On the joy of being naked
Nudity is permitted beyond this point.


On the joy of being naked.

P.Z. Walker

Think of the children!

This is a hot iron and it's in too many fires. Think of the children. A while ago I found a brilliant comment on that somewhere. I don't remember where. Unfortunately, I don't remember where. This means I don't have it any more. But.. I…

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P.Z. Walker


Now who doesn't like free stuff? Nudists and naturists know exactly how free free feels. Yes, I did write that, and it's true. We embody the clothes-free life, to feel free, and we want to be free in doing this free stuff. For this reason…

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P.Z. Walker

Social. Again. Last time. Promise.

Can't help it. If you're done with social media talks, stop reading here and go on your merry, nude way. Many people still stay there, because they know the place, they have their friends and naturist community there, and as long as they don't look…

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P.Z. Walker

Dragon House. Next Saturday

Yes. Coming saturday, the 13th, a new book comes out. And so it's time to lift a tip of the veil. Here is... Welcome to the world of Harmon and Fidelma, Dragon Lord and Dragon Lady, where dragons haven't been seen in hundreds of years.

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P.Z. Walker

Something new

I am trying to come up with something new. Something new to write. Fans of series are always looking forward to the next book in their preferred serie(s), I know that. I have some of such series as well. Writing those sequels is fun, no…

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P.Z. Walker

Clothing optional

We all know it. Clothing optional. Many are proponents, many are opponents. I find my own stance on it shifting. I once read a comment by someone, stating: A clothing optional beach is like serving burgers in a vegetarian restaurant At that time I agreed…

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