Author: Paul
Nude exercising is the thing.
I’ve said it before, and many others already know that it’s the best. Nude exercising.
Now Basingstoke personal trainer, Helen Smith, has caught on as well:
AN EXERCISE class for people in the nude launched its first class on Saturday.
The Nude-ercise session, run by a personal trainer from Basingstoke, takes place every third Saturday of the month at Nursling Village Hall in Southampton.
The first class saw 10 people follow instructions from trainer Helen Smith, who is also a member of naturist group British Naturism and runs the hour-long class for a price of £8 from 5pm.
Helen, 35, said: “I think people are starting to embrace naturism more and more.
“The idea behind it is that it’s your natural body and there’s nothing sexual about it.
“The main benefit of exercising naked is that you can really see what the instructor is doing in the exercises.
“You also don’t have to think about washing sweaty gym clothes after the class.
“People are required to pre-register by emailing me and to show ID at the beginning, just for everyone’s peace of mind.”
The class featured participants between the ages of 33 and 70 with the activity being described as a gentle boot camp.
It included jumping jacks, sit ups and partner work. Helen left her job as a recruitment consultant two years ago to become a full-time fitness instructor and was inspired to become a naturist after visiting a nude beach in southern France.
Helen said: “I was on holiday with my partner and we turned up at a naturist beach and thought ‘let’s do it’ and it was a really enjoyable afternoon.
“People are starting to embrace naturism more and more. “In this day and age you have pop stars wearing scantily-clad clothing and on the other hand you have things like naked bike rides.”
Other classes will take place in London as well as other towns including Reading, Guildford and Alton.
(Source: Basingstoke Gazette.)
Sunday Noon Nudist
I think he’s afraid the water’s wet…
Sunday Noon Nudist
Naturist cleaners??
Naturist cleaners
Yes, you saw that right. And this is not about ordinary naturists cleaning their own homes in the most comfortable fashion.
As I was looking over the information that Google Alerts sent me the other day, concerning all kinds of things about naturism, there was a reference to ‘naturist cleaners’.
The headline:
Women in Croydon wanted to clean homes while naked
I found this odd. Many people may think this is a cool idea but not me. I see things differently. I went to read the article (you can see it for yourself at
This proved me right.
Women apparently can make £45 per hour for cleaning. That is a lot of money. They have to do it in the nude though. Is it surprising that most of the clients of the company offering this are male?
Some clients prefer to stay dressed and just watch our cleaner or just want a nude cleaner to have a different experience
Yep. That is typical for naturists, right, wanting to watch a nude cleaner.
The lady running the company offering this service states that most clients are naturists themselves, which is a good thing. Still I can’t shake the feeling that this isn’t the way this works.
What are your thoughts?
Sunday Noon Nudist
Best effort, involuntary stereotyping
I keep seeing it and it keeps surprising me. Stereotyping. It is (actually it was) very visible on my Twitter feed. All those people posting images of nudists and naturists. Not themselves, of course.
They post pictures of young, fit, happy people in the nude.
Mainly young women.
You may wonder why I think this is wrong. Let me explain.
When I go to a nude beach, a naturist resort or a clothes-free sauna, I see all kinds of people. The thing is: least of all I see the young, fit, nude women that are splattered all over the naturism promotion feeds.
Instead I see the kind of people here on the right. The older, balding, not so slim, not so fit one. The people with wrinkles, who have been nudists and/or naturists all their life without giving a damn about how they look. They have the right attitude. Don’t make everyone think that your body becomes young, fit and pretty once you pretend to be a nudist or naturist. That’s not going to happen, not now and not in thirty years when you’re even older and wrinklier (unless someone comes up with a happy pill that does it for you).
Be a real naturist. Go naked because it makes you feel good. That is the happy pill we have now, and it works on another side of you. On the inside. The mind. Having the right mindset will make your mind, your spirit young and fit. And you have the benefit of real freedom, inside and out.
Twitter feed
As I said, my twitter feed had a lot of those images.
It doesn’t anymore. I have stopped following those picture-cannons which spread false images and ideas about our life style. I don’t agree with them so I don’t need to see them.
I’m convinced they feel they’re doing naturism a favour, otherwise they wouldn’t be putting so much effort into all this. I’m also convinced they’re missing the point and attracting the wrong audience.
Sunday Noon Nudist
Coffee or tea? As long as you’re having fun!
Digambara. The naked monks.
Naked monks.
Yeah, that got your attention, didn’t it? Naked monks. Yes, they exist. In India.

I was very surprised to find information about monks who are not allowed to wear clothes. Clothes are seen as embellishment and these monks don’t embellish themselves.
This sounds all sweet and wonderful, but there is more to being a nude monk than not wearing clothes. If you love your big screen TV, kiss that goodbye when you become a Digambara monk.
There is a Jain text that says:
Salutation to the Ascetic (Sādhu) abound in faith and knowledge, who incessantly practises pure conduct that surely leads to liberation.
— Dravyasaṃgraha
Naked monks in Nepal
Attitude and… weather.
It may be obvious that you need the right kind of attitude to become such a monk as you have to give up all worldly goods. You need to beg for food and you can own only the fewest bits of man-made utensils. A Digambara monk is allowed to keep only a feather whisk, a water gourd and scripture with him.
Also make sure you live in the right region. When you’re in an area where it gets cold it’s smart to choose another occupation. One that has heating and/or clothes.
Information for this post mostly came from Wikipedia and Quora.
Sunday Noon Nudist
Happy Newd Year!