A naturist’s view on the perversion of beauty

Perversion of beauty?

Yes. It happens. All around us. The thought that naturists stand for, that every body is a good body, isn’t supported nor carried by everyone.

As I was listening to the November 2009 episode of the Naturist Living Show podcast, a show I can really recommend, I heard so many things that struck me and rang my bells that I had to write this post about it.

So, what’s the buzz?

In the podcast I heard (among other things) a story about a young woman who apparently looked good and healthy, who was incredibly influenced by the media and their unrealistic goals of “beauty”. She had decided to contact a plastic surgeon who would make all kinds of fake alterations to her body to make her “beautiful”.

Unreal beauty

There would be breast implants, a “tummy tuck” and a few other “improvements”, which she wanted to get done as a “surprise” for her husband who was away. (Image is not of said young woman.)

Now really… who would want to improve a body when there’s nothing wrong with it? And that only because Supermodelthe outside world is proclaiming that you are not good enough unless you look like Kate Moss, to name one of the super models that clearly are the basis of existence for many woman.

It’s a shame and it angers me tremendously that wonderful people with what, a flaw, a wrinkle, a tummy, stretch marks… that such good, healthy, beautiful people feel compelled to obey the words of a bunch of lunatics who are only after their money. Because that, of course, is the name of the game. Beauty products that cost hands full of money. Plastic surgery isn’t the cheapest kind either. And for what? To be turned into unreal, plastic versions of themselves?

Photoshopped model

People who have no wrinkle, who are “industrial beauties” and whose cheeks probably will crack when they try to laugh (if their plastified cheeks actually allow them to laugh)?

Stop the plastification of people!

Real people are much better in my opinion. The true value shouldn’t be put on someone’s outside. That’s not going to last, no matter how much cash you throw at plastic surgeons, pill mongers and diet advisers. In my view it’s much healthier to cultivate your inner beauty.

It’s something that will cost you less and bring you much more. Be beautiful the naturist’s way. Trust me, there are more people like us, with our flaws and flabs, than there are industrial grade beauties. We’ll outnumber you always. And we’re far happier.


A naturist guest’s view on asking.

Today’s naturist’s view is from a fellow naturist who sent me his remarkable but also fabulous experience while in Amsterdam, waiting for a connecting flight. Here’s Colin’s story.

I was travelling home [to the UK] from a short business trip in Germany. All was going well until my flight was cancelled because of the wintery weather. I needed to stay over in Amsterdam and quickly found a hotel at the airport. The following day, once I had checked out, I had a bit of time to pass before my flight in the early evening [which was also cancelled, but that’s another story]. I considered what I would like to do and concluded that I would enjoy a swim.

I just lacked 3 things: a pool [even the hotel that I had just left did not have one], swimwear and goggles. Finding a pool was a matter of using booking.com to find local hotels and filtering to show ones with a pool. There were two that looked promising, so I hopped on a shuttle bus. At the hotel, I explained my problem and asked if their pool was available to non-residents. The woman said that they had no policy, but I was more than welcome to use the facilities [free of charge!]. So, one problem solved and, as I can manage without goggles, I only needed to address the swimwear question.

Nude Swim Amsterdam
Actual photo from Colin’s experience.

My first choice would be to swim nude, as this is always my preference. I figured that Holland is quite a liberal country, so I might be able to get away with it. Otherwise, I guess I could have worn underpants. I headed to the pool changing room, got undressed, wrapped a towel around myself and went to the pool. There were two other users; a pair of young women, who, it turned out, were also English. I explained my “problem” and said that I would be OK to wait until they were finished, if they were embarrassed by someone’s nudity. Their response was to say that I should just carry on – they did not care. So, I had a very pleasant swim.

The moral of the story is: if you want something [in my case, the use of a pool and permission to swim nude], you should just ask. What is the worst that can happen?

Thanks for sharing this, Colin!

If you, dear reader, have a story you’d like to share, don’t hesitate. You can reach me through my contact page, or go the old-fashioned way and drop me an e-mail.

A naturist’s view on paintings

So what about paintings?

