Naked meditation – 2. Meditating

Hello there. Ready to learn a bit more about meditation? You’re at the right place then. Do note that this series of posts is going to cover a few very simple and basic ways to meditate. Ways that anyone can do.

As I said before you need a good place to sit, with as few distractions as possible (none would be optimal) and some time. More about time later though, let’s first get at the real thing.

During these meditations you will sit.

Sit up straight but comfortable. It’s best not to cross your legs and hands or fingers so your blood flow is not blocked. Note that this is merely advice. If you really need or want to cross fingers, legs, eyes or anything else worth crossing, do so. Also sit up with your head up straight. Don’t sit in a way that you can lean your head back. That will trigger falling asleep very easily.

Meditation doesn’t look like something active but it is. It’s an activity inside you and that’s an important place to take care of.

The first meditation.
Sit down and close your eyes. Breathe in and out a few times and relax. This is an important introduction to the meditation. Once this is a habit, your body and mind will respond to it quickly and the relaxation will kick in faster. Now you are ready to do the actual meditation.

With your eyes closed and your breathing calm, slowly count from 1 to 7 in your mind. That’s all. Well, of course that’s not really all. The trick is that you don’t force yourself to count. Just count. 1… 2… 3… 4… 5… 6… 7… 1… 2… 3… oh, I need to think of the laundry/groceries/anything… damn, I’m not counting.
Yes, you will encounter something like this. That’s okay. Really. The reason that this happens is that our minds are forced to be active and ‘on’ all the time. The moment you start this simple counting your mind gets bored (trust me, it won’t take long) and it will start pouring out all kinds of stuff. It’s normal. When you do notice that you’re not counting don’t get angry. Just breathe in, breathe out and 1… 2… 3… 4… 5… 6… 7… 1… etc. More thoughts will come. An itch will come. At some point you’ll probably hear something. Don’t worry. Accept this things, acknowledge them and then go back to breathing and counting.

Time. clock-20mins
There are 2 bits on time for meditation. One is: how long, and the other is when. To start this exercise you should plan about 5 minutes. That may sound short but this is new and you may get twitchy after a while. Remember: you are probably not used to sitting still this way so there is no need to overdo it from the start. Give it time. Once you feel it gets easier you can add time. Go for 7 minutes. 10 minutes. And suddenly you will find you can do this for 15 minutes. 15 to 20 minutes per session is good. Less is also good. At least you are meditating, and meditating means you’re scraping away at the layers of stress you’ve been accumulating over the years. Each scratch at that is a good thing. You are teaching yourself to be calm, silent, serene. You relax at a core level.

Note that you should not set an alarm for this. Alarms are clocks that force you to do things. You should not force the end of your meditation. Glance at a clock once in a while. If you meditate ‘too long’ that’s fine. It won’t hurt you.
Then the when: once a day is good, twice is better. A morning and an evening session is optimal. Of course you won’t always be able to do this but if you really want it and you start feeling the benefits of it, you’ll automatically want to reserve some time for meditating.

The end.
Once you end your meditation, sit still for another few minutes with your eyes closed. Feel how you feel inside. Stretch your arms and legs. Get the blood flow active again. Then open your eyes and start doing your usual things.
Congratulations. You’ve just meditated.

Next time (should be next week) I will tell a bit more on the background of meditation and introduce another form for if this one doesn’t work for you. In the meantime try to practise this form.

Are naturists the real freethinkers?

I’ve been pondering this. In a world where you find promotion to be the same, beautiful, following the same screams of fashion and think the same thoughts, it takes a lot of guts to step out of the defined order.

As long as everyone is the same, do all they can to ‘fit in’ so they are part of the collective, there is a good handle for ‘higher up’ to get and keep control on the people. It’s where people become sheeple, all in the same colour of wool, and all saying beeehhh to the same tune.

They are part of the Borg collective, so to speak, all in the same hive, all under control of the Borg Queen.


And then there are these people who don’t conform to that all the time. Who take off their clothes and are naked among each other. Everyone in their own skin, colour, size, shape. Scratched and scarred, yes, but also honest about their appearance. Beautiful in their own way

Is it strange that The Thinker by Rodin (pictured here) is naked as well?

Naturists don’t always feel the need to fit in. They step out of the defined borders of ‘normal decency’ to keep their bodies covered all the time, preferably in the prescribed colours and fabrics of a lower Borg Commander.

That is why I wonder… are naturists the real freethinkers?


Naked meditation – 1. Preparation.

Yes. You probably all have heard of nude meditation. And you probably are all aware of the nude factor of it as that’s easy to achieve if you’re a regular on this site.

But what about the rest? This meditation thing that people mention? How do you do that?

