On the joy of being naked
Nudity is permitted beyond this point.

Harvey Jackson


Harvey Jackson cover
Harvey Jackson and Chrissie, his wife, are dedicated naturists and both have a very ordinary job.

Exactly that naturist way of life gets Harvey and Chrissie into a situation they'd never have thought of in their lives when they discover vampires at their naturist resort. That is the signal for vampires to appear from all sides. Good ones, bad ones, dead ones and living ones. A very bad one is out to get to Harvey, who has to rely on the very people who got him into this predicament.

To stay alive they have to be on the run, and they end up in strange places.

Which places? Follow along and find out!

Find the e-book at Google PlaySmashwordsAmazonKoboApple and Barnes&Noble. There's also an audio-book at Google Play.

The paperback is available through Amazon as well.