Image via https://www.oddee.com/

Paintings have been made since the early days of mankind. For example the cave paintings that were found in France.

Back then no one had any issues with people being depicted naked, dressed, full frontal or in any other way.

How different things are now. Paintings that show nudity can be removed because of the type of visitor showing up in the gallery or museum (remember the horror about Hylas and the Nymphs?)

Nudity in art is of all times

What spirit is so empty and blind, that it cannot recognize the fact that the foot is more noble than the shoe, and skin more beautiful that the garment with which it is clothed?
~ Michelangelo

Painting by Albert von Keller, 1907.

I seriously cannot wrap my mind about the fact that the nude form of people can be the subject of so much debate and controversy even in art.

We all have this one, fine layer that protects us from so much. It’s our skin. Why does that need to be hidden, stashed away as something dirty or unclean?

As you can above, even the great master Michelangelo knew this.

There are only few great, ancient painters that may not have created images of nude people. Also modern painters don’t shy away from that, and with good reason: what more beautiful can they portray than humans in their most humble, natural form?

male nude painting
Found on Pinterest. Origin unknown.

Nudity is honest. Nudity doesn’t hide flaws. Anything not portrayed is up to the discretion and intent of the painter. This is 100% contrary to clothes, where any piece of fabric can and will be used to cover up whatever one wants.

I wonder (actually I don’t!) if the people who despise nudity in art (or anywhere else) carry that conviction from their own experience and will, or if this is all implanted through culture and upbringing.

Ancient times and nude art

Musicians and dancers on fresco at Tomb of Nebamun
Via Wikipedia

The above Egyptian painting shows nude dancers at the tomb of Nembamun. It was painted around 1400 BCE. Nudity was normal back then and no one had a problem depicting something that was normal.

I want to finish this little trip (okay, I admit those are jumps) through the history of nudity in art with this painting of Cleopatra by the Italian Giampietrino, actually Giovanni Pietro Rizzoli. It was created somewhere between 1520 and 1540.

Through the ages, nudity hasn’t posed a problem. Why then, I ask, is the world suddenly churning out so many prudes and sensitive people who pale at the sight or idea of painted skin?

Questions for you.

So now I will leave you with some questions:

  • What is your favourite painting? I really would like to know. They can be ancient, modern, any style.
  • Who is your favourite artist?
  • Do you make paintings? If so, where can we enjoy them?

Thanks for reading all the way to here.

Be happy and naked…

A naturist’s view on nude-friendly social media

Nude-friendly social media. Really?

Yes. I know most of you have encountered the strange rules and shifting regulations on our most admired site Facebook.facebook censorship

I have tried a naturist-friendly approach there, trying to stick to their rules. I failed. Miserably and then some. Facebook jail for 2 weeks after what was perhaps the 4th post. The reason? An image of a statue of a nude male that showed from a post on this here blog. It didn’t even show genitalia. It’s not hard to understand, I think, that I deactivated my account there. Normal nudity is not okay there, but the amount of porn that goes around in that place is staggering. That’s okay. Nudism and naturism aren’t exciting enough I think.

So where are the safe places?

Me we groupsThe place I like very much at the moment is ‘Mewe’. You can find me there at mewe.com/i/p.z..walker. Being a member of several nice naturist groups that are really naturist, so no porn and stuff, has proven the place good.

Note that ‘Science Fiction Fans’ is not a naturist group (just sayin’).

You can create an account for free and you get 8GB of space to upload images, videos, whatever. If you need more space you’ll have to buy that, but trust me: 8 gigabytes is really a lot if you’re not in the habit up uploading 4K, 2-hour feature films.

Another nice place is ello.co. Branded mainly a site for creative people, ello also has no problem with nudity. For instance I follow the famous, Canadian naturist park Bare Oaks on Ello.

Images like this:

are perfectly okay on Ello.

Another site is Diaspora. Word of warning: this is a bit of an odd site and at the moment hardly seems to harbour naturists. After creating your account you will need to actively search for people to follow. Give it a try if you feel adventurous.

Not so much a social medium but a naturist forum is available at earthnaturists.com.

Earth naturists

Inevitable question: are there more?

