Outer nudity, inner nakedness. Do you know the difference?

Outer nudity and inner nakedness.

This popped into my head one early morning as I got out of bed. I sleep naked and wouldn’t have it any other way. Nudity is important to me because of the freedom it brings.

On Twitter I was engaged in a little thread about nudity being a taboo. (The article mentioned is worth a read, go do it if you have the time.) Is nudity a taboo again? Or is it so still?

Outer nudity.

relaxed nudityMost of you will know that I don’t do well with taboos. For me, someone who’s nude by choice is a far more relaxed person than someone who worries about taking their clothes off when he or she is alone in the bathroom. As soon as you’re comfortable with your outer nudity, I feel there is nothing left to fear. There is no inner nakedness anymore, which is something I’ll address in the next paragraph. Outer nudity is the acceptance of your body, your awareness that not everyone is as pretty as the media these days ‘prescribe’ you should be. People who share their outer nudity are easier going, or so is my experience. That of course doesn’t mean that nudists or naturists are 100% carefree. Even when you dump your clothes there can be dentist bills, mortgages and other modern-life problems piling up. Outer nudity just deals with one of the major hang-ups that is coming back more and more. The prudification of modern people when you compare life to the sixties and early seventies.

Inner nakedness.

suppressed nakednessOdd as it may seem, people who constantly hide inside their clothes are the true naked people. (For my reasoning between the difference between nude and naked, please read this older post.) They are the ones who are scared to be seen and do all they can to hide behind shirts, pants, skirts and sweaters, no matter how hot it is. Which, as we naturists and nudists know, is the most absurd thing to do when the weather’s inviting everyone to go nude.

Inner naked people are scared to show themselves, be it through conviction (e.g. religion, taking a vow of prudishness) or peer pressure (environment, family). I pity those people as they are keeping a very important part of themselves locked inside themselves. A part that craves unbounded freedom.

The relation of freedom and freedom.

question mark manHere is a question for you: do you think there is, or could be, a relation between physical freedom (outer nudity) and the freedom to find a deepened general happiness (which is a happiness that has nothing to do with nudism/naturism)?

I have my own thoughts about it but those aren’t important here as I am asking you, nude or clothed reader.

Talk to me. Surprise me.

A very strange way to put it

A very strange advertisment.

I have a few Google alerts going pertaining to naturism and nudism. You know the general things anyone should be interested in. A few days ago I got a notification about an ad on ‘Craig’s list’, which I know to be quite popular in the USA.

Craig's List

One line in that ad struck me. Maybe it’s just the way someone didn’t know how to put it properly but the line “I am a normal, educated, and kind white male but I have always been interested in naturism” made me frown.

…but I have always been interested in naturism

Two nudistsThis line. The person putting that ad together made it sound as if nudism is something a “a normal, educated, and kind white male” shouldn’t be dealing with.

I probably make too much of this but it’s in the words. I write books. Words and their order are important. So why would this kind white male use ‘but’ here?

Is there something wrong with nudism, with the desire to take off one’s clothes?

Apparently the kind, white male has done it before, since he adds, “the feeling of ultimate freedom when you take off that last piece of clothing.

He’s clearly done it before – or he’s copying some text from somewhere, which I don’t believe. It’s an interesting way to put this all down. The gentleman is specifically looking for a lady to go to a nudist venue, beach, resort with him, which gives me the feeling there’s something more he’d like to explore, but to each their own.

For me the entire thing would be more credible had that simple “but” been a “and“.

Not an excuse.

SunlightNudism should not be an excuse to go naked. It is among the best feelings in the world, and we all know it. No restraints, just fresh air and sunlight on your skin.

And the company of nice people. I’ve said it before: most nudists are the nicest people I’ve met. I am not counting the people who visit nude venues just to stare, that might be clear.

Be happy. Be naked.

Do you dare to bare all? Nudism in Wales.

As found at The Daily Post – UK (too good not to share!):

Do you dare to bare all? Here’s where you can embrace nature and go nude in North Wales

Summer is coming so take a look at our guide to enjoying nudism without falling foul of the law.

The temperature is rising and as summer approaches thousands will be flocking to our many beautiful beaches to enjoy the sun.

Where some will be on the hunt for fashionable beach wear, others will be looking forward to a more natural approach.

Naturism is the word used to describe the activities of people who encompass nudity as part of their lifestyle.

There are around 3.8 million naturists in the UK. British Naturism, the society which has championed nudism in the UK for over fifty years has almost 10,000 members.

Nudist Beauty Contest – August 1957 The two Macaskil daughters – Doreen (L) – sitting naked, applying make up..

With a change in perceptions of public nudity, naturism is becoming a more widely accepted practice.

