Home office, nude office

Nude at home

I’m sure that many of you (us!) have been working from home for the most part, the last year. How did you like that? Were you able to get into the swing of ‘home office’ easily? And did you have the opportunity to make it ‘nude office’ as well?

I’m a lucky one in that respect. I work in IT, specialising in Cloud technology. That means I can do about 98% of my work with a computer, from anywhere, as long as there is some internet connectivity. Just occasionally do I have to pack up and head out to a customer’s site. Some things require hand-on hands.

COVID-19 now seems to be mostly contained in many parts of the world. That means that offices are opening up again. I really wonder how you feel about that. Especially the ones who are required to head back into the office.

Traffic Jam
So happy together?

I heard from several areas, e.g. even Google and Apple, that their employees have asked if they can please keep working from home. I fully understand that. Maybe many of them are naturists who appreciate that they don’t need to get dressed to get to work. People who also don’t have to flood the highways and join the happy commuter’s traffic jams.

On the other hand I heard that people are glad to escape their homes again. Glad to drive their car, bus or train to and from work, as if that is a portal into the work-mode and back to home life.

Which tribe are you in?

Nuding from home

Odd title, huh? Yes, leave that to me.

But really, I love it. Nuding from home for me is working from home in the nude. The main portion of the word ‘nuding’ will make it clear what the most important part is there.

Workplace goodness

Honestly, this is one of the best things that came out of the entire COVID misery for me personally. And I pity the people who don’t have this liberty. I know there are many of you out there who can’t enjoy this freedom in your own house. If you have to go out to work, you’re totally out of luck (unless you work at a naturist resort, I guess).

This has become so normal for me that it has happened more than once that I forgot to put something on in a video meeting with people. Now the camera doesn’t catch my nude lower body, which is “good”, I guess, but the few times this happened made me realise how crazy this whole ‘no nudity’ thing is.


Things get even sweatier when you know that summer is coming on the norther hemisphere. (Sorry George Martin, you keep Winter. Summer’s mine / ours!)

No need for air conditioners to keep any clothes cool. If it gets ‘bad’ I will turn on the fan and I’ll be fine. I’m a fan of fans, so to speak. 😉

I had to go out to work at customer locations a few times this past week. It was bad. Clothes and temperatures over 25C (77F).

Of course, work needs to happen, but… clothes… seriously?

News from a ‘social distancing’ naturist. A week of working from home.

Coffee, nude on the balcony
Nude coffee on the balcony

Let me tell you that the last week (officially 1.5 weeks) has been an interesting one.

Working from home isn’t new for me, so that was easy to get adjusted to. Being able to grab a coffee and enjoy that naked outside is a new perk of this situation. I don’t do that all the time because we still have a very chilly spring, but in the afternoon this is definitely a very enjoyable possibility. Since I live on the fourth floor (fifth for American readers), I’m in a safe zone, away from other people, which is definitely good.

Laundry day
Laundry day, naturist style

Something else that I have found is laundry. Working from home means I don’t have to put on clothes. Which means the laundry basket is only filling up with towels and a few pairs of socks. Yes, laugh all you want but wearing socks means I don’t have cold feet.

And doing laundry naked is another good thing, although that’s not something new for me. Being a naturist, there is hardly another way unless it’s too cold to be naked. Let me add that I haven’t had the need to run a load of laundry since I started working from home. The few towels and socks don’t warrant starting the washing machine, which is a sign that naturism is good for the environment. No washing water, no detergent, no electricity needed for the machine or the tumble dryer (if you use such a contraption). Less wear of the clothes, so no need to replace those quicker either.

Work meeting
When I see the clothes, I shudder by now

A good thing too is that I don’t have to be dressed to join meetings. It’s simply a matter of not having the webcam on when I have to have a talk with a coworker or a customer. Who knows if the person on the other side is dressed or not. I honestly don’t care. We get the job done, and that’s what matters. I don’t need more proof that professionals can be naked and do their job; I’ve noticed that more than often in the past years. Clothes literally only add fabric, nothing more.