Do you know of places that are safe? Where naturists can be themselves and post images of themselves without feeling the hot breath of censorship? Please share them in the comments. The more, the better.

A naturist’s view on the normal life

Naturists and the normal life.

Yes. Naturists lead normal lives. As I said before, we drive cars and we have to take things with us.

Now there’s a TeamNaturist project going on to put a lot of this into view:

Click the image for a larger version

If you want to participate, please send an e-mail to teamnaturist@t-online.de. You can trust the person who initiated this; he’s a good person and dedicated naturist. Have a look at his twitter feed if you’re still not convinced.

Really, this is for a good cause. Our cause. A naturist cause. Björ hasn’t received any contributions from ladies yet, nor from people of colour. Please support his cause. He and I both appreciate it!

A naturist’s view on cars

Naturists and cars.

Of course do naturists have cars. Together with walking, cycling and public transport they’re a great way to get around. Wait, did I say public transport? Sorry! 😉

naturists and cars

Cars and clothing laws.

As with just about anything in life there are laws concerning cars. They need to have tyres that all touch the ground, a working engine, lights, stuff like that. My main gripe about car laws is that there is nearly no clarity about the way you need to drive. I don’t mean adhering to the rules of the road, but – you guessed it – what you need to wear. Or not wear. So far only Germany has an (as far as I know) clear statement about that. You need to wear proper footwear to operate the pedals. You can be naked in your car (let’s all move to Germany). You can’t however be naked getting out of your car unless you’re at a place where nudity is accepted. Germany is cool.

Where I live, in the Netherlands, there’s a lot of fuzzy commenting going around about naked driving. I’ve seen police statements where cops chased a nude driver, I’ve read reports on people simply driving along in the nude without a problem. For myself I can state I’ve driven around in the nude plenty of times and never had a problem with that.

That either means things aren’t as bad as they’re depicted or I’ve just been very lucky.

Driving naked, the international version.

I haven’t investigated every country exhaustively. Firstly because I don’t want to spend too much of my time doing that, secondly because there are too many countries and too obscure laws. 😉

I found a few resources for you.

America, you might like to read this. Short version: “We were surprised to find little consensus on whether it is actually illegal to drive naked. There don’t seem to be many laws on the books that specifically address nudity in cars vs. nudity in general. One rule of thumb: It’s probably OK to drive naked, but only if no one else sees you.”

Scotland and England, here’s a link for you. Short version: “It’s not an offence to be naked in public in England and Wales but it does become an offence if it can be proved the person stripped off with the intention to upset and shock. The complainant has to prove this.

In Scottish law there is no statutory offence, just the common law offence of offending public decency – a strand of the breach of the peace. The test is essentially the same as in English law, that a member of the public has been put in a state of fear or alarm.”

It doesn’t state driving explicitly but if you can be nude in public you should be fine in your car.

Sweden, maybe this is of interest to you. Short version: “…as nudist Ronja told the magazine: Being naked is about freedom, and not conforming to others.
But this type of freedom involves a few guidelines. So here we go…ten commandments of Swedish nude etiquette.”

Again, no explicit mentioning of cars, but if you can be naked at home, a car shouldn’t be a big problem.

How is it in your country? Do you know?

woman driving naked

Maybe you have some inside experience that might help others who like to drive in the nude. Driving naked is nice when it’s hot (or not cold). Tips and such are, as always, appreciated!

A naturist’s view on classical art and music

Classical music and nudity?

Yes, you saw that. I like classical music. Not solely that but it’s amazing for me. And the good thing is that there are people who perform classical music in the nude. Alas, they don’t play in most theatres  but if you look around there are examples to be found.

For instance there is this: an aria from “Tales of Hoffman” by Jacques Offenbach. This is definitely a complex song to sing and this lady, Abigail Wright, who is a mezzo soprano, took on this song and performed it naked. That’s having guts.


France has nude performers as well.

This should not be surprising. France has a large amount of naturist places and they’re quite popular. A performance by the Bordeaux National Opera in the nude is therefore not something you should be surprised of. They performed Les Indes galantes, an opera-ballet by Jean-Philippe Rameau. Here is a sample of it:


Not only in the western world.

