Dream body
Yesterday I was onsite with a customer. On the way home I listened to the latest Naked Nudist and Naturist podcast, which is always good fun. It was a streak of something (luck, call it whatever) that the talk with Rob the bearded naked yogi was about body acceptance when I passed a place that advertised "Your dream body".
I thought to myself: "What is a dream body?" Something you dream of having? And what if you finally have it, regardless how you attained it (plastic surgery, fitness, diets, add whatever means you find appropriate)?Will you dream of another body and go on a chase for that? More plastic surgery, fitness, diets, and whatever?
And after that? The whole show again?
Let's stick with the real bodies, please. We're all how we are. Accept how you are, or work towards that goal in a responsible way, a way your body can sustain.In general, as my experience goes, naturists appreciate the you who is inside that body, even if it's not a dream body. In fact, various people with (their) dream bodies that I've met (which are only a few) had little to nothing to say. They were just there to show off their dream bodies. Lots of tinsel and no content. That doesn't mean all 'dream body owners' are like that, but I often get the feeling they're only (or much more) concerned with the outside instead of the inside.
That's a sad thing, because over time they won't be able to sustain that outside. Then the inside is all that counts..