When on a nude hike and you run into textiles, stay calm, nude and friendly. After all, a nudist has nothing to hide, and usually clothed people are scared more of what they see than the nudist hikers. It gives us the edge.
Oh, and if you know good places to hike in the nude, wherever in the world, would you mind sharing? The more places we know, the easier it is for us all!
Monday, May 20th. The weather hadn’t been great but the temperature was not bad so I headed out. I am more and more getting into naked hiking and walking out in nature, therefore I had looked up a forest area nearby in Germany and went there. Luck was with me, an empty parking lot.
First however the trail:
Click image for larger, clearer version
I walked up and down quite a lot as I kept running into dead ends, and I wanted to get that full hour done there. And I got that done. Here’s the terrain graph. (Not everything’s captured, the GPS took too long to get a fix):
Click image for larger view
The terrain went up and down quite a bit, upto 120 metres/ about 400ft. I didn’t walk fast, the underground was often very hard to get through, and I like to look around and enjoy the area I’m going through.
The nudist in the forest.
It was truly a lovely time to be there, even when there was a little rain. No umbrella, no clothes, so no problem. That’s one of the advantages of hiking in the nude. Also: nothing is in the way. Nothing pulls, itches, scratches, is tight. Skin always fits.
This wildlife watching hut was my marker to not get lost:
Unfortunately it was locked, I checked.
Maps along the route are a good thing!
I had a great time in this forest and hope to go back there someday.
Granted, it’s not a big sandy affair, there’s just grass and a man-made lake, but it’s our local nude beach. Yesterday the weather was amazing for a change (spring has been quite disappointing so far) so I put some stuff in a bag, added sun-block (never forget sun-block, please) and made my way out.
Overlooking the grass and the lake
It wasn’t very busy yesterday, about a dozen people in all, but that was enough to have some interesting conversations and meet a few nice people.
I hardly can wait to go back there – or visit one of the other places around.
In a Dutch town there was an action against discarding the local nude beach. (Report in Dutch here.)
A most interesting part in this article is:“Strafwet. De strafwet staat bloot recreëren overal toe, zolang anderen zich daar niet aan storen.”
Criminal Law. Criminal law allows nude recreation everywhere, as long as others don’t take offence.
Now that’s something I didn’t know. Basically this says you’re allowed to go nude anywhere as long as you’re not bothering others. Quite cool!
This webpage for a Dutch naturist area (in Dutch of course) explains that the law article where this is detailed is number 430a. Most important part: “Het wetsartikel 430a maakte naaktrecreatie dus mogelijk op alle plaatsen die voor ongeklede recreatie geschikt zijn. In het algemeen zijn dit plaatsen waar geen openbaar verkeer langs komt.”
Law article 430a therefore enables nude recreation in all places that are suited for clothes-free recreation. In general these are places where no public traffic passes by.
(Public traffic here needs to be seen also as pedestrians and cyclists of course, not just cars.)
Another website (maintained by a lawyer), “Strict in criminal law” (Scherp in strafrecht) states: “Of een plaats voor naaktrecreatie geschikt is, wordt bepaald door plaatselijke omstandigheden en de redelijkheid.”
Whether or not an area is suitable for nude recreation is decided by the local circumstances and reason.
Which makes sense of course. With public awareness that nude recreation is more and more common, there would nothing against finding a silent/secluded spot in a forest and drop all clothes there for a while. Doing so in the middle of a town will certainly be frowned up (and that would be the least), so with these things in mind, the possibilities for nude recreation in the Netherlands become quite a lot more extensive.
Today I received a new version of Nudist Compass on my Android. This is version 1.38 and it’s still in beta according to the maker. Let’s have a better, personal look behind the break:
Well, that was wonderful. It had rained all day and finally the water stopped falling – around 8:30 in the evening. I was tired of being inside rooms and cars all day so I threw on something I could easily shed and drove off to a little natural area near here. It was about 11 centigrade, say 52 Fahrenheit.
I could park the car quite close to the walking area close to a house, popped over a path, walked off a little (don’t fancy upsetting the people here, I’m the one getting nude for me, not for them) and then dropped everything I had on. I had a bag with me for that. After all, it wasn’t really dark yet, so I felt I had to take some precautions. I walked along the path and saw rabbits hop all around, there were swans and geese, and also some wind and a few drops of rain. Ha, rain, another reason to go naked – nothing problematic gets wet. It was amazingly nice outside, even when the temperature could be considered low. Normally with 11c/52F you’d wear clothes, but I wasn’t really cold. I just enjoyed the walk, the area, the trees and the sounds. And of course the liberation from the clothing-maffia. The wind on my skin was purely pleasant. I reached the end of the trail too soon; I hit a road, so I doubled back.
As I came close to the car it had darkened so much that I just walked up to it and got in. Drove home in the nude, which was a first, and a great experience. After parking the car I did put on the training suit again, people in the street, street lights and such, and no need for trouble. All in all it was a great half hour and 2.8km/1.75mile walk. I’m going to do that more.
The route
Thank you, people at www.truenudists.com, for the great idea – I would never have thought of this myself.
Developers website: http://nudistcompass.com/ This app is a must for every active naturist/nudist. It is well designed application which works in conjunction with Google Maps and http://nakedplaces.net to provide an interactive map of naturist/nudist locations around the world. An invaluable tool for the naturist/nudist traveler and for anyone seeking naturist/nudist locations to visit. Currently there don’t appear to be any locations listed in Africa although the South African Naturist Federation lists several venues. The app is still in beta phase so there may a few malfunctions but I have not found any as yet. I will be recommending it to all my fellow naturists.