Is it the stuff where you tie your (naked) body into knots, wrap your ankles around your neck and all that other painful-looking stuff?

Nope, none of all that is needed for meditation. Some people do it because they can. Some forms of meditation need it as it’s part of the practice. I want to help you in getting a peek into a simpler form of meditation, something you can do nearly anywhere.

What do you need for a simple form of meditation?

1. A place to sit comfortably. No need to hang from a stick or stand on a sacred rock on one leg. Find a place where you can sit without being disturbed. If you can find a place without distracting sounds/noises, even better. A backrest? No problem. Just make sure you can sit up straight, which is good for your spine.

2. A technique to meditate. Again, this is not going to be a difficult thing. I’ll outline a few easy ways to meditate for you as I write more about naked meditation. (Most of it can be done dressed too, but you know, clothes… meh…)

3. The desire to meditate. Meditation may sound cool and fun but you may find that after a few times it becomes difficult. I know, that sounds odd for something that’s supposed to relax you but the thing is that many people’s minds are not used to deep relaxation any more. The mind is kept active 24/7 these days by all the stimuli we get from TV, Internet, ads everywhere. Once you breach that hurdle though, you’ll start feeling the benefits.

Are you game?

The Scientific Reasons Why You Should Just Always Be Naked

This is a full repost of a great article. Find the original at

Show a man with a gun… it’s called action. Show a man with a dick… it’s called indecent.

There’s something wrong with the way Americans have come to accept almost every aspect of the human condition except for the most natural one. We’ve accepted guns, drugs and violence, yet refuse to accept bare breasts and genitalia.

Put a man killing and raping women in a movie and it may go on to win an Oscar. Put a naked woman on the screen, and it won’t be allowed a nomination (take “Blue is the Warmest Color” for example).

We’ve become so desensitized to everything, but the one thing that makes us human. We’ve come to accept almost every negative aspect of human nature, yet refuse to condone the most natural state a human being can be — the nude.

With the recent craze of the health benefits of sleeping naked, I couldn’t help but wonder if there were more benefits we’re missing out on by always covering up.

Are nudists colonies onto something? Are we depriving ourselves of essential nutrients and benefits due to our perversion to the human body?

What would happen if we accepted our bodies the same way we accepted everything else? What would happen if we stopped covering up and started stripping down? What would happen if we all just let our bodies hang out in the open and didn’t hide them in dark worlds of porn, indecency and fetishes?

According to Matthew Westra, a psychology professor at Longview Community College in Missouri, “Nudity is a taboo in America because we primarily equate nudity or nakedness with sexuality and we have taboos about sexuality.”

This association between nudity and sex is exacerbated by the use of strip clubs and pornography that have come to represent a wrongful or sinful type of behavior that is only achieved in the nude.

There’s no denying Americans are prudish by nature. There’s also no denying, however, that if we could get past our childish perversions and accept nudity as a basic and natural human form, there would be a lot less “deviousness” and fewer obsessions with the human body — and we could all just stop caring so much about it.

When clothes come off, so do the stigmas

Things are only taboo because we make them that way. People only go searching for something they can’t have because its “illicit” status makes it intriguing.

If men, however, were exposed to nudity on a normal, everyday basis, they wouldn’t fantasize and obsess over it the way 14-year-olds do at the sight of their first breast.

According to Dr. Conrad Manning in his paper “Virtues of Nakedness: Physical & Psychological Health,” “By making nakedness an ordinary, matter-of-fact, common experience, unassociated with sexuality, the unhealthy prurient interest in pornography would be considerably lessened.”

Imagine if men were desensitized to the female body. Imagine if they didn’t feel the need to rip a woman’s clothes off to fulfill some fantasy they’ve created in their minds.

Imagine if men stopped putting all their time and energy into seeing women naked and just learned to live side-by-side with them?

Fewer clothes, fewer problems

Imagine if we lived in a world where bodies weren’t hidden under layers while models with “perfect bodies” ran around half naked? Imagine if we all just looked at each other the way God made us without any implications or idealized notions of the perfect body?

According to Manning, it’s our clothing that creates our insecurities and inability to accept and love each other the way we should.

We put materialistic value on the human form and it’s created mental illness along with body dismorphia and an undesirable environment for humans to live and communicate within.

Early exposure means early acceptance

Like anything, most of our neuroses and phobias form during childhood. But what if we’d grown up in a nude household? What if we’d been taught from a young age nudity is natural and the human body is beautiful?

Studying these effects in their book, “The Naked Child: Growing Up Without Shame,” Dennis Craig Smith and William Sparks found that children exposed to nudity from a young age became either unfazed by the human body later in life and sometimes, psychologically stronger because of it.

More studies were done on this topic. One study published in the Journal of Social Psychology by Marilyn D. Story examined 264 children and their parents. The results proved children raised around nudity grew up with a higher body self-concept.

