Thought I’d do something different for a change.
Happy new nude year, everyone.
Thought I’d do something different for a change.
Happy new nude year, everyone.
I want to thank all the visitors to for their attention, and also:
January 1st, 2020. Almost exactly 7 years ago I started this blog/website/internet thing. I had no idea what I was getting into. Now I do and I’m glad I got off the ground, in the air, out there, whatever you want to call it.
I am happy and proud that this site provides some services to so many naturists, nudists, naked enthusiasts and nude-curious people every day (seriously, every day!).
Being naked as much as possible, preferably in nature, has been my way of life for many years. Let me make that decades. When I found out I wasn’t weird but one of many who enjoyed that too, I was so freakin’ relieved, you can’t imagine. Well, maybe you can. Maybe you were in the very same boat at one time.
A lot has happened since 2013 when this site started. I visited Charco del Palo on Lanzarote several times, where I took long nude walks along the beach and in the mountains close to the town.
Stunning to be able to do that and I am more and more of a mind that this should be possible anywhere. Too bad that it takes so long for society to understand the benefits of nude living.
I hope sincerly that I can serve up more interesting things for you in this new year, dear visitors of the site.
Let me thank you for being here, for reading and commenting. It means a lot to me.
Happy new year.
Happy Newd Year!
May 2014 bring you lots of naked weather!
Thank you to all the visitors to my site, and all the positive comments about it. You make me keep it going.