A writing update from P.Z.

P.Z. Walker writing

Yes, it’s that time of year again. Or month. Or some other, less fixed period of time.

I have a writing update. Lots of things are happening and going on, even unfolding! Did that get your attention? Good.

Nude in Space 2

Yes. Believe it or not. There will be a follow-up novel to Nude in Space, which technically is book 1 now.

Nude in Space 2, web cover

And this is the cover for the new book. I hope the fans of the first story will enjoy this second one at least as much. Seeing that people actually buy and read the first one made me decide there has to be a number 2, and who knows, maybe there will even be a number 3. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

I’m currently editing the second story – which is going well – and I might even be able to have the e-book in the online bookstores around Christmas. I’m going to try, trust me.

Naked Crow 11.

Yes. There is an 11th book for Sheila, Jeremy and several others. Some characters will be old, some new, and at least one of them is going to be scary.


The story will involve something Arabic-ish. Hence this odd symbol which I will incorporate into the cover for the new Naked Crow book.

I’m not going to give away much about it, because once I start talking, I might give away the plot. Suffice to say that Jeremy will be painting and Sheila will have lots of interesting encounters. This story is in the stage of needing a reread to fix the worst blunders, before I dare to take this any further.


Yes. I’m writing a proper story about nude superheroes. I once wrote one but that was not good. It was… wrong. Some would not agree, but I didn’t deem it fit for publication, and I hid it somewhere deep in the directories on my computer. Some stories just need to function as a terrifying example of how not to do this.

The new, real Superheroes story is going well. It’s over 50.000 words and it needs to grow. The working title of it is “NSH”. This stands for Naked Super Heroes.

Emma Nelson. Book 3.

The art of stealing
Emma Nelson book 2

Seriously, this list won’t end.

Believe it or not, but there is a third Emma Nelson book. I wrote ‘the end’ in it a few days ago, and now it’s cooling down.

As I had promised, I would focus on this story during my vacation, and that seriously paid off.

This one, nor Naked Crow 11, will make it to the stores around Christmas, I can promise you that. There’s still too much work to be done about them.

I hope you enjoyed this update.

Stay safe, everyone!

Nude swimming is a wonderful thing

Hey folks.

Did you miss me?

I was gone for a week and I loved it. It would have been even better had the week been a month, but sometimes things just don’t happen the way we want them to. I’m sure you know how that feels. (If not, let me know how you manage that.)

Ocean beach
Ocean, Canary Islands

During that week I went out for a swim in the ocean. Some of you might live next door to an ocean so for you it’s probably not a big thing, but for many others, like me, it is. Going into that enormous expanse of crystal clear water (see above picture), knowing that almost all that water is connected to the rest of the world, is quite an experience if you stop to think about it.

When I got into the water, I was prepared for it to be cold. Oceans tend to cool down at the end of November. Still, it wasn’t too cold for a swim (not even for me!). I loved it.

There was a swimming pool at the place where we stayed. That water was definitely too cold. I still wonder why that wasn’t just one block of ice.

The ocean experience, though, was fabulous. I realised that I was in touch with that water, water that was in touch with all other places in the world, give or take a few.

I wasn’t in the water alone. There were four others, also entirely nude, enjoying the early morning swim. It was a fabulous experience. (Unfortunately my girlfriend wasn’t there at that moment, she had to tend to something personal.)

Next time we’ll swim there together. Naked. In that big water.

Emma Nelson goes on vacation

Emma Nelson 1 - See-Through
See-Through – Emma Nelson 1

No. She doesn’t. I do. I go on vacation, and I’m taking Emma Nelson with me. Of course that’s not her in person, but the third story I’m trying to keep going.

I think I made comments about how hard it is to write crime stories before. In case you missed those:

It’s bloody hard to write good crime stories!

Just so you know. The third story is slowly moving along, but that has to change.

That is where vacation comes in.

The art of stealing
The Art of Stealing

I’m off on a vacation at the end of this week. I’ll be out of the country and on the island of Fuerteventura, to be with a special person who is not Emma Nelson. Still, there will be time to write, because a day without writing is a day without writing.