According to Story, “coming from a nudist family played a more significant role in the children’s positive self body-image than their race, gender, or area of the country in which they lived.”

Baring your body means banning bacteria

In another paradox, humans donned clothing to keep away parasites and filth, yet only created breeding grounds for different types of infections and disease.

While clothes may seem like a way to keep the dirt off, we’re really only harming ourselves more.

In the study “A Naked Ape Would Have Fewer Parasites” published by the University of Reading, “Lyme Disease deer ticks can grab onto our sweaters and sea lice can sneak into our bathing suit crotches.

Cinched-up belts, ties, and clothes impede breathing. Men’s snug pants raise testicle temperature, lowering sperm count and fertility.”

Along with infertility rates and Lyme disease, clothes also contribute to yeast infections and UTIs in women. They are creating problems by trying to eradicate them.

Naked today, alive tomorrow

What if I told you shoes were causing you to lose brain function? What if not wearing shoes meant decreasing your risk for Alzheimer’s? What if stripping down the clothes meant adding up the years?

According to  Dr. Norman Doidge, “Going shoeless is now recognized as an anti-Alzheimer’s, brain-boosting activity because the sole sensation entices your brain into growing extra, efficient neuron connections.”

It seems arbitrary, but walking around barefoot increases brain flexibility. It doesn’t just make you feel young again, it makes your brain feel young again.


Reblogged: nakedly refreshed

by hontouniheart on June 19, 2015

Originally posted on clothesfreelife:

Last night I had an amazing time being out with a small group of women and sharing from the heart. Every now and then, the group of us get together and catch up on the latest changes in our lives. In the past, I have talked about some things, but last night, I really opened up and talked about things I never thought I’d confess to others in all my life.

This level of openness I credit to my clothes free life for a number of reasons. Firstly, being willing to sit with myself and see my truth, rather than run away from it or ignore it, is due in large part to my practice of being clothes free. I find healing peace is letting my truth breathe.

 Secondly, seeing myself clothes free and living my daily life clothes free has boosted my confidence. You know, I used to look in the mirror and think, “Yeah, I look OK, but as soon as I get those extra few pounds off and fix my hair and suck in my gut, that’s when I’ll really be there.” Now, I don’t place conditions on my beauty or awesomeness. I am wholly and completely beautiful and awesome right now, head to toe, inside and out. And that attitude is beginning to shift how I speak and share myself with others. It’s not, “I’ll be beautiful and great when I have my life together.” No, I’m beautiful, powerful and awesome right now even if I’m a hot mess, even when I make mistakes.

Thirdly, some of the things we, as a clothes free community, talk about with regards to public nudity laws and people’s reactions to our discussions of being clothes free or naked outside are actually helping me to be more mindful about how I share myself with others. We talk about some of the negative ramifications of being caught naked, including folks who immediately turn it into sex and impose upon others their sexual comments or images; shaming from family, friends or strangers; loss of jobs; incarceration and so forth. Being naked in heart is also a huge risk. Indeed, I had, perhaps a month ago, confided something in one woman, and she betrayed my confidence. In the same way that not everyone is ready to deal with clothes free life, some people don’t know how to respect or honor a naked heart. So, while I am feeling more powerful, confident and open about myself from my clothes free life, I’m also discerning more carefully when to take my soul’s clothes off and with whom to be naked in spirit.

Finally, having been clothes free in the presence of others now and seen how it can heal and inspire (see posts where I wrote about my mom and friend for instance), I am seeing how important it is to share openly and deeply, with discernment of course. I spent a lot of this year being secretive and closed off, worried about what people would think of me with regard to many aspects of my life. I just didn’t know who I could trust. But that hiding also made me feel hopeless and alone. Last night, in this trust circle, we women opened up to each other about some very intimate things on our hearts, and it was so healing and freeing to speak about our experiences. I was so freed up once I shared about things in my life, and it moved the others to hear me share. And I was incredibly touched and inspired by their bold and honest shares. We were so supportive of each other, and I left the gathering feeling free, empowered and grateful, and the others echoed similar sentiments.

This morning I feel refreshed and renewed after a night of healthy sharing with a great group women. It felt like our naked hearts spent hours at a clothes free spa just washing out, healing and being.

Perhaps the best post ever.

I know, this raises expectations. Be the judge yourself.

A while ago I posted about my neighbour who found out I’m a nudist and that I like to go around naked in my own house. He does not want his daughter and her kids to see me naked. Last week I was changing the bedding. I was naked. It had been very hot (93F) the day before, and the night hadn’t been cool either so I had opened the window and the curtains to air the place. Then I heard kids. I turned and saw two children I had seen before. At the local nude beach. They’re brother and sister, 8 and 10 I think.

