It doesn’t stop. How nudity keeps being linked to sex and worse – porn.

Simply being naked is not about sex.

This has nothing to do with sex or porn...
This has nothing to do with sex or porn…

I know, everyone who visits my site regularly is entirely aware of that. Nudity and sex aren’t the same thing. Nudity is the absence of clothes because the naked person does not want to have clothes on. This concept seems to become more and more incomprehensible lately. Our modern society seems to slip back in time for some reason. Nakedness is bad. Drone thinking is promoted to keep people under control and going in the way that some big power points out.

Free thinking out of the clothes.

This is something that makes naturists dangerous, I presume. Naturists don’t fit in all the way with their odd desire to take all their clothes off and show their bodies to the world. A world that secretly loves to ogle and drool over naked bodies, but which is denied their additional compound as these naked bodies refuse to supply the porn and lewdness that are associated with them.

censoredNaturists aren’t about that. We fight an uphill battle because many porn mongers pretend to be naturists and nudists while spreading their mess all over the Internet, giving us a bad name.

It’s a sad world that most clothes-loving people are so brainwashed into that. This makes it very difficult for true naturists to be seen and recognised, let alone respected and accepted. It’s in the human mind to easily think the worst of someone or something, and with the bad examples so very present everywhere the porn-induced minds will ‘naturally’ expect naturists to be on the same shit heap as the porn industry.

United we stand.

Yes, it’s a beaten to death statement but it’s real and true. The global naturist society has to make a stand, one stand, to the outside world. Double standards, hidden (lewd) agendas from one or the other will break our credibility, and that’s already a difficult item to get across.

Yes, it’s something that worries me and occasionally almost gives me a headache, like it does to the lady on the right. She clearly was a nudist long ago and foresaw the troubles I’m writing about here and now.

Why does it have to be so difficult to just be the way we want to be? I’ve said it before and will say it again: the world’s a mad house when people are more frightened of a naked person than of someone who’s armed to the teeth. Violence, murder, war, all kinds of misery are laughed at when they show on television, but the sky falls down when there’s a female nipple on the screen for a second. And a completely naked person? Nearly incredible.

I wonder how certain television shows get away with not being considered porn. Perhaps because they’re based on artistic content?

Daenerys Targaryen, from Game of Thrones.
Daenerys Targaryen, from Game of Thrones.

You tell me if you have the answer…

Hypocrisy of the dressed

Most people aren’t against nudity.

beachv70086That may be a bold statement but when you look at the profits that the porn industry makes – and porn happens mostly undressed, then this should be a fact.

For instance look at Forbes: “Take for instance the New York Times Magazine: It ran a cover story on May 18 called “Naked Capitalists: There’s No Business Like Porn Business.” Its thesis: Pornography is big business–with $10 billion to $14 billion in annual sales. The author, Frank Rich Frank Rich , suggests that pornography is bigger than any of the major league sports, perhaps bigger than Hollywood. Porn is “no longer a sideshow to the mainstream…it is the mainstream,” he says.”

$10 billion worth of naked isn’t just any old shoe. It means that many people like naked people. Why then is there this big issue then with us naked people being out and about? Because we are not enticing. We’re not sensual, erotic, nor do we share any other trait that the porn industry makes its money from. We’re just naked people without anything special. There’s no money to be made of us (which is good) but the way we behave we’re not exciting.

I think that most people have been programmed to dislike nudists and nudity. They have been programmed in many other ways too (we all are), all thanks to commercialism and the wicked ways of culture and religion. Let’s see if there is a way to turn the tide. To deprogram people and make nudity something accepted – maybe even respected.

Google Plus. A question to the people there.

And so my account on Google Plus is blocked. Due to indecent material.


I think this was because of the user icon that I used there. The same one I’m using here and in a few other places.

avt_nud02_sSuddenly this image on the left is considered ‘pornographic or sexually explicit’. I am not certain which of the two applies here. I have changed the user icon there (a while ago even) and removed some pictures that might be offending to them as well. If they still object then I can only imagine that this is because of images that show on Google Plus through posts shared from this blog.

If that is the problem then I’ll have to find a way to go around that.. if it’s worth that. This post should go to Google Plus as well. People on Google Plus: do you appreciate my blog?


Discrimination against the male body?

A little while ago I wrote a blog post about clothes and not wearing any. In that post I inserted a small nudist image of myself that I took on my vacation in England. I stored that image on, a place that usually is quite good about storing images with undressed people. However, when I looked at the blog post a day later, the image was gone. It was replaced by a placeholder stating that the image was removed as it offended against Photobucket’s regulations and national laws.

The offending image in question is this one (original size too):

Deleted by Photobucket.

(obviously no longer hosted on Photobucket)

As you see, there’s nothing explicit or offending in it (at least, I think so). The interesting bit is that Photobucket doesn’t have any qualms about hosting a picture that shows a woman with full frontal nudity:

Nudist surfer photo nudist001_zps0d7f2986.jpg

(Image linked directly from Photobucket, same image, original size as well.)

Is it really so horrible and offending to look at a nude man that ‘national law’ makes them take down that picture? Or is this more something that Photobucket themselves enforce without being honest about it? I can imagine that there are more men working there than women, and most of them probably aren’t nudist or naturist, nor understanding of that. Am I wrong in assuming that they’d rather see a naked woman than a naked man, just because the emphasis is on ‘naked’? Probably not.

My picture does not show child-porn, it’s not explicit in any sexual way. I’m simply leaning on a wall and look out over the area. And I’m wearing no clothes. In the other picture a woman is walking over a beach and carries a surf board. And she is wearing no clothes.

I dare state that accepted nudity would eliminate this discriminatory problem. After all, nude is nude, regardless if it concerns a man or a woman. As long as nudity is considered something to be secretive about, the general public will never be educated and nudism will never become a normal (accepted) thing.

This is probably better for Photobucket.

It’s too bad that the definition of norms always rests with a majority. After all, a majority can mean that all the fools are on one side…