Social naturist media

I’m curious which ones you use, and especially “Why”?

There are tons of social media out there in internet land. Sometimes it’s as if there’s a new one born every day.

Everyone knows about Twitter, which so far is a reasonably good naturist place. That is: until someone decides your account is bad and reports you to the censor bots. Once your account is slammed shut, good luck in getting it back. (Been there, tried that, opened a new account.)

facebook censorship

In less flattering ways people know of Facebook. It’s a huge, micromanaged universe (Metaverse :p) on its own, where porn and all kinds of nasty things are okay but honest naturism and nudism is banned as soon as it appears. As a naturist I don’t like the place and so I am mostly silent about it there. (Yes, I have an account there, to stay in touch with some family.)


More and more people seem to appear on Mewe, which is a rather safe place for naturists. More and more naturist groups are appearing there – which means that more and more perverts show up there too, under the guise of naturism.

Then we have Diaspora. Diaspora is part of a loose set of privately run servers that are all connected. As long as you mark your naturist posts there with the #NSFW tag, you’re good. There are almost no instances on Diaspora where you get banned for nudity or naturism as long as you follow their rules (which are quite sensible). No company here that dictates what is good and bad and Zuckerberg.


The same thing goes for Mastodon and the Fediverse. Mastodon etc. is another set of servers without a big company running them. It’s a kind of Twitter, that allows all the freedom, again as long as you stick to the #NSFW hashtag and you mark nudity image with a ‘content warning’. There is even a special naturist instance called “” where you can find lots of naturists.

Yes, I know all those places. I have accounts in many places. (If you want to know where, what and how let me know in a comment.)

What do you follow in naturist social media? And what do you get from those? Do you feel good there? Are you more ‘meh’ about them? How satisfied are you about those places and your choices, and do you know better places? Note that I’m referring to social media, not forums about naturism.

Let’s hear it!


Clothes and the fear.

For fun I post a quote on Twitter every day. Or at least almost every day.

A few days ago it was:

I wonder who wears the pants in a house full of nudists…

A clever reaction was:

Obviously metaphorical ones

To which I added:

Yes! Facebook (Meta) for clothes! Considering how allergic they are to nudity when it’s not porn.

facebook censorship

I thought it a funny pun on Meta-forical. Then I thought: what if this is true? What if they are so tight-assed about nudity out of fear? Their rules are impenetrable if it comes to nude things. They even remove images of naked statues, after all.

As long as they, and many other equally anal retentive organisations keep this fear-pressure going, they got you. (Oh, right, the latest edition of WordPress will not let me type quotation marks, so that is why you see none in this post.)

Their interpretation of a safe environment is so far away from reality in some ways that it is laughable, if it were not so sad.

For that reason I am very happy that Twitter, for now, is not such a place. Nor is MeWe. Even the Diaspora network is very cool with nudity, as long as you mark posts with the #nsfw tag. That will sort of hide the posts for people who do not want to see them.

Clearly not safe for work. But it depends on your job, right?

Fear is a powerful tool for places. As long as they can keep someone in their fear, by making someone feel stronger or better because s/he is not like that, they got them.

It is a sad thing that setting up a decent naturist social medium is a lot of work, and probably also quite an investment. This because most people are used to social media being free, so they will (probably) expect that from a naturist social medium as well. I only know of one such place, and that is Yes, I have an account there, but the last time I was there, I found that the place was becoming more sexual than naturist. Perhaps that has changed since then, but I did not have the time (and often also no energy) to go there and check things out. Perhaps over the weekend, who knows.

Do you know nudist-friendly social media? Maybe you can help kindred spirits to find a safe place to be.

Which, of course, takes naturism and nudity to the old places. Secret places, behind (digital) fences. The places from where we want to escape.

It is a difficult thing, right? How do you feel about this?

Have you heard of Mastodon?

Live Laugh Nude

I know. This image doesn’t look like much. It’s a browser tab. The initiated have already figured that out.

This is the tab where my “Live Laugh Nude” Mastodon-account lives. The link here is an invite link. Feel free to click, even if you’re just curious. There are no obligations.

What is ‘Mastodon’?

Mastodon is an open source, community driven, free social medium. There are no big companies who want to sell your data.

