Bank robbery

This might surprise you. Bank robbery on a nudist blog? But yes, that is where my mind took me.


We all know this view from TV or so:

your typical bank robber in a mask, waving a gun and demanding money while wearing nondescript clothing.

And that, my dear, naked visitors, is the point. Nondescript clothing.

What would happen if a bank robber would enter a bank, hide behind a big plant or something else convenient, and strip naked apart from a mask? (Faces, after all, are a great way to recognise people.) In today’s society I think that people would be more shocked to see a naked body than all the guns. And when the police come along and ask ‘What was he wearing?’, they might not get beyond ‘he was naked’. And that while we all know that there is so much you can tell from a body – if you’re not afraid to look at it!

bankrobber 2

What is your opinion about this? Would naked bank robbers have more elements of surprise? Would they stand a chance these days?

The disadvantage of nude exercising

I thought that would get your attention. Yes, there is a disadvantage of nude exercising. You feel it the moment you go to the gym. No nude exercising there…

Gym. Dressed. Sweaty. Smelly.
Knee lifts
Naked knee-lifts.

I have taken up doing naked morning exercises since a while. A month at least. Every morning I do a number of exercises which usually take 5 to 6 minutes.

They feel good, they make that I feel good through the day. Yes, only 5 minutes a day. But once a week I try to go to a proper gym where I want to work out for an hour or more. And that’s where the pain begins. Stuff on my body which at least 6 mornings a week isn’t there.

Naked sit-ups

Not only is the stuff I  wear there quickly too warm and wet (which in turn makes it smelly), it’s also restrictive. Sports clothes up, down, left or right, they’re clothes, and clothes are by default limiting movement.

Naked push-ups

Doing exercises naked is much better and feels better. Nothing pulls and yanks, nothing hinders you in any way.

For that I’m glad I can do this mini-workout every morning. Naked. With nothing bugging me.

A naked gym in the area for those who want that. Wouldn’t that be nice?

The squeeze

Clothes give you the squeeze. They really do, and nudists/naturists know that. Unless you walk around in a kind of tent that people will think is improper stuff (well, that’s their problem, but still), and nudists don’t want that. Even clothes that seem to fit quite well when you’re standing will cut off some part of your body/circulation when you sit or kneel down.

clothes too tightFor those who are clothes addicts that might not be a problem (after all, people can get used to all forms of BDSM) but each time I have to move around in clothes it’s clear: these things are not comfortable. And the more I notice, the more I’m convinced that these fabric inventions are good against the cold (I’ll be the last one to disagree on that) but why people insist on wearing them when it’s warm enough to go without… In the woods…then I’ll take naked.

Naked Planking on Twitter

Yes, it seems to be a trend! Naked Planking on twitter.

Clothesfreelife posted about it here. I’m game, of course:

If you care to join the fun, or see more about it, have a look at this search on Twitter. If you post a planking picture, do let me know. It’s a great exercise for your core and I’d like to cheer you on.

More naked plankers:

And a radical here:

Europe’s winter

Let’s be honest: in most parts of western Europe this winter’s a laugh if it wasn’t such a sad thing.

Many people think that naturism and winter doesn’t mix. I’ll grant you that many opportunities aren’t the best during winter, but with a proper winter when there’s snow and a day with sunshine, there are still things you can do. For instance you could go for a hike:

Naked snow hike

It may sound mad but if there’s no wind this is actually quite nice.

If there’s a proper winter and some lake around you could also do this:

I’m not entirely certain if I’d be into this, although I’ve once participated in a frosty New Year’s dive. These things are fun to do.

This year’s winter is a never-ending rain shower combined with too much wind. The combination makes it very unlikely that (m)any naturists go out for hikes, walks or so, as the temperatures aren’t up to level for that. Roll on, summer. I can live with you.