In case you didn’t know: it’s not a perfect world

Naturists and other clothes-free loving people often complain that the world isn’t accepting us the way we want. True, I immediately agree with you. However, we still have options to do what we want, be it in our home, in saunas, on nude beaches, nude resorts and any kind of venue that is organised by people with open minds. Like the British Naturism swim in a water park that attracted so much attention lately.
Compared to many people who have no opportunity to be as free as we are in their country, we can count ourselves lucky in a way. Of course, there are those who are in our league and they draw the short end in their country too. For instance in Egypt, where nudism is illegal. I once read an article by the Egyptian Nudist where he and some friends occasionally came together in someone’s home to have some relaxing nude time, and even that was risky for them.
The world is a weird place. Let’s be happy with what we can do, instead of constantly bemoan what we can’t. Life is too short to whine and complain, trust me. Suddenly you’re old and you should not look back in regret.

Instead, seize every opportunity to be nude and enjoy it. Be as open about your lifestyle as you can. Some can be very open, some risk big problems, so also don’t complain if someone who is not you, is not doing as you do. You shouldn’t judge someone’s seeming unwillingness to talk freely about his or her naturism or nudism. Their life isn’t yours.
Do you have good ideas? Spread them.

I think that’s the best thing you can do. If you have a clever idea to be nude without breaking your local laws, tell the world about that idea. You may not reach someone close very quickly, but the internet (think about places like Twitter and such) has a way to spread your idea like wildfire.
Don’t keep the good things to yourself; you could make a fellow human very happy.
In the case that you’re afraid people will know it was you who had the idea, tell a friend about it if you think he or she can spread the idea, or open an anonymous twitter account that isn’t easily linked back to you. I’m sure many naturists have something like that, and it works.
I hope I have motivated some people to look at the bright side of nude life. I’ve seen plenty of examples where ‘activists’ are not happy. Of course, there will always be unhappy people. As I said, it’s not a perfect world. But spreading good and positive ideas is one way to slowly turn that tide.