Perhaps you are new to working from home and it all feels a bit uncomfortable. I have found a link for you with a bunch of tips (32 of them!) that actually work. Because if you have to work from home, make sure you have the best setup you can manage.

And don’t forget: anything worth doing well is worth doing naked!

Cleaning windows, naturist style

Stay safe, everyone. Be naked, happy and responsible.

A good thing with a bad thing. The nude and the virus.

You’re most probably facing the same thing I am. The invitation of your (local) government to stay home as much as possible.

Yes. It’s annoying, depending on where you are. In many places of the world you’re simply forbidden to go outside unless there is a strict need, like grocery-shopping, medical attention, walking the dog, etc.

Here in the Netherlands it’s not that bad yet. We can still go outside for a breather. Groups are not allowed, and people have to stay 1.5 metres / 5 feet apart. I understand that.

Nude, coffee, sunshine

I’m making the best of it. Since there is no one in my home who complains about me not wearing clothes, I go nude as soon as the temperature is nice in the living room. (We’re having quite some night frost lately, which isn’t usual for March any more.)

And so I enjoy the morning sun, drink my coffee and do my work.

Yes, the restrictions that are in place aren’t the biggest joys ever, but doing it this way, it’s not a punishment for me.

It’s also interesting to notice that, for me, not very much changes in this pandemic virus situation. Of course, I don’t drive to work every day, which is different, but not being a very social person now has it’s benefits. I don’t have the need to meet many other people on a daily basis. Actually, meeting so many of them during a normal office day is very draining for me, so in a way this is a great relief! I’m fine with being alone – I’ve been doing that most of my life.

Working nude on the couch
Working on the couch. It’s a great experience, definitely when you can do it naked!

How are you coping with the lock down, if that’s applicable for you? Are you bored? Going crazy? Desperate to be around dozens of people, even from a distance?

I’m very curious how long all this will go on. China reports fewer cases and people can go out again. It took them 2 months of rigorous lock down. Let’s hope we can get through that with less strict rules, but we’ll see!

Have a good day, everyone, and stay naked if you can. Let your skin breathe.

Do you know the (perhaps) strangest nude job ever?

You might think that a person ironing clothes at a naturist resort has a strange job. Maybe you can come up with something that, for you, is even weirder.

Let me tell you about something I learnt a few days ago.

Henry 8

For this we have to go back to the times of Henry the Eighth in good old England, around 1520 CE.

In those days people loved to eat, and eat well, especially in the courts of the royals. That food had to be prepared.

A fine tradition for meat-eating England in those days was roasting animals on a spit. You all know the contraptions; close to a fire and turning the spit before one side is black and the other is raw.

Back in those days there were no electric motors, so turning the spit was something done by hand. And who could do that better than children?

Yes, no one was scared of child labour in the swinging 1600s, so kids were recruited to work in the kitchen, turning the spit. The positive thing was that they were off the street, warm and near food. The negative thing was that ‘warm’ was taken to extremes because the spit was very close to a fire and so was the spit-turning child.

Naked in the kitchen

Yes, very often the children would be naked in the kitchen for that very reason. If they wore something like a loin cloth, that was often too much already.

Maybe it is clear already that not every naked job is one to be envious of, because the spit was large, the chunks of meat on them too, so the work was very heavy. Also, because the meat slab was so huge, the roasting took upto 3 or even 4 hours to get done well. Imagine standing near a blazing fire for that long, constantly rotating a spit. As a child.

Nope, not a healthy thing.

Adding clothing to the mix

At one point this practice came to an end. No, the children weren’t relieved of this job; they did well. The problem was that, at some moment, someone from the court entered a kitchen and saw a naked child.

Being the good royal, this was reported to Henry 8, who then decreed that funds should be made available to clothe those children. Which made their situation even worse…

Historic references

This turnspit practice is referenced in several works:

The boy was taken into the King’s kitchen and made a turnspit. – “A Child’s History of England” by Charles Dickens

You’re nothing but a turnspit. – “Misalliance” by George Bernard Shaw