More and more people are running from Faceborg to Mastodon because of its open and friendly nature.

Live, Laugh, Nude

Live, Laugh, Nude is a “node” of the Mastodon network. It is based on the same principles as all of Mastodon but no one there is censoring your information (unless you talk about really bad stuff like child porn and terrorist crap). Many nudist people from Twitter are moving to this Mastodon server as well, since Twitter has opened a hunt on our kind of people.

If you’re curious: have a look. Don’t be shy. Don’t feel intimidated: the interface is a lot like Twitter in the simple mode, or Twitter’s “tweetdeck” in the advanced more.

Hope to see you on LLN soon!

Naturism on social prudia

Social prudia

I am sure you know what I mean. Prude social media. Did I hear someone say ‘Facebook’? Ding! Right in one. That one is, as far as I know, the most tight-assed, buttoned up place that allows murder and porn while being on a witch hunt against naturism, right?


They are against nude images that show ‘too much’.

This up here is too much. Totally unsafe. You can clearly see body parts. Something that Facebook is against, unless – under conditions – it’s meant to be art. They decide what is art. Or unless it’s ‘educational’. They decide what is educational. (See, you’re picking this up quickly!)

This up here is Facebook-Safe. I hear what you say: this is bonkers, mad, crazy, bull-shit, BS, insane, unreal. In short: this is Facebook.

And still there is a way, but you may not like it.

Yes, there is a way to promote naturism on social prudia. And you don’t even need to deface (I mean de-body) images for that.

Victorian bathing fashion

The way is to be smart about your images, or forget about images entirely. You can write a good piece on naturism, add an image of someone in a bathing suit and detail how insane such a piece of cloth actually is.

If you are into blogging and you really want to post the links to your blogs on a social prudia, make sure you are careful with the imagery. The hard part is that it’s difficult to predict which image will show up on a Facebook page. When you use WordPress, you can assign an image to be the main one but Faceprude can select a different one. You can work around that by removing the preview from the link. Or add a prude-book safe image to your post there, which will remove the preview and still you’ll have something to show.

But I need my images to express myself!

I know there are lots of people who desperately want to show the world how nice it is to be nude, using pictures. Do so, by all means, in the places where you can. Diaspora is cool, Mewe is cool, Twitter, for now, is cool. is a good place too. But Faceprude isn’t. You can spread the word there by doing exactly that: spreading words.

I thought I’d dump this info here, in case you are a dedicated Zuckerberger. I understand that – the whole world and their aunt is on Faceprude. If you want to tell the world there about your nudism, your naturism, your clothes-free lifestyle, use the right words and the safe images. Using images that show the opposite of what you want to tell the world is a good way, especially when they are funny.

Dedicate some words to the benefits of looking great in a bathing suit and how it keeps you warm in the water.

Sing the song of your people about the benefits of walking around in smelly, stinky clothes after a hike.

Be creative. Don’t hold back. Use what’s available.

Some thoughts on our friend. Facebook.

This post up here, it’s from 2017, made me think about the witch hunt on nudity by the various social media once more. Although… social? Apparently social nudity is not their kind of social.

Why do people still get so worked up about this? Of course, we all know these platforms (Facebook, Google+ and lately Tumblr as well) are wrong in banning anything nude but they are calling their shots.

Faceborg bans artists who post anything resembling nudity yet they have no problem with beheading videos. Tumblr had to be sold to a place that didn’t want naked bits and pieces.

It’s a pathetic sign of the times, and I am convinced that everyone in the naked-life circuit is aware of all that.

I think it’s smarter to focus on the places where nudity is no problem, like, Twitter and MeWe.

I’ve also located Ghost (link opens new tab) which might suit your needs.

This page mentions a few more options that might be interesting to you. Have a go, have a look and do report back what you found out!

A naturist’s view on ‘nudist groups’

How much is too much?

MeWe logo

This post is about, one of the new social networks that are popping up all over the interwebz. I’ve mentioned them before in this post about social networks that are nude-friendly. If anything, MeWe is that.

Great, so what’s the problem?

Granted, it is a luxury ‘problem’ but I do want to point it out. Since more and more people are fleeing to MeWe (even more since Google+ announced it will close it’s doors on August 2019), this means more and more nudists and naturists are heading over to MeWe too.