So if you really want to embrace the sun and enjoy the warm weather as nature intended, here is a guide on where to go clothes-free in North Wales.

The law

It is not an offence to be naked in public in Wales.

The Crown Prosecution Service states that every case should be considered individually and that ‘a balance needs to be struck between the naturist’s right to freedom of expression and the right of the wider public to be protected from harassment, alarm and distress’.

Which means there must be a reason to believe person deliberately stripped off in order to upset or shock, before it can be considered an offence. And the complainant has to provide proof of this.
Even in these circumstances, it has to be considered whether or not prosecution is in the public interest.

So if you wish to enjoy recreational nudity such as swimming, sunbathing or taking a stroll in a public or open place and do so with consideration for others, you have a right to defend being clothes-free.

Media interest in Hampstead Heath naturism

Somehow, being lucky as I can be at times, I located this written piece through the website of the Naturist Action Group.

I’m reposting this in the full.

Thank you John Paine, the original author of this very interesting article.

Media interest in Hampstead Heath naturism

An incredible 93% of initial responders to an online newspaper survey would support naturism on Hampstead Heath. The Hampstead & Highgate Express published an item on Thursday 25 May after contact by NAG. Carlie, John, Harvey, Steve, of the NAG London group, who met with reporter Anna Behrmann. A photo of naturists on Hampstead Heath was supplied by NAG supporter Natasha, who shows her work on her Natansky website. That immediate opinion response was to the Ham & High online question they ran with the published article. National daily The Times then covered this story and response.

On the morning of 1 June BBC Radio London’s Vanessa Feltz held a live interview with NAG’s Harvey Allen. That day Chris Baynes of the London Evening Standard contacted John Paine, NAG’s London co-ordinator. On 2 June the London Evening Standard online version carried a large item Naturists call for naked sunbathing rights on Hampstead Heath. That same day BBC London TV interviewed Harvey at Hampstead Heath, which was then broadcast in their tea-time news programme.

NAG says there are health benefits to open air nudity and make clear that public nudity is legal if it is not “intended to cause alarm or distress”. NAG maintains that parks in London are heavily used, and only in the larger parks is discreet naturism possible. The City of London Corporation was legally given management responsibility for Hampstead Heath when the then Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, abolished the GLC in 1989. However, the Hampstead Heath management mistakenly claimed to the London Evening Standard that ‘nudity is a criminal offence’ and is prohibited there. Nudity is not mentioned in the Hampstead Heath bylaws, which were written in 1932.

Photographer Natasha Porter says “There needs to be more spaces available to be naked and free around London. I think that it actually reduces the sexual connections to nudity. Naked bodies do not need to equate to sex”

In all the media interviews NAG mentioned the annual London WNBR. For over 10 years thousands of street spectators have happily accepted the WNBR nudity. It is estimated that on 10 June 2017 over 1,500 cyclists, of all ages and sexes, took part in the London WNBR. Up to 90% of the cycling participants were naked this year, and the usual enthusiastic public response from the crowded pavements was evident. One male cyclist rode naked from arrival at Euston station to the Kings Cross start point, with no adverse public reactions!

The recent media actions described here are part of the various ongoing NAG campaigns to change public perception of naturism. John Paine said “People who are naturists see it as a lifestyle choice rather than a peculiar hobby.”

NAG will hold several ‘vox pop’ interviews on Hampstead Heath in June. Small teams of NAG supporters will ask 4 quick questions of users of Hampstead Heath. They will be asked if they support the idea of naturists discreetly using Hampstead Heath. In fact, this has been happening for over 50 years and in recent times NAG has organised for small groups of naturists to do so collectively. The Hampstead Heath management want proof that many London naturists do want naturism to be allowed there.

London naturists who want to help this NAG campaign can do so by contacting us through this NAG website. Elsewhere on this website you will see more information about what has been done by NAG in London, and ideas that are being explored. This includes action with other naturists internationally, including in Paris and Munich.

John Paine 15 June 2017

Nudists offered advice on neighbourly relations

Found on the Epsom Guardian site:

lunch in the buff

As the sun comes out, so do residents who like the simple joy of being naked in their own garden, according to a police force.

Upset neighbours of residents who loath clothes have been complaining to police in Reigate and Banstead, prompting the force to give advice on how to skirt around the issue.

Budding naturists are encouraged to have a chat with their neighbours and explain that they: want to sunbathe without clothes, have no wish to offend them, will be discreet and hope they will not object.

Writing on Surrey Police’s Reigate and Banstead Beat Facebook page, a spokesperson advised that the force would investigate cases of indecent exposure or outraging public decency.

A spokesperson added: “Confining your naturism to a part of the garden which can be screened from the view will obviously solve the problem.

