to be led into temptation, nudism / naturism might be the way to go…


Being Nude is unrestricted freedom

Clothes are cumbersome. Often it takes a while to find something you like, then it takes time to find the right size, and once you have them, there usually are all kinds of things you have to watch out for so you don’t ruin your precious and often expensive clothes. Or your shape.

tight jeans
Is this comfortable?

Clothes restrict. No matter how you twist or turn it, unless you wear something 2 sizes too large, there will be something that’s tight, blocking the blood flow, presses down on muscles or other fun things like that. And not to think about where clothes often are made, by poor people who work too long for too little, so others can fill their pockets some more.

Clothes also help you to disguise yourself. You buy something expensive and you look expensive, even when you’re not rich enough to be expensive.

Enter nudism.
In the woods

Drop your clothes. Be yourself. Accept and appreciate your body, like nudists and naturists do. It is liberating, and at the same time a statement that you throw off the standards that ‘modern life’ throws upon you. Live your own standards, and do think hard and be honest about that, so you don’t confuse what everyone else thinks with what you really think. Drop your clothes in the safety of your house, your bedroom, with the door locked so no one can see you. And discover who you really are. Try it several times to get used to the idea, the feeling, the sensation and the look of your body. It’s yours, unhindered by clothes. Enjoy the freedom you have in moving around in it.

Just try it.

The bra – the original booby-trap?

Despite the colour, women shouldn’t be ‘forced’ to wear these things.

Lately there have been studies that wearing a bra will actually make the breasts of a woman sag more than when they leave the bra away.

Sources: Medical News Today, The Inquisitor

Of course there is always a ‘but’. As seen on there is a catch:

Rouillon cautions that his study is preliminary and that it would be “dangerous” for all women to stop wearing bras. He admits his sample size still isn’t large enough to be conclusive, and since his volunteers were ages 18 to 35, he can’t speak for older women. In fact, in an inadvertently uncouth way, he says, “An overweight, 45-year-old woman with three kids has no business not wearing a bra.” Ouch. So, essentially, as Weaver puts it, Rouillon means “Don’t wear a bra (HOT LADIES ONLY).”

Yet another reason to accept a clothes-free / nudist lifestyle where things like this are not an issue.