Baring it all. Down to the feet.

We probably all have heard about it and / or know about it. Walking barefoot is good for you.

Often the reasoning is: when you’re naked already, why not go all the way and get rid of the shoes. I recall I wrote about this some time ago.

It still is true what I wrote in that post: “barefoot feels more naked”.

Since then (which was 2014, blimey) I have been experimenting with going barefoot in lots of places. Unfortunately I have to decide that going barefoot everywhere is not for me. Maybe not yet, maybe not ever. In my house and on grass I’m fine. My feet like it. On rougher grounds however, no matter how short the distance and how much I practice, it’s not working for me.

I gave it as many tries as I could over the past years. As long as the weather was acceptable, my feet got the opportunity to get used to all kinds of surfaces and I didn’t start with pebbles, trust me. I read up on the tips on Walking Barefoot, followed some barefoot-walking people on Twitter and nothing seems to work. My feet have the last word in this and that word is ‘no’.

There is a tonne of information on how to do it, what to avoid and all that. Maybe I will give this another try next summer. It’s definitely getting too cold for my feet now: a combination of the wrong temperature and the wrong surface is a no-no for me. And if I never make it to walking barefoot on anything rougher than grass: so be it. I made it to my current age with shoes. I’ll probably make it to the end of it that way too.

Power to you, all barefoot people. It’s great that you do what you do. But someone has to keep the shoe manufacturers in business! 😉

A writing-update

It’s been a while since the writer in me spoke out to update you on the world of stories and the likes.

P.Z. Walker writing

I’m working on far too many stories.

This is a true and a false statement in one, of course. False because there can never be enough stories. As I once read, the world needs more story-tellers and dreamers. In that respect I am doing my best to add my words.

In the true sense this means that, though there is progress in every story, it seems to take forever to get something done and finished. That’s something I have been thinking about. Would it be better to focus on one story, get that done, and then focus on the next? Some may say yes, some may say no. For now I am in the no-camp…

So what’s going on?

Naked Crow 9 is beginning to take shape. I’m at chapter 3 as I write this post (which is in the past hahaha, I love how you can manipulate time online). It took a lot of researching for me to find something that I hope will be interesting. For me to write it definitely worth the while.

Unsworth part 3. I already know the title for it, which I won’t tell you now as that might change. My way of writing allows for such flexibility. 😉 So far the story ambles along nicely. My trusted word-advisor Mr Bun says so as well, which should be enough of a quality certificate.

Murphys in Space part 2. That is going slowly. I have a lot to think about regarding that one, but it is growing. The thinking comes from the space parts in it. I don’t want it to be the thirteenth-in-a-dozen kind of space thing where you already see what’s happening before even seeing the cover image of the book. Bear and bare with me, it will come.

Emma Nelson 1 - See-Through

Emma Nelson part 2 is also slowly taking shape. I am only 2 chapters in with that story because this is mystery sleuth stuff and I am not very good (at least not experienced) with that. It will take place partly in Dallas, Texas (just adding that for good measure, maybe there is another Dallas somewhere), and the story will shed some light on Jo-Anne’s absence in book 1.

And then there is something which for now is called Crazy Pictures. It’s a superhero fantasy story that somehow popped up in my head and so I had to start writing that.

So there you have it. 5 naturist volumes are on the roll at the moment so plenty to look out for in due time.

Be well, happy and as naked as you can!


The advantage of being old and wrinkled


I kid you not. There is a big advantage to being old and wrinkled. To being “beyond repair” from modern industry that tries to beautify and rejuvenate everyone in order to flog their products too.

When you reach that age, there is not much advertising bugging you. You are how you are and you accept it. That might be the reason why there are more old than young people into the nude lifestyle.

When you reach that age, most people don’t want to look at you any more so what the hell, might just as well be as comfortable as possible. When old joints aren’t cooperating, can you imagine how welcome it is not having to put on clothes, or shoes?

Your blog host

I know that many people don’t know but I am approaching 60. Next year I’ll be there, and I’m happy with that. I have never given a wet fart about how people see or look at me. Maybe I’m weird in that fashion, or just a mental hippie, but it is how it is.

If people don’t want to see me, fine. Then I won’t see them, which works both ways. Perhaps it is because I hate advertising with a vengeance (I don’t watch great youtube videos if I have to first sit through a stupid ad), but I have no problem with old people being old, or even young people being old. This craze that everyone should have the body of a 20-year-old, with silicone-filled boobs and viagra-supported erections, all in the name of youth… blargh.

Give me old, wrinkled, happy and nude over fake youth, plastic surgery smooth skin, depressed and never wearing the right clothes. I met most of my best friends on nude occasions, in sauna’s, nude beaches, nude resorts etc. And they don’t care either.

Here’s a cheer to naked friends. Old and wrinkled. And without a care.

Indoctrination of the dressed and how to regain confidence.

Clothing store

We all know this view. A clothing store. Most of us have been pushed, carried or taken there since our youngest years because ‘you have to wear clothes’. The religion of the cloth, with temples in every mall or shopping street.

Clothes are ‘normal’. The norm. This because most people have no better idea than to do what they were told from a young age. Those early years, when the mind is most malleable (and yes, I had to look that word up) decide how people will be most of their lives.

Sunday Noon Nudist
Mother and child

If you had naturist parents, lucky you! Then you learnt from a young age that clothes are optional, even when that is less optional than you might like. Most people, however, will never think of stripping for their physical comfort. The programming of a body and certainly a mind goes far.

Can you believe how glad I am to meet someone who has decided to give this naked life a try and who found that it’s great? Having the awareness that this is an option, despite everything the fashion industry throws at us, is fabulous. And when the person in question then says that, yes, at first it was scary but soon discovers that the naked life actually gives her confidence (yes, it is a she)… That is grand.

Confidence is a great good; one that many people lack, deep inside. I wish more people would give the naked life a try, and discover there is more beneath their clothes than what they are hiding.

Happy heart
Happy heart

We all know this. Body confidence is a great good, one that I have addressed on this blog plenty of times – but never enough. Each time when I learn of someone who discovered this ultimate freedom in nudity, my heart is happy. Happy for this person who (often) finally, after so many years, overcame the peer pressure of having to adjust to the norm. Of finally finding the courage to engage with proper liberty, the unbound feeling of no restraints on the body.

Peace and love to each of those people, young or old. Good for you. Welcome. I applaud you.

The question in genital. (a.k.a. Picture this.)

You have probably come across this kind of picture: low camera stand-point, ‘model’ sitting straight for the camera, legs spread, full frontal view of the genitals and, oh, right, the rest of the model is there too.

Lynx browser

Seen it? Yes? I thought so. No? Where have you lived all these years, or are you browsing the web using Lynx?

This is almost the kind of picture I am referring to. Sorry people who are hoping for a full frontal shot of my penis, it’s not in the cards for you today.

Maybe it’s just me, but images that show naturists and nudists who feel the need to spread their legs and show their genital area take things a bit too far. Many of such shots can be done without creating pictures that can be adopted for the porn industry.

There is not always a need (if at all) to show ‘the goods’ just to prove you’re entirely naked. As in the image up there. If people want to kid themselves into thinking I was secretly wearing boxer shorts (urgh!) and I carefully hid them, so be it. They are not the audience I have my blog for anyway.

Right. This is my take on things. What is yours? Do you think that the emphasis on genitals, even when it’s perhaps not intentional, is necessary to show nudity?

Simply selecting a different position of the camera will already do a great job on taking the emphasis to the entire body, not just the genital area.

As usual I am curious about your ideas, experiences and visions.

Have a great, nude day, everyone!