Tonnes of groups on MeWe

Now one thing that makes MeWe work, as far as I’ve seen, is that it’s great with communities and groups. There are loads of public groups you can join on a plenitude of topics.

With the current global mindset about nudity, groups regarding that aren’t considered ‘open’. We all understand that. This shouldn’t stop you from looking for nudist and naturist groups though. There are plenty of them.

And that’s where things get tricky

There are lots of them, and for some reason more and more people, probably with the best intentions, open new nudist / naturist groups and invite others to join those groups.

All very noble, but…

As you see, I am a member of 5 naturist groups at the moment.

(Everyone gets a free membership to MeWe News, which is read-only and it’s Hotel California for now: you can check out any time you want but you can never leave.)

As I am writing this, I have invitations for 4 more naturist groups waiting. I will however not join them, since it’s enough to try and keep up with those 5 groups. Truth be told, I am ignoring some of them because it’s just too much.

Imagine if I were to join those 4 others. Even more too much. I’d have to find someone to pay me for interacting with all of them because I wouldn’t have time for a job any more. Does that sound in any way familiar yet?

Don’t get me wrong: MeWe is a seriously great place for naked people. It’s just a bit of a bummer that so many well-meaning people are creating dozens (or more) groups, which isn’t helpful to create a more tight-knit naturist community.


I wonder if there would be a good way that INF-FNI would be able to get this organised. Since they are the international federation of naturists, I think there would be a nice opportunity for them to lay some more groundwork. Either that, or the local (country-wide) federations could set up camp there and create a kind of community.

At the moment the naturists on MeWe are becoming a group of shards that spreads out more and more…

A naturist’s view on nude-friendly social media

Nude-friendly social media. Really?

Yes. I know most of you have encountered the strange rules and shifting regulations on our most admired site Facebook.facebook censorship

I have tried a naturist-friendly approach there, trying to stick to their rules. I failed. Miserably and then some. Facebook jail for 2 weeks after what was perhaps the 4th post. The reason? An image of a statue of a nude male that showed from a post on this here blog. It didn’t even show genitalia. It’s not hard to understand, I think, that I deactivated my account there. Normal nudity is not okay there, but the amount of porn that goes around in that place is staggering. That’s okay. Nudism and naturism aren’t exciting enough I think.

So where are the safe places?

Me we groupsThe place I like very much at the moment is ‘Mewe’. You can find me there at Being a member of several nice naturist groups that are really naturist, so no porn and stuff, has proven the place good.

Note that ‘Science Fiction Fans’ is not a naturist group (just sayin’).

You can create an account for free and you get 8GB of space to upload images, videos, whatever. If you need more space you’ll have to buy that, but trust me: 8 gigabytes is really a lot if you’re not in the habit up uploading 4K, 2-hour feature films.

Another nice place is Branded mainly a site for creative people, ello also has no problem with nudity. For instance I follow the famous, Canadian naturist park Bare Oaks on Ello.

Images like this:

are perfectly okay on Ello.

Another site is Diaspora. Word of warning: this is a bit of an odd site and at the moment hardly seems to harbour naturists. After creating your account you will need to actively search for people to follow. Give it a try if you feel adventurous.

Not so much a social medium but a naturist forum is available at

Earth naturists

Inevitable question: are there more?

Do you know of places that are safe? Where naturists can be themselves and post images of themselves without feeling the hot breath of censorship? Please share them in the comments. The more, the better.

Anti-social media

We all know that Facebook isn’t the place where naturist topics and images are welcome. More than lots of people I know have been kicked out of there and it’s not going to get any better there soon.

Google+ is among the places where naturism is getting a harder shoulder too: my account there was once jailed for a month already and a few days ago I was notified that it will be suspended indefinitely. The reason, again, was pornographic and sexually explicit content. After the account had been restored the first time I hardly posted anything there. Last week’s Sunday Noon Nudist however was what broke the camel’s back it seems.

They are probably right. It is hard to find something more sexually explicit than a naked woman climbing out of the water after a swim. Outside even!

I’ll miss all the people at G+ but I’m never going back there. It’s not worth having an account in a place where you can’t be who you are. For now Twitter, Tumblr and the Nook will be my places of choice. And this blog/website of course.