Censorship, or: You’re not North Korea


Censorship, as we know, is a stupid thing. Depriving people from knowledge is bad. Acting as if something we all know isn’t there is stupid.

We’ve all seen this crap. Many of us encountered personally and we had accounts blocked, banned or locked away.

It’s there, whether or not they like it

All people have their dangly bits. Women’s breasts, men’s penises, flabby parts and perhaps some other stuff that’s out there. I think I listed the most important parts.

Places like most of the world, which definitely includes facebook and its branch called instagram, are famous for censoring and casting out.

Why are the people who run those place so afraid of the bits that we all have? Because they’re there, whether or not Mark Zuckerberg and various other items belonging to the human race like it.

Coffee moment

Those are actually important bits and pieces. Procreation-based bits and pieces. Without them, the human race would have been way ahead of the dodo and we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

Mark Z et al would be thrilled about that. Oh wait, there wouldn’t be a Mark Z, nor an et al.

Maybe you’ve heard about this:

It’s okay to be proud of your bits but you don’t have to slap them in everyone’s face.

It’s on many memes that I’ve seen with a variety in wording. I absolutely agree with it, but there is a difference between ‘slapping your genitals in someone’s face’ and pretending they’re dirty, evil, an abomination and ‘not there’.

Censored Nudity - YouTube

I’ve never seen people who walk around like this. Real people have real bodies, no black banners over their ‘naughty bits’. Which is a stupid name for them, because that loads them up with references to the sex industry.

As if naturists, here we go again, are all wannabe porn stars.

They’re human bits. And no amount of censorship will make them go away. Again, we all know they’re there. Why on Earth do people want to convince us they shouldn’t be seen…

YouTube! STOP censoring our Naturist/Nudist community!

This is a cry for help from Hector Martinez against the censoring of Youtube. Hector is the president of the naturist community in Mexico. His cry, however, is not limited to Mexico. It goes out to all of us, naturists and nudists.

Youtube terminated his naturist channel on May 16th 2020. Hundreds of videos are gone. Thousands of subscribers are suddenly void of this important source of information.

After watching and listening, could you please join the movement and sign the petition at Change.org and act against the censoring?

Please also share this post / video / link to as many naturist friends as you can.

Thank you. Not just from Hector, but every naturist who values the freedom of expression.

A naturist’s view on nipples.

Nipples. The dangerous body parts.


Nipples are difficult and dangerous, or so it seems. Even more so than skilled karate hands and tae-kwon-do feet.

blurred nipplesNipples – let me rephrase that – female nipples are so dangerous that they need to be blurred on ‘regular’ television and in most media.

What is wrong with them?

Recently I listened to a podcast of the Naturist Living Show about breasts and nipples. The things I heard there were astounding…

In that show Stéphane talked about a plastic surgeon that corrected breasts, either to enlarge them or to make them smaller, but also how a woman was changed into a man. The odd thing, he said, was that – when the patient was still a woman, her nipples were blurred. After the procedure of removing the male chestbreast tissue was completed (note that this was still the same person but now considered a man), the nipples were shown on television without any form of censorship. The very same nipples! Talk about hypocrisy…

Free the nipple.

It’s because of this idiocy (the only word that fits the bill) that I support movements like Free the Nipple.

Free the nipple

Everyone has a body. A body is natural. Why should specific, tiny parts of the female body be regarded as dangerous, illegal, immoral or otherwise be put in a bad light?

Free the nipple. Free the body. Every body.

A naturist’s view on nude-friendly social media

Nude-friendly social media. Really?

Yes. I know most of you have encountered the strange rules and shifting regulations on our most admired site Facebook.facebook censorship

I have tried a naturist-friendly approach there, trying to stick to their rules. I failed. Miserably and then some. Facebook jail for 2 weeks after what was perhaps the 4th post. The reason? An image of a statue of a nude male that showed from a post on this here blog. It didn’t even show genitalia. It’s not hard to understand, I think, that I deactivated my account there. Normal nudity is not okay there, but the amount of porn that goes around in that place is staggering. That’s okay. Nudism and naturism aren’t exciting enough I think.

So where are the safe places?

Me we groupsThe place I like very much at the moment is ‘Mewe’. You can find me there at mewe.com/i/p.z..walker. Being a member of several nice naturist groups that are really naturist, so no porn and stuff, has proven the place good.

Note that ‘Science Fiction Fans’ is not a naturist group (just sayin’).

You can create an account for free and you get 8GB of space to upload images, videos, whatever. If you need more space you’ll have to buy that, but trust me: 8 gigabytes is really a lot if you’re not in the habit up uploading 4K, 2-hour feature films.

Another nice place is ello.co. Branded mainly a site for creative people, ello also has no problem with nudity. For instance I follow the famous, Canadian naturist park Bare Oaks on Ello.

Images like this:

are perfectly okay on Ello.

Another site is Diaspora. Word of warning: this is a bit of an odd site and at the moment hardly seems to harbour naturists. After creating your account you will need to actively search for people to follow. Give it a try if you feel adventurous.

Not so much a social medium but a naturist forum is available at earthnaturists.com.

Earth naturists

Inevitable question: are there more?

Do you know of places that are safe? Where naturists can be themselves and post images of themselves without feeling the hot breath of censorship? Please share them in the comments. The more, the better.

Free the Nipple – Censored in America



Question: What is the legal penalty and fine for a woman walking topless on the streets of New York City?



  • 3 days in jail and $1,000
  • 1 days in jail and $5,000
  • 5 days in jail and $1,500

Answer: It’s a trick question, because, according to statute 245.01 per the Appeals Court of The State/City of New York, it is completely legal for a woman or a man to opt not to wear a shirt (or bra) in public. Of course, a man wearing a bra will get more stares than a woman wearing a bra (thank you, Madonna) and a woman going bare-breasted will draw more stares than a man doing the same, but why? Why is a woman’s nipple so controversial? I decided to tackle this subject with my new film — Free the Nipple.


More, if you want, at Why I Made a Film Called Free the Nipple and Why I’m Being Censored in America.