Henry Murphy and his family face all kinds of challenges. From housing problems to confrontations with the government, nothing goes easy for them.
The appearance of aliens make things even more complicated, and at some point Henry wonders who he can trust, who wants what, and who are the dangerous guys in this game that's unfolding around his family.
Join the Murphys and find out what is going on with Freedom Beach, strange beds and shuttles. You may even learn a thing or two about alien technology.
Henry and his family find themselves on a small spaceship that is taking them away from Earth. After a stop and another start, the trip goes past Saturn, into deep space. The Murphy family does their best to fit in with the others. Suzy enjoys piloting, Mark learns a thing about farming and matters of the heart, and Hannah discovers her scientist side. Henry gets a job that resembles his old, traffic controller job a little. It's just on a bit grander scale.
After an interesting journey they arrive at Ballata, the home planet of Derlan, Heron and Rajin, and all their other friends.
Once there, however, odd things happen. Will the Murphys be able to keep their senses with all that goes on around them? And will Henry be ready to deal with the strange discovery he makes when he visits the village of an ancient Ballatayan civilization? And where do these mutants come from all of a sudden?
The Murphys have settled in well on Ballata. Everyone has something to do - except Henry. Wherever he looks, others are already doing what needs to be done.
A bit frustrated, Henry starts exploring the planet, first from the comfort of home, later with and without company in shuttles. Discoveries suddenly pile up everywhere, and the Ballatayan population learns a lot more about their history.
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