On the joy of being naked
Nudity is permitted beyond this point.

Why this new site?

You must have noticed the drastic change.

The question, perhaps, is WHY?

  1. Slowness. The old site was getting too slow. More and more add-ons and plugins took a heavy toll on the performance. Also for the management side of things I was getting annoyed, having to wait for 5 to 10 seconds for something to load.
  2. Cost. The site is popular with hackers and such. Over 1000 hack and infection attempts per week had made me buy expensive security plugins to keep things safe, adding up to a cost of $250 per year. That is almost twice the cost for the actual hosting of the site, plus these plugins also slowed things down a lot. Also several other nice-to-haves came with a cost, adding to the expense.

I hope you understand why I changed the site to what it is now, and that you will remain a visitor. I hope to improve and prettify things a bit where possible. I understand that a number of nice things, like the "LIKE" button, are no longer available.

For the 2 main reasons above, I felt I had to make this change.

Thanks for understanding. And if you have a comment about this, please let me know!
