Mirror Earth Connected

Yes. Today is the day that book 4 of the Mirror Earth series is available in most e-book-stores.

I honestly hadn’t thought that this book would ever happen. That should tell you how much I know. My name might just as well be Jon Snow…

But despite that, it happened, and it’s out there. Somewhere.

What can I tell you about this book?

Redolans. You have to hate them. They’re making the worst mess ever on Earth? On which one, though.

A meteorite shakes up the lives of Elisabeth, Gloria and Cobyo. Things from the past are suddenly out in the open again. Do they mean something? Tell something?

And then there’s someone who calls himself the Sun Emperor. What is his part in all this? And is he from this world or from another one?

Too many questions to answer here, so dive into ‘Mirror Earth Connected’ and find out.

There you have it. If you’re willing to take the dive with me, go ahead. You can find the book at these places for now:

AmazonAmazon.co.ukAmazon.deAmazon.nlAmazon.itAmazon.frAmazon.esAmazon.caAmazon.auBarnes&NobleApple iTunesKobo. As usual, the paperback will need a few more minutes. Or hours. 


Talking about Mirror Earth…

Mirror Earth
The book that started the Mirror Earth trilogy

Yes, I did that, on the sibling blog NaturistFiction.org.

In that post I hinted at the possible possibility that there might possibly be another book in the set. I somehow feel like Douglas Adams now, who put 5 books in the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy trilogy. 4 is a good start, isn’t it?

Mirror Earth 2

I’ve been making some plans. I’ve been reading parts of the first three in the original Mirror Earth trilogy. Hmmm. There might be options. Openings.

It looks as if I’m going to give that a try.

And then this comment popped up:

Another Naked in Space would be great also.

Someone simply left this in a response on the above-mentioned post.

Ehm, what now? I had not expected that to happen, but I have to admit I am very grateful/pleased/happy/proud of that.

Nude in Space

Is “Nude in Space” really worthy of a successor? Hmmm (yes, again).

I have to say that it was an interesting premise to write about. A challenge as well.

Let me put this down as another definite maybe. At the moment I’m working on part 2 of Murphys in Space, as well as a few other projects, and I don’t want to get so many going that nothing gets done. That’s not helping anyone.

I’ll first get more in the clear about another Mirror Earth volume. After that there’s always time to consider a sequel to Nude in Space, or perhaps something else. New. Different. Strange. Weird. Just leave that to me. In the mean time I do appreciate all the comments and suggestions. Trust me (uh-oh, don’t buy into that! LOL!), they are not wasted!

Stay safe, stay nude.

Bookish update

Hi there.

With July on the way out which means that most of 2016 is already behind us, I thought I’d give you a little update on what’s going on here book-wise.

Mirror Earth 2

Mirror EarthThe end of that book is in sight. I’m working on getting the last chapter in order and shape, which should not take too long now. After that I will let the entire book cool off a while and start reworking it to get the worst blunders out of it.

It’s become a good story I think, but in the end I’m not the one to say so. That’s up to you, the readers. I do what I can, you do what you can, and so we make a good team

Please don’t expect this book to hit the shelves in a month or so, reworking and editing takes time and attention. I just wanted to give you this good news. 🙂

Naked Crow

I’m thinking about part 6. I have a basic idea for it, but there has to be more than just that. If you have ideas about naturist issues, problems or bits of interest you would like to see in book 6 please let me know. I can’t promise it will be used but it is a great asset for me to know what you would like to read about.


Historical naturist fiction

Vintage nudistsIt’s still in view but so much has been going on these days (like publishing Naked Crow 5) that this story has moved to the background a little. I hope I will have some time to return to this story soon. It’s coming along quite well but there is some research on history I need to do. Everything in this story has to be correct and make some kind of sense, as opposed to real life. 😉

Be happy, well, and naked, as much as you can!

Mirror Earth


I thought I’d tell you a bit more about the new Scifi I’ve been working on for a long time. “Mirror Earth”. You may have seen the post where I showed off the cover already.

What I want to tell you is: it’s almost there! Now… what the book is about…

Earth. The future. Researchers have discovered how to detect fluctuations in time and found that there is the possibility for alternate realities. Complicated calculations, big laboratories and big interests are at stake.
A group of researchers is dedicated to pursuing the biggest experiment in their lives: to see if there are indeed other worlds like ours. And what will they look like if there is anything like another Earth?

Step into the world of Mirror Earth to discover what’s out there…

For the paper version I had a very funny idea. This is the front, as you may have seen already (which is also the front image of the e-book):
Mirror Earth Front
This will be the paper version’s back:Mirror Earth Back

🙂 My aim is to get the e-book version out into the world (our world) by next Saturday. As usual, the paper version is slower but that will come out as well.