Nudism in fiction. Do we need more of it?

After writing “Naked Crow”, an urban fantasy that involves naturism I’m thinking about a science fiction that involves naturism.
What do you, visitors of this blog, think of that idea?

Worth pursuing or should I just forget it?

For those not familiar with “Naked Crow”, please have a look at this Smashwords page (more stores to come!).

Nudism versus exhibitionism.

So many people don’t know the difference between nudism and exhibitionism. Both display a naked body, or in the case of exhibitionism it could be parts of a body, usually genitals, but there is a vast gap between the underlying ideas of the two.

An exhibitionist will expose himself or herself amidst clothed people in order to provoke or shock them. The idea is that the exhibitionist is sexually aroused by that.

This what Wikipedia has to say about it: “Exhibitionism is the act of exposing in a public or semi-public context those parts of one’s body that are not normally exposed – for example, the breasts, genitals or buttocks. The practice may arise from a desire or compulsion to expose themselves in such a manner to groups of friends or acquaintances, or to strangers for their amusement or sexual satisfaction or to shock the bystander.” ( -December 2013-)

When we look at the online Encyclopedia Britannica: “exhibitionism, derivation of sexual gratification through compulsive display of one’s genitals. Like voyeurism, sexual display is almost universal as a prelude to sexual activity in animals, including humans; it is regarded as deviant behaviour when it takes place outside the context of intimate sexual relations. Exhibitionists are usually not dangerous, although the experience is frequently perceived by the victim as threatening; violence or sexual assault seldom follows the display.” ( -December 2013-)

When we compare that to Wikipedia‘s first words on nudism, we see quite a big difference:
“Naturism or nudism is a cultural and political movement practising, advocating and defending social nudity in private and in public. It may also refer to a lifestyle based on personal, family and/or social nudism.” ( -December 2013-)

Or again, the Encyclopedia Britannica: “nudism, also called naturism, the practice of going without clothes, generally for reasons of health or comfort. Nudism is a social practice in which the sexes interact freely but commonly without engaging in sexual activities.” ( -December 2013-)

There is no mention of compulsion or sexual satisfaction in either description of nudism, just as there is no mention of culture, a social activity, or lifestyle in exhibitionism.
Nudists and naturists don’t seek to shock people. Yes, they like to be naked, but that is for their personal good, not for others to stare at or be shocked by intentionally. They don’t want to ‘exhibit themselves’. That would be quite difficult considering that they would do that in a group that’s already naked. An exhibitionist wouldn’t stand much chance in a nudist setting. Any attempt to try something sexual in a nudist setting will usually be dealt with quickly.

Flevo Natuur naturist park

Naturist Park Flevo Natuur
Welcome to Naturist Park Flevo Natuur

On January 4th I had my first encounter with Naturist park Flevo Natuur. (Link to Dutch site). Cooperating with Unox (a food manufacturer in the Netherlands) they had organised a new year’s dive. As this was in a naturist park it would be a naturist dive of course. I’d read about the event on Google+

Such a beautiful location for a naturist park! Hidden behind more trees than I had expected in a ‘polder’ (reclaimed land from the sea) there’s a large, open park with many options to relax and be active, like a heated pool, a large swimming lake, playgrounds for the kids, and everywhere there are funny houses, chalets and trailers (for sale or rent). There are also camping spots, but I didn’t see any tents. Not many people camping with +9c/48F I guess. Everywhere you’ll find garbage bins and toilets too.

After the skinny dip in the lake there was pea soup (made and provided by Unox) and hot chocolate with whipped cream, a good way to warm up again. Trust me, you need that then.

The even was arranged very well, all the people – large and small – were kind and friendly, and this was definitely not the last time I was at Flevo Natuur. Just bring on the sun!

Naked Crow. The book is available.

Naked Crow

It’s taken a while, but my book “Naked Crow” is finally published. For now it’s on Smashwords only (they have every format for every e-reader). If you follow this link you’re taken to the page where it’s available.

Alternatively, when you have a smartphone, you can simply scan this QR-code:

As soon as it’s available on Apple iTunes, B&N, Amazon (as a Kindle e-book, if you want to wait for that) and as a paperback, I’ll post that news here as well. This however takes a bit longer.

Naked Poetry

Yes, really. It exists and it can be very powerful. Have you ever looked at poetry about being naked, nudism and/or naturism?
If not, or if you’re interested, may I point your attention to a book of poetry written by Robert Longpré? You can’t go wrong on the price as it’s free, but even more I think it’s a very beautiful way to express one’s feelings about living in the skin.

You can find the book on Smashwords.
Kudos to Mr. Longpré for this poetic gift to the world.

Naked Crow – a follow-up

In a previous post I mentioned that I had written a book to put naturism in a more positive light for the rest of the world. Too many people still think that it’s wrong if you want to go around in the nude, instead of being ‘decently dressed.

It’s still not completely done. Editing takes a while, as does implementing some feedback from test-readers which requires a number of changes here and there, but all in all I am very pleased with the progress I’m making with the book.

My hope is that I have wrapped everything up around February and that I can publish it as an e-book by then.

I am not certain about making it a paper copy as well, as that involves all kinds of other technical aspects, but we’ll see how things work out. I’m already looking at possibilities.

Skinnydipping in Pow — The Naked Ski Segment We All Need to See | Mountain Life Annual | Because Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Skinnydipping in Pow — The Naked Ski Segment We All Need to See | Mountain Life Annual | Because Actions Speak Louder Than Words.

What’s a home nudist?

A lot of people are nude around their own house but don’t consider themselves to be “nudists”.  Typically it is because they misunderstand what the term means.

Some people believe what the porn and conservative religious groups define nudism  as — lust-filled, hedonistic voyeurs and exhibitionists that engage in orgies and all kinds of public sex.  That’s just a flat out lie so the porn industry can make money and religious groups can maintain control.

Nudists are simply more comfortable nude. They don’t see the nude human body as inherently sexual or lewd. Sometimes they are comfortable nude around others (social nudists), but sometimes they prefer to be nude alone or with their family at home (home nudists).

What are you? Are you comfortable being nude around your own home? Then you are a home nudist. Are you comfortable nude around others? Then you are a social nudist!

If you are a home nudist but haven’t given social nudism a try, you should. There are many people like you out here who are looking for wholesome, family-friendly nude recreation with others like yourself!

If you have questions, please let us know!  We’d be happy to answer them!

Promoting wholesome, family-friendly nude recreation in the Heartland since 1982.

(Post via Tumblr)