Nudist dating sites.

I wonder if the way that some nudist dating sites are ‘promoting’ themselves is smart or rather damaging to the general concept of nudism.

As comments on an article about the World Naked Bike Ride in Clacton (UK) I found this:

My gut feeling says that this is not good for the image of nudism. What do you think?

World Naked Bike Ride – Byron Bay Australia – 2014

World Naked Bike Ride – Byron Bay Australia – 2014 from claire on Vimeo.

“This is a short film shot at the World Naked Bike Ride 2014 in Byron Bay Australia. Colourful footage and interviews with some of the participants, both local and from all over the world. I had so much fun shooting this event. Hope you enjoy it. Claire”

World Naked Bike Ride sets attendance record |

As reported on World Naked Bike Ride sets attendance record |

The sixth annual World Naked Bike Ride drew record crowds Saturday, despite the cooler temperature.

Approximately 1,800 cyclists in various stages of dress and undress pedaled 13 miles to protest oil dependency, raise awareness of cyclist rights, and to promote positive body images.

More on the site itself (link at the top). And yes, this is a bit dated, but still I thought it worth mentioning!

Naked message (From York Press)

Naked message (From York Press).

LAST year 122 cyclists were killed on UK roads.

Many were not seen by drivers who, in the collision, were themselves well protected. Over the next few weeks, all over the world, cyclists take part in the annual World Naked Bike Ride.

York will host its eighth ride on June 21, leaving Millennium Bridge at 6pm and following a six-mile route.

Earlier this year, the levels of atmospheric CO2 hit a record high not seen in four million years.

It is widely agreed that this 40 per cent increase since the Industrial Revolution is due to fossil carbon being released from power stations, cars and other trappings of modern life.

(More on the York Press site.)