“If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.”
― C.S. Lewis
I heard this quote in a podcast. It struck me.
Because yes, it's true, especially looking at nudism. We all have this desire, and this world can't satisfy it. Are we made for another world?
I strongly feel like that, quite often.
Oh, sure, I have the liberty to be nude at home, and also outside in the right places, but this requires going to those right places. I know this is a privilege, compared to many people who have no such places near (or far), and who are sort of restricted to some nude time in the bathroom, which is a far cry from their desire.
They, too, are made for another world.
Because it's unlikely that anything in this world will satisfy this desire to be our natural, naked self wherever we want in the near future. (Although we seem to head towards the world of Nude in Space faster and faster...)
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