On the joy of being naked
Nudity is permitted beyond this point.

Robots and Aliens. Superheroes book 2.

Cover of Superheroes book 2.
Superheroes. Robots and Aliens.

Jody and Pat are finding a bit more stability in their superlative lives when Samuel and Mariana invite them to come on a trip with them. The researchers want to find out more about the artifacts they'd stored in Warehouse 51.

That trip reveals more about lots of things than anyone had expected.

Another surprise comes in the form of an enormous robot which gets stolen. You get to guess who're going to look for it. Join the superheroes team, and fly through this book to find out what happens!

Find it at AmazonKoboApple BooksBarnes&NobleSmashwords and Google Play. The paperback is available via Amazon and Draft2Digital. An audiobook version is available via Google Play.
