On the joy of being naked
Nudity is permitted beyond this point.

Amazing October

Last Sunday was one of those amazing October days where the sun suddenly came out and surprised everyone with light and warmth.

Smiling sun
This doesn't happen often enough, so it was a delight to spend some time on the balcony, wearing nothing but a smile and enjoying the warm rays - even though they disappeared around the corner quickly.

There wasn't a need for sunscreen. Actually, had I taken time to put that on, I'd have missed most of the sunshine!

No, it wasn't this kind of weather, but I think with the summer we had, there is nothing we should complain about. We had no insanely hot days (like the 40+C days we had a few years ago), and that's perfect. Plenty of warm and very warm days, which allowed me to remain naked for the longest time in history. (My history, mind you.) This is a huge advantage of working from home.

Another set of good things for me now are my infrared heating panels. They're amazing. (Yes, my apartment is entirely gas free now.)

The panels spread a cozy warmth, like that of the sun. So different from a gas-powered central heating system. One of them is over my desk, and it's so warm that I can work in the buff when I want to. (And who doesn't want to!) Of course, online meetings ruin the fun a bit, but that's shirt-on, shirt-off.

Today was a great sun-day again too. Amazing, actually, that we have 21C / 70 F in October. I'm definitely not complaining!

Saunas, prepare. The time to visit you has arrived.

Stay well, everyone!