Kraayenbergse Plas
Local nude beach

I know them and their parents. The kids recognised me and said they were visiting their grandparents next door with their mother, and they were playing outside on the gallery. Their grandma had told them about my cats (they sit looking out the bedroom window quite often) and the kids asked if they could play with them.

I said that was fine if their mother had no problems with that. They went to ask and mom was fine with it. I was already grinning, because clearly this lady’s parents didn’t know she was a regular at our local nude beach.

The kids came in and asked (!) if they could take off their clothes as well, “because we do that at home too”. Of course, go ahead, but I told them to be careful with the cats; their claws are sharp. The kids had a good time with the cats, I finished the bed and then their mother called at the door. She came in and we had a nice talk. She seems a bit stressed about her parents and them being opposed to anything showing skin more than a finger or a nose. They had told her (actually warned her) about me. She thanked me for allowing the kids be the way they liked to be and then they left.

This encounter still has me laughing. I’ll probably run into the family again at the nude beach and I am not sure if I can keep back my laughter when I see my neighbours again.

Books on naturism

Alright dear naked readers,

Nude in SpaceI need your help. I’m looking for books that include naturism/nudism in a decent way. A bit like the Naked Crow books I’ve written. So far I’ve found “Naturist, Red in Tooth and Claw” which was an entertaining book (despite the horrible editing and the mistakes in it), and also a book by Robert Longpré about travelling to Santiago de Compostella, “A Small Company of Pilgrims“. The last book on naturism I found and read was “Being Naked“, a short but very honest and wonderful read. Do you know of other good naturist books? I really want to know because I’m curious how many decent books about naturism and accepted nudity are out there.

Thank you for your help!

Driving in Germany. Naked

Did you know that driving naked in Germany is not forbidden? Now there’s no law that actually states you can drive around naked but as long as you’re able to drive your vehicle in a safe and controlled manner you’re fine.nackt im auto

You may have a problem on your hands when you’re in an accident and you weren’t wearing footwear. Breaking hard can be painful on bare feet, this makes you were not able to drive your car safely and that’s where “the shoe hurts” then.

Note that this is only applicable for being inside your car. Once you get out you should either be dressed or in a place where you can’t offend other people by being naked (for instance a spot where there are no people, or in a nudist area).

Vritomartis: New Renovations with Improved Services and Quality

Crete, Greece – Vritomartis Naturist Resort opened its doors for many excited naturists on April 24, 2015 and will continue to provide quality services to many more until closing on October 26, 2015. With over 161 beds in 85 beautifully crafted rooms, Vritomartis strives to have accommodations to satisfy all individuals.


This last year, recent renovations took place in public areas such as the pool bar, restaurant and the reception area. Smaller renovations also took place in other areas to offer modern, beautiful, relaxing and eye-appealing accommodations.

Vritomartis Newly Renovated Reception

As Vritomartis General Manager Nikos Dourountakis quotes: “We tried to modernize our facilities without losing our traditional character“.

Along with the renovations, buffets have been improved to feed the mind and soul with quality ingredients being the heart of their menu. Much of the nourishing food provided is local. In fact, much of it comes from our own olive groves, vegetable gardens and even our own animals.

Other incredible public areas include the pool area, bar and lounge area, mini mart and sports area. With all of the variety of entertainment, shopping areas, excursions and sports events, you are sure to be entertained during your stay. Or if you are coming to relax, our accommodations promote this as well.

Vritomartis Renovated Reception Area

Improved Services and Quality

To guarantee hotel services, food quality and consumption safety meet the requirements of international standards, Vritomartis was given a QS Quality Service Certificate in both entire hotel operation and hotel food provision departments. Also, in addition to providing quality services, potential and current guests can now search our website at ease. With the addition of an SSL certificate to our website, communications between your browser and this site are completely private and secure.

Per TripAdvisor, Vritomartis Naturist Resort was provided with a 2014 Certificate of Excellence and was also named 2014 TripAdvisor’s Traveler’s Choice for Romance.

New Naturist Blog

A new blog all about Vritomartis has been added to our website. Here you can read reviews related to activities or accommodations and receive the most current Vritomartis news to keep you up to date on what we are doing for you.

Also, upon viewing our blog you can receive information about our contests, exciting activities and unforgettable excursions. If you are curious to know more about our trips, photos can be viewed here as well.

We encourage our visitors to actively participate in our blog. Comments and reviews can be shared as well as videos and photos etc. of your activities, trips and excursions during your stay at Vritomartis.

Whatever your reason for choosing Vritomartis Naturist Resort, our accommodations and quality of services offered are sure to exceed your expectations.


To learn even more about this incredible naturist getaway, visit or email