“If none of the above is possible, you will have to decide whether your desire to be naked in your garden is more important to you than being on friendly terms with those around you.”

But nakedness among neighbours goes both ways it seems, and the spokesperson also advised: “On the other hand, no one has the right to spy on you.

“If you find that your neighbour is leaning out of an upstairs window or standing on the top of a step ladder in order to see you then he or she may well be committing an offence.”

(I think the most important part here is: talk to your neighbours. People are more accepting when you simply tell the truth.)

Heat and the smart of being nude.

Heat? Go nude. It’s smart.

I hope you know. I’ve mentioned this before in other posts. I think this is so important that it can withstand another mention.


In the last weeks it has been very hot here. More so than usual, which I am sure happened in many places.

We all know what that means. People in sweaty clothes, air conditioning and frustration over the heat.

Not so much with naturists.

Because naturists have this built-in tendency to be smart.
Smart about the weather and how to adjust.

Air conditioning.

air conditioningA.k.a. a power-devouring machine to keep clothing cool. That’s what most people don’t realise; they think that the air conditioning keeps them cool. Nope. It cools the clothes you wear. And only that, in turn, will cool you down. See the twp-staged problem here? Most energy of the air conditioning goes into the wrong things: the air of the room and your clothes. Get rid of the clothes and you eliminate most needs for an air conditioning.

Naked, nude, clothes-free.

This does the trick. No cloth around you helps your body breathe more freely. Heat quickly becomes a thing of the past. Of course there are situations that even in the nude, the temperature can become a problem. That is when you can still turn to an air conditioning, but a decent fan will go a long way already then.

That’s how things work for me anyway.


This is the best environment. Hot? Go outside. Find the shade. Shade cools down the air beneath it many degrees. That makes life a lot more pleasant. Being outside also has a health benefit (sunlight, vitamin D, fresh air).

The ones who know all this will by now nod their heads off. Sorry for that. Maybe next time I’ll write about neck protectors. 😉 Still it’s good to remind everyone about this. Even when the world at large isn’t clever enough to know what’s best for a body: we know this!


The subtlety of non-nudist beach goers.

The subtlety of non-nudists.

non-nudists, clothed beach-goersDo you know it? When you’re in a clothing optional area and the non-nudists are all doing their subtle best to look at you while trying to hide their curiosity?

It happened to me over the last few weeks when I was on vacation.

Canary Islands.

The Canary Islands are Spanish territory and as such every beach is officially clothing optional unless signposted differently. I went out several times for a nice walk along the beach close to the hotel, down to the two RIU hotels that are located over 2km away from Corralejo and back.

Beach map with walk outline

Over that stretch I saw lots of nude people. Perfectly fine, as I was ‘dressed’ in the same manner. How else? Also though, lots of non-nude people were there. It was almost painful to see all their attempts to sneak looks at the naked people walking by, lying in the sand or swimming in the ocean. Painful and pathetic. Heck, no one there carries their eyes in their pocket. For me it’s okay to look as long as you don’t stare. I look at them too (although not for long, why would I?).


NudistsI’ve mentioned this before. Nudists and naturists are far more honest about their life than non-nudists. Nudists know what people look like. There are two genders and each one is basically laid out the same for everyone who’s a member of that gender. Some parts are bigger, smaller, rounder or longer. Who cares? We’re all human.

All different.

Also underneath all the clothing that some prefer to wear, even when it’s far too bloody hot for that. Everyone knows what a man or a woman ‘has’ beneath these fabric bits. And for some reason the non-nudists insist on remaining ‘ignorant’ and sometimes pretend to be shocked when they notice a person who’s not afraid of all that.

After several walks over that beach it was almost getting to me, so I decided to go blind regarding them.


Boy with shorts at beachOn one occasion I saw something that almost made my eyes fall out.

A little boy was playing in the sea, dressed in shorts and a far too wide t-shirt. He kept coming out of the water and was running over the beach. In a strong wind.

I really wondered how long it would take before that child would get sick in the wind, wearing those wet clothes.

Maybe I know nothing about this but I wouldn’t want my children (if I had any) to run around that way…


Clothing Optional Nudist.


Clothing Optional Nudist
Nudist group on MeWe. (Note: this image is clickable!)

In case you wonder about this image: it’s a snip of the banner from a group on MeWe. MeWe is a rather unknown social media platform totally unlike Facebook. Where Facebook collects and sells everything you put there, MeWe leaves your things where they belong: with you.

On there I’ve found a nudist/naturist/clothing optional group. It feels like a good group, one with the right attitude. Porn mongers and other unlikable characters are removed to keep it a safe and sound environment.

Being clear on do’s and don’ts.