Japan is known for being eccentric at times. Luckily they also cater to the naturist taste at times. For you: The Japanese Naked Orchestra, with The Nutcracker of Pyotr Iljitsch Tchaikovsky.

Do you know of other nude performers of classical music or performing arts? I know there are plenty of experimental modern performers. It’s the classical ones I am looking for. They break borders…


A naturist’s view on hiking

Naturists and hiking.

Nude hikingDamned right they go together. Hiking is a good thing. It means you’re outside, walking, being active, being kind to your body.

Fresh air is good for a person and for one’s skin. Makes sense then that exposing as much skin as possible is the way to go for hikers. Most hikers don’t, which is sad and their loss.

Vitamin D is best taken in through the skin, soaking up sunlight. What nicer way can you think of?

Footwear counts.naked hike

For a decent hike it’s advisable, I think, to be safe. Wear something sensible unless you are one of the barefoot-forever people.

I’m not one of them. I like decent footwear. To each their own. I’ve seen people negotiate a gorge on Crete on flip-flops, so whatever wiggles your toes goes.

Easy does it.

Whatever you feel your goal is, it’s good. Is half a mile a hike for you? Great. Do you go for the big ones, 10 miles of more? Great. There’s no need to overdo things. Take what your body can handle. If your body likes it, it will motivate you to go a little further next time. This is general knowledge, not limited to nude hiking, by the by. It’s easy to go too far, get hurt and demotivated. Be smart about yourself; you’ll enjoy hiking for much longer.


Where can you hike freely? I know that people in big cities pull the short straw here. I pity you. Also I can’t offer advice to everyone around the globe as I haven’t been all around the globe to see what your situation is. Sorry, lack of money, time and knowledge of where you all are is to blame. 😉

Nude hike England
Me during a nude hike

I’ve taken long, naked hikes on several of the Canary Islands. It’s great to be there and be able to do that. I’ve also made long, nude hikes in England. I’ve found that when there is a place with lots of forests, there’s an opportunity to go naked.

Maybe not all the way but there’s more opportunity than many people assume there is. A big thing over here in Europe is NEWT, an event where a group of people hike through Austria in the nude for an entire week. Here’s a video report of one such events for you:

Maybe you get inspired by this. Look for places. Scout them out if you have to. And hike naked when you can. It’s so much better than in clothes.

A naturist’s view on yoga

Naturists and Yoga

YogaMany people may not understand the connection. Yoga is something that others do, tying themselves into complicated knots and holding weird positions forever.

Just like, indeed, the lady to the right who also appeared in the Sunday Noon Nudist set recently.

And this was not by accident. 😉

What is Yoga?

Yoga practice
Yoga practice at a beach.

According to the mighty Google:

Yoga – noun
It is a Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline, a part of which, including breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures, is widely practised for health and relaxation.
Yoga is the Sanskrit word for ‘union’.

Don’t get your knickers in a knot (I love this one with respect to naturists!). Yoga is something for everyone. If you can sit or stand, you can do yoga. If you can breathe, you can do yoga. (If you are not breathing and reading this, tell me how you do that.)

You can do yoga in any form, shape or fashion. It’s up to you how far you want to go. There are simple breathing exercises, simple stretching exercises. If you can’t bend well on your own, you can hold on to a chair. Yoga isn’t the complicated things that most people think.

YogiThis man is taking his yoga to some extremes with his extremities.

Yes, this too is yoga but I’ve never gone this far. I like my bones in place and in one piece. (I also like to eat more. 🙂 )

Naked yoga.

Since yoga is something you very much do with your body, it’s always advised to practice yoga with as loose-fitting clothes as possible. Well, how much easier is it then to not use clothing at all. Naked yoga (Google, ) is becoming “a thing” more and more all over the world, which is understandable. Moving without being hindered by clothes is the best, even when many people don’t know this yet.

Naked yoga

If you are interested in more things yoga, visit yogabasics.com (). You might get enthused. And remember, anything you learn you can do naked in the comfort of you home. (Note that I am not connected to this website, it’s just a courtesy link. 🙂 )