Home office, nude office

Nude at home

I’m sure that many of you (us!) have been working from home for the most part, the last year. How did you like that? Were you able to get into the swing of ‘home office’ easily? And did you have the opportunity to make it ‘nude office’ as well?

I’m a lucky one in that respect. I work in IT, specialising in Cloud technology. That means I can do about 98% of my work with a computer, from anywhere, as long as there is some internet connectivity. Just occasionally do I have to pack up and head out to a customer’s site. Some things require hand-on hands.

COVID-19 now seems to be mostly contained in many parts of the world. That means that offices are opening up again. I really wonder how you feel about that. Especially the ones who are required to head back into the office.

Traffic Jam
So happy together?

I heard from several areas, e.g. even Google and Apple, that their employees have asked if they can please keep working from home. I fully understand that. Maybe many of them are naturists who appreciate that they don’t need to get dressed to get to work. People who also don’t have to flood the highways and join the happy commuter’s traffic jams.

On the other hand I heard that people are glad to escape their homes again. Glad to drive their car, bus or train to and from work, as if that is a portal into the work-mode and back to home life.

Which tribe are you in?

Wednesday post. I’m on time. Nude.

Hopes. Up. Or Down.

Now don’t get your hopes up, this won’t be a big, fabulous post, so if you’re looking for that, move on, nothing to see here, get an ice-cream at the nearest sales point and thank you for stopping by.


Nude on the roof balcony on Fuerteventura

Yes, I can do nude. I didn’t stuff that in the, admittedly, very weird blog title for no reason. But it’s not just about the image. It’s about…


Okay, I admit, this gets weirder and weirder. Bare and bear with me: I’m very tired and I still have 2 days to work before I have a week off.

Space, however, is happening a lot on my computer these days.

Nude in Space

You may recognise this cover, on the right.

Nude In Space.

One of the earlier naturist science fiction books I wrote. A while ago I heard people asking for more of this. Now I could recommend buying the book again and reading it again, but that would be a weird shortcut, right?

Well, let me tell you a not-so-secret.

Nude In Space 2 is growing.

It’s far from done yet. I’m on chapter 13 at the moment and wasting precious writing time by telling you that it’s not done yet. I can already hear the boo, hiss, get y’all naked ass back to writing calls, but that’s fine. I’ll get my naked ass back to writing after writing this.

The story is over 32000 words long at the moment, which means there is a lot more to come. As soon as I get this post done.

But since it’s Wednesday and I didn’t want to leave you without a blog post, I wrote you this.

Have a happy day, everyone. Bare it all if you can. Talk to you again. Cheerio!


One word. A lot of meaning.

What I’ve seen over the many years I’m alive, is that freedom is precious. And unfortunately, there seem to be more and more laws that limit our freedom. All for the greater good of course, to protect us from bad things (even when it’s entirely unclear what those bad things are, or when those bad things only seem to live in the minds of an unhappy few, a.k.a. the lawmakers).

Hands holding the word 'Freedom'

I’m not going to make this a political thing though. There are plenty of blogs and other sources that dip their toes and more in that area of life, and this is a naturist blog.

Coffee moment

What struck me, the other day, is that some people in the textile world seem to be so ‘happy’ with limiting (or limited?) freedom that they happily will reject our rights to enjoy our version of freedom.

Here in the Netherlands and, I’m sure, in other places in the world, it’s fine to be nude in certain places. In the UK, for instance, being nude isn’t rude / illegal / officially offensive as long as the nude person is just nude, i.e. not displaying any sexual urges like masturbating in the road and things like that.

In the Netherlands we can be nude in places that aren’t close to the ‘main roads’. There’s even a specific law article dedicated to that (Article 430a for those from the Netherlands who don’t know). And yet, when I’m naked in such a place, some people have the nerve to tell me that it’s not legal to do that, or that it’s offensive, rude and whatever other words they like to throw at that.

Luckily there aren’t many, but those that have these objections are the least open to reason and debate, and they don’t even want to hear about the legality of nudity in such places.

Black nudists

And that is the kind of closed-mind, happy to limit other people mindset I’m referring to here.

Why do people have those tendencies? Do they feel threatened by us? Do they think our nudity is taking some privilege or right away from them?

I’ve been thinking about this, and I’ve asked people that on occasion, certainly the ones that don’t ‘want’ others to be nude in safe spaces.

So far I haven’t found a satisfying answer to those questions…

Nude upper bodies.

Or: people can be bat-shit crazy and totally inconsistent.

A few days ago on MeWe I followed a post that was copied from a Dutch newspaper. Granted, it is a newspaper that thrives on sensational content, but the background of the article made me shake my head.

Note: this is not the man who is mentioned.

The “problem” of the lady who was interviewed in the news paper article was that she found it ‘distasteful’ to see men with bare upper bodies outside, despite the heat. She mentions ‘men with double B breasts, hair everywhere and beer bellies‘.

In the same article, however, she says: ‘This all is fine up to a point‘ (what? First it’s distasteful and then it is ‘fine up to a point’?).

The first valid claim in the article: ‘Can I do the same, being a woman? I don’t think so.’ … ‘This is discrimination.‘ Even though I suspect she would never actually do that, this is the only point in the entire article I can get behind. This is indeed discrimination and it should stop.

This kind of discrimination is a blemish on the freedom of people. Women should be allowed to be topless just as well. As it is the case in many places in, surprisingly enough, the United States. The ‘Free the nipple‘ movement has played a part in that too.

I keep hammering on the problem that religion slipped into ‘our culture’ that nudity is a bad thing. It’s not. It’s a way of religion to control the masses, and it’s been so successful that the idea has become mainstream. And the brainwashing has become so successful that people into that mindset aren’t even aware of it. They, like the lady with the complaint, prefer to take away even more freedom, unaware of the many things that have already been taken away from them (and us).

Nude is not rude

As this picture shows, nude is not rude. It’s perfectly fine, liberating. People are having fun, and it’s something that should be allowed for everyone. But as long as mainstream thinking is convinced of the opposite, we’re fighting a battle. Most of the time it’s an uphill one, but I think we have to keep it up. Otherwise the ‘mainstream’ will wash over us and take the few rights we have (beaches, resorts, parks) away. We can’t allow that.

It’s bad enough that women are discriminated against in many parts of the world. Let’s try and turn that tide, not make it seize control over everything.

Animals don’t care about ‘nudity’

Yes, I added quotes around ‘nudity’ up there because they belong there.

Nudity is a human concept. Animals have no concept that relates to it.

When it’s warm or hot, I tend to be clothes-free. My cats don’t give a damn. They probably don’t even consider that I’m not in my “furs” or whatever they might think of clothes.

Come to think of it, they probably don’t even have a concept of clothes. Simply because they don’t have them. It’s nothing that exists in their frame of thinking, in their world. The fact that we, people, sometimes ‘change colour’ is something they just accept as a fact, as long as they get their food and attention…

Does that make sense?

To me it does. People can relearn a lot from animals. Relearn? Definitely. I am sure that homo sapiens or whatever came before us (Aha, Neanderthals. I had to know and now you know too)… ehm….

I’m sure that Neanderthals knew that clothing isn’t always necessary, even when we usually see them depicted wearing some form of skin covers. Out of ‘decency’ and ‘normality’ of our current state of mind, probably.

Man (and woman) is the only animal species that made clothing and elevated it to some kind of weird religion, a necessity. Glad I escaped that…