News about the naturist’s trial

Delftse Hout. Sign states “Nude recreation”

The Dutch NFN (organisation for Dutch naturists) has taken the step to demand that all charges for all the naturists are dropped that received a ticket for being naked on the former nude beach in Delft. (Original article in Dutch here.)

Despite the many acquittals the NFN is not pleased with the verdict of the judge. The criteria of 150 (other/dressed) beach visitors is completely arbitrary and practically unmaintainable and for that reason it should be withdrawn. The adequacy of the beach can’t have changed all of a sudden because of a number. All the fined people as well as the NFN state that the beach was perfectly suited for nude recreation at the moment of the fines and they wish to see this affirmed in an appeal.

Naturisme en kinderen

Kinderen in het naturisme.nudism kids

Altijd een ‘hot’ onderwerp, omdat de wereld zich zo graag druk maakt over kinderen en hoe we ze veilig moeten grootbrengen.


Daar ben ik het trouwens helemaal mee eens, begrijp me niet verkeerd. Toch wil ik een lans breken voor het naturisme en de kinderen van naturisten. In plaats van angstvallig weg te worden gehouden van alles wat een beetje met bloot te maken heeft, zonder de grote dreiging van kinderporno en andere vieze bedoening, kunnen de kinderen van naturisten probleemloos naakt rondlopen, -rennen en zwemmen.

“Kinderen op het strand.”
Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida, 1908

Kinderen hebben geen moeite met naakt. Wel eens op gelet hoeveel heel jonge kinderen zie je gewoon naakt ziet op geklede stranden? En is dat voor hen een probleem? Absoluut niet. Dat ‘probleem’ ontstaat pas als de ouders het bij hun kind ontwikkelen.

Hoera voor het naturisme, waar kinderen niet overal met dat probleem te maken krijgen.

Naturism and children

Children in naturism.nudism kids

Always a ‘hot’ subject, because the world loves making a fuss about children and how we can raise them in a safe way.


I entirely agree with that, don’t understand me wrong. Still I want to praise naturism and the children of naturist parents.Instead of being kept away from anything that might resemble nudity, without the imminent threat of child porn and other filth, children of naturists can walk, run and swim in the nude without any fear.

“Children on the beach.”
Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida, 1908

Children don’t mind being nude. Have you ever seen how many very young children are entirely naked on a beach? And is that a problem for them? Not at all. The ‘problem’ occurs when the parents create it.

Hooray for naturism where children don’t have to deal with that problem all of the time.

Naked Yoga School (over 200 episodes)

Did you ever try naked yoga? Did you every try yoga at all? It’s not about being flexible enough to put your leg in your neck while standing on the finger tips of your left hand. It’s about becoming and being healthy. Have a look at Naked Yoga School, with over 200 episodes of exercises. There has to be something in it for you!

Note: be careful, try the exercises at your own risk. They are labelled in difficulty; don’t start with anything advanced when you’re not advanced!

Nudism and topless bathing in Malta

Malta. Many people know where it is and what it is. Many don’t. Malta is a small country in the south of Europe:
Malta photo Selection_009_zps25fbdbda.jpeg

The country covers just over 316 km2 (122 sq mi), making it one of the world’s smallest and most densely populated countries. (Source: wikipedia)

When it’s so small, why mention it on, a blog about naturism?
Because naturism isn’t allowed in Malta. Unbelievable but true, in one of the warmest areas of Europe there is a small island that is set on keeping their people dressed and… warm. Topless sunbathing is also a no-no in Malta.

There are a few beaches in Malta where people go to enjoy nudist and naturist activities, but these are few, and when you get caught wearing nothing you’re certain of a fine and perhaps even have to face the authorities. This is all very bleak when you consider that the Maltese government has declared a number of beaches dog-friendly (source Times of Malta). For some reason dogs are entitled to their own beaches, while nudists have to resort to illegality in order to maintain their lifestyle.

One would think that a small island like Malta would also appreciate tourists. Well, with their attitude to nudists and naturists, those will stay away from Malta, I’m certain. I for one won’t go there. I like my nude places, and when Malta can’t supply that I’m not going there. That means they won’t see my money. Too bad for them, as Malta seems to be a very pretty island.

If you’re inclined to go to Malta anyway, there are three significant unofficial places to go. They are listed here on NetNude.

Naturists in Malta are sometimes risking their lives to go to secluded beaches because they lack access to normal nudist friendly beaches, and many secluded spots currently used for unofficial nude bathing have dangerous accesses. It is not the first time that people are hurt accessing such places.

The Maltese Nudists are doing their best to make nudism and naturism legal in their country. When interested, visit their Facebook page. I wish them good luck and support their case. It’s a sad thing to see that the smaller a country is, the smaller also the mind of its government. This is even cause for ironic moments, like this that I found on

Labour MP Marlene Farrugia’s incident at Gnejna in a spot used as an unofficial nudist area in the summer highlighted the need to legalise naturist areas in some spots on the island and provide better access to such, naturists said in a statement.

Dr Farrugia had to be rescued by the Civil Protection Department last week after finding herself in difficulties at Gnejna Bay surrounded by jellyfish.

The naturists wrote to Dr Farrugia saying that due to a lack of personal freedom, naturists in Malta are forced to use spots where she was stranded.

“Many people have hurt themselves accessing these places including some serious incidents. Non sexual naturism is perfectly fine in all of Europe and most of the world. We should not remain a backward thinking country and we urge the government to be truly liberal and not partial.”

“Giving rights to some groups while ignoring the freedom of choice of others is not the way to engage in full civil liberties,” the naturists added.