My plan is to only work on the third Emma Nelson story while I’m there, to see how much of a kick in the naked butt I can give it. I’ll be gone for a week, which should give me ample time to get some text down on the typewriter. (In fact it’s a laptop, but I type on it to write, so that makes it a typewriter. 😉 )

There probably won’t be Sunday Noon Nudists and a sort of weekly post next week, unless something amazing happens, so you’re warned.

Have a great day, and keep it nude when you can.


The games people play

First off: I am not a ‘gamer’. I’ve tried to play video games a few times and they confuse me, annoy me, bore me and whatever me. I’ve found that some that look interesting are impossible for me to try because they depend on colour a lot. Being colour blind doesn’t make that a big pile of laughs, but I’ve lived without games for over 60 years. I’ll survive the next 60 without them as well.


What I’m wondering about, with the weather in the Northern hemisphere going south (insert laughter again), is two-fold.

Do naturists play games in the nude? And also, are there games that show actual nude characters (without going into the porn sector of things, obviously).

Nude gaming

This sort of answers my first question, and I’m not really surprised. Of course naturists will game naturist-style if they can. As far as video games and board games goes, there’s no limit to what can be done. Almost anything done dressed can be done even better in the nude.

Which gets me to part two of this post, and that’s where I will need your help, dear reader. (You are reading this naked, aren’t you? 😉 )

Are there naturist games? Games with naturists in them?

Nudity in games
“Gods of War”

It seems that there are plenty of games that show nudity. There are even people who think there is too much nudity in some games. Now, I doubt this is the kind of nudity I’m thinking of.

So that is why I ask you, here, in all honesty.

Do games with a naturist setting exist? Seriously, I don’t ask this for me. As I already said, I’m not into games. I’m a writer. But I bet there are lots of naturists, nudist, nakists and other -ists out there that would appreciate one or more video games that are in favour of their (our) lifestyle.

Researching this as I write this article, I suddenly came upon this site. PCGamer actually has an article about “Metal Gear for nudists: free action game Sabotage”. The article links to https://warpdoor.com/2019/10/10/sabotage/ from where there is another link to https://deepnight.itch.io/sabotage where you can play the (old fashioned looking, atari-style) game online!

Nudist video game
Screenshot of the online game ‘Sabotage’

It even has the old-fashioned game computer sounds.

Such fun, I hope this makes someone happy. And if you know of other nudist-friendly games, please share them in the comments, for others to enjoy!

Stay safe, stay naked!

Nudies down under

You may have guessed it. This post attempts to put the spotlight on naturism in Australia, and perhaps also New Zealand. Let’s see how far I can drag this out. 😉

Without a doubt, naturism is popular enough in Australia. There are plenty of Australian websites dedicated to naturism, there’s an Australian nudist podcast called The Naked Nerd, and on all the social media that allow nudity (i.e. Twitter and Mewe) you can find lots of naturists from down under as well.

As we all know, Australia has its special charms, in the form of creepy crawlies. Getting naked there requires some additional attention for those creatures, I would assume. Note that I’ve never been to Australia, so I have to rely on the tales of eye witnesses and other experience-experts.

Naturism in Australia is popular enough for its own magazine: TAN Magazine.

TAN magazine

I’ve scanned their website for a bit and I found lots of interesting articles there, for instance about problems with naturism vs. your loved ones, something on art, naturist communities like the Townsville Naturist Community, and much more. I was actually pleasantly surprised about this magazine!

Australia also has a Naked Gardening Day:

“Grin and Bare It” isn’t just about that though, it’s an extensive series of videos, well made (I watched a few) and ‘safe’ enough to be hosted on Youtube. It’s worth having a look.

And, of course, Australia has its own Naturist Federation. This shouldn’t surprise anyone.

Australian Naturist Federation

For more information on Australian naturism, please head over to the website of the Australian Naturist Federation.

And if you want to dive right in, follow this link to a site that lists the seven best nudist beaches in Australia.

(Sorry, New Zealand. Maybe next time…)