To make things clear from the get go:

Naturist/Nudist pictures in a Naturist lifestyle setting is always welcome, feel free to post, but any pictures with the sole focus on sharing genital pictures will be removed.

Enjoy yourself otherwise.
Please partake, share information and ideas.
Its more fun when everyone pitch in from time to time.

Not everyone is comfortable with nudity, not everyone is comfortable with their own bodies. Believe in yourself. !!

If you’re here to talk to true Naturists, hopefully gain a better understanding of the lifestyle, then I welcome you to this page.

Whatever your sexual orientation, no discrimination will be allowed.

Please note: Any member who don’t treat the ladies (or men) with respect, or by sharing dick pics, making lewd remarks etc will be banned and blocked without a second warning.
This is the first warning.

It’s that simple. If anyone is looking for a good place to hang out with nudists without having to be careful with images like at Facebook, Google+ and lately also on Pinterest (I know because my account there got killed), this might be worth your investigating while.


Accounts on the Internet
Accounts, accounts, accounts

Yes, you’ll need an account on MeWe. Just like everywhere online these days.

If you don’t like setting up yet another account I suggest you move away from the Internet. 😉

Will we see you there?

Clothing optional

It won’t cost you much. Just some time to get your account set up and the (simple) application to the group. We don’t let anyone join just like that to warrant the safety inside as much as possible.

Naturists and their clothes


Clothes storeA few weeks ago I was out as I had to get some new clothes. At times even naturists/nudists need to go through that. I don’t know about you but I hate clothes shopping. These places are usually very busy and at the same time they go against how I feel about their merchandise. I usually don’t want to wear clothes. Another reason against them: the price. Good grief, it’s insane what you have to pay for even more simple things if you want them to be comfortable.


I don’t know how it’s where you live but even when the temperatures rise way above what’s necessary to be naked, I see people who dress like it’s wintertime. A while ago it was 22C (71.6F) and very sunny here. On the way home I wondered why I hadn’t driven most of the stretch in the nude. Outside the car I saw people in thick, black winter coats and one man actually wore a wool hat. In the sunshine. I thought to myself that he was overdoing it, without his mittens. What’s wrong with people these days, acting like that?

Body temperature.

I know. I’ve said this before. Clothes are good to keep your body temperature at a certain level but they are at the same time very good at fooling your body to think it’s cold while it’s not. Because only parts of your skin are exposed to the real world and the rest of your body is nicely close to boiling inside your clothes, the difference is large and makes a body think it’s cold while it’s not.

UndressingMany of you probably discovered the odd awareness that you start feeling warmer as soon as you’ve taken off your clothes.

That’s exactly what happens then. Initially you can feel cold because the (close to) overheating parts of your skin as suddenly exposed to what seems to be cold air. After that has regulated itself there’s no longer any cold.


Is naturism natural or is it a fad in people’s minds?

Is naturism natural?

According to the blogger at The Sovereign State it isn’t. (Note that this is an article from August 2009.)

The writer of that blogpost claims that we were never meant to walk around naked. His statement to prove this is that, “if this were the case, we would have developed fur. We didn’t because we were smart enough to make clothes“. (See second paragraph in the article.)

The second paragraph claims: “In other words, had there existed “naturists” in these latitudes a few thousands years ago, they’d have simply died out.”

There are quite a few comments added to that post, some clearly from naturists.

The basic idea of clothing.

We put on clothes to be warm. In that view the writer of that post is entirely correct. What he seems to ignore (as so many others who are against anything naked unless perhaps it’s porn) is that little bit “to be warm“.
As we all know, most people live in areas that aren’t cold all the time.

Some people even live in areas where it’s never cold, like in Africa or Central and South America.

Does that mean these people, who are known to be naked, are wrong? Should they wear clothes because their naked, naturist appearance isn’t natural?

Lustful eyes.

Another paragraph in that post gives me a lot of reason to believe that this person shows something about himself instead of the average naturist:

I really don’t care if people choose to make themselves look ridiculous by adopting a naturist lifestyle, but some people drag their children into it and that’s what bothers me. Of course they argue that there’s nothing sexual about their perversion, but this is just wishful thinking. Their children, teenage girls most worryingly, are exposed to lustful eyes.

Anyone who reads this and feels him-or herself a proper nudist or naturist will cringe at this. “Ridiculous” isn’t how I feel when I wear no clothes. “Free” is much closer to it. One more chalked up for ignorance and prejudice, folks.

I’ve seen naked children at nude beaches and at resorts. I’ve yet to find kids who are happier than they, despite the watchful eyes of their parents and other adults who look after them. Oh, I mean lustful eyes of course.

Clothes are great.

I’m serious. But only when the conditions call for them.

When it’s hot we don’t need them. Unless you think that an air conditioning system is natural.