How much more nature do you need in naturism?
Author: Paul
Heat and the smart of being nude.
Heat? Go nude. It’s smart.
I hope you know. I’ve mentioned this before in other posts. I think this is so important that it can withstand another mention.
In the last weeks it has been very hot here. More so than usual, which I am sure happened in many places.
We all know what that means. People in sweaty clothes, air conditioning and frustration over the heat.
Not so much with naturists.
Because naturists have this built-in tendency to be smart.
Smart about the weather and how to adjust.
Air conditioning.
A.k.a. a power-devouring machine to keep clothing cool. That’s what most people don’t realise; they think that the air conditioning keeps them cool. Nope. It cools the clothes you wear. And only that, in turn, will cool you down. See the twp-staged problem here? Most energy of the air conditioning goes into the wrong things: the air of the room and your clothes. Get rid of the clothes and you eliminate most needs for an air conditioning.
Naked, nude, clothes-free.
This does the trick. No cloth around you helps your body breathe more freely. Heat quickly becomes a thing of the past. Of course there are situations that even in the nude, the temperature can become a problem. That is when you can still turn to an air conditioning, but a decent fan will go a long way already then.
That’s how things work for me anyway.
This is the best environment. Hot? Go outside. Find the shade. Shade cools down the air beneath it many degrees. That makes life a lot more pleasant. Being outside also has a health benefit (sunlight, vitamin D, fresh air).
The ones who know all this will by now nod their heads off. Sorry for that. Maybe next time I’ll write about neck protectors. 😉 Still it’s good to remind everyone about this. Even when the world at large isn’t clever enough to know what’s best for a body: we know this!
Sunday Noon Nudist
Naturism. Nature. It belongs together.
Sunday Noon Nudist
Remember, folks. The World Naked Bike Rides are coming again.
Check my favourite search engine for more info and help plant a tree!
The subtlety of non-nudist beach goers.
The subtlety of non-nudists.
Do you know it? When you’re in a clothing optional area and the non-nudists are all doing their subtle best to look at you while trying to hide their curiosity?
It happened to me over the last few weeks when I was on vacation.
Canary Islands.
The Canary Islands are Spanish territory and as such every beach is officially clothing optional unless signposted differently. I went out several times for a nice walk along the beach close to the hotel, down to the two RIU hotels that are located over 2km away from Corralejo and back.
Over that stretch I saw lots of nude people. Perfectly fine, as I was ‘dressed’ in the same manner. How else? Also though, lots of non-nude people were there. It was almost painful to see all their attempts to sneak looks at the naked people walking by, lying in the sand or swimming in the ocean. Painful and pathetic. Heck, no one there carries their eyes in their pocket. For me it’s okay to look as long as you don’t stare. I look at them too (although not for long, why would I?).
I’ve mentioned this before. Nudists and naturists are far more honest about their life than non-nudists. Nudists know what people look like. There are two genders and each one is basically laid out the same for everyone who’s a member of that gender. Some parts are bigger, smaller, rounder or longer. Who cares? We’re all human.
All different.
Also underneath all the clothing that some prefer to wear, even when it’s far too bloody hot for that. Everyone knows what a man or a woman ‘has’ beneath these fabric bits. And for some reason the non-nudists insist on remaining ‘ignorant’ and sometimes pretend to be shocked when they notice a person who’s not afraid of all that.
After several walks over that beach it was almost getting to me, so I decided to go blind regarding them.
On one occasion I saw something that almost made my eyes fall out.
A little boy was playing in the sea, dressed in shorts and a far too wide t-shirt. He kept coming out of the water and was running over the beach. In a strong wind.
I really wondered how long it would take before that child would get sick in the wind, wearing those wet clothes.
Maybe I know nothing about this but I wouldn’t want my children (if I had any) to run around that way…
Sunday Noon Nudist
Sometimes you just need to take a breather.
This is really the best way to hike if the weather’s good enough for it. You wouldn’t believe how quickly that is: hiking makes you warm. I hope for everyone to be able to do this at least once in your life.
Sunday Noon Nudist

Right, you wonderful people. By the time you see this I am on my way to Fuerteventura so the blog will be quiet for the coming weeks…
Things you can do naked. Skydiving.
Things you can do naked.

Every serious nudist/naturist knows there are lots of things you can do naked. Not everything is ‘acceptable’ in our narrow-minded society, because simply walking down the street in the nude isn’t exactly something you see everywhere. Odd, because it’s one of the simplest things you can do in the nude.
It’s probably not the first thing you’d consider but it’s done. And done often. Just give your favourite search engine a swing with ‘naked skydiving’ and you might be surprised about the number of hits.

Of course you can wonder why people do this anyway, regardless of their state of dress. Most people assume there is nothing wrong with the airplane so why would one jump from it?
Exhilarating freedom.
I can state that this is true. While I never had the opportunity to do this in the nude (alas, unfortunate, sad), I’ve done 2 tandem jumps and the thrill is beyond explanation.
A tandem jump is where you don’t learn actual skydiving but you’re hooked up to an experienced skydiver who does the real work. You do learn how to behave in the sky so the descent is safe.

Something to consider is that it’s cold. You start the jump from quite high and no matter how hot the weather is, it will be cold or at least chilly. I’d love to experience that, though. The rush of being so free, ‘floating’ in the air without any ropes attached, and seeing others fly around like that is amazing.
The need for speed?
Granted, you ‘float’ downwards at an insane speed. When you do a normal, controlled jump, you’ll go down with speeds around 180 km per hour (112 mph). I think that’s fast enough for a naked person. Trained skydivers who perform a ‘speed dive’ (limiting the air resistance as much as possible) can reach up to 320 km/hour (almost 200 mph).
Do you remember Felix Baumgartner?
In 2012 made the highest and fastest recorded skydive ever. He started at 39 km (24 miles) and during his drop he reached a speed of 1342 kph (834 mph). Hardly the location and speed to do naked, but I thought I’d let you know about this anyway. It might give you a challenge. 😀
Some people take on nude skydiving for a challenge. Here’s a video of a young man named James Young who accepted such a challenge to raise money for a good cause:
He raised £1000 with this jump!
Would you do it?
Sunday Noon Nudist
The best way to live. Nude and happy.
Twitter for naturists. Do you know these nifty things already?
We all know twitter. We all love it. Many others love it too. There can be people who pretend to be naturists and follow all the naturists they can round up. Only… these yokels aren’t naturists. Not nudists either. They’re out to collect images of nude people.
Sometimes they are easily detectable because they assume everyone enjoys the same things they do. Their profile image will then relay something like this:

Not the kind of person I like to be followed by.
Other smart ones don’t show themselves. They simply keep themselves out of view. Still it can be very simple to detect them. If they have nearly no tweets to their name, yet follow an incredible amount of accounts, you can bet that this isn’t a serious naturist/nudist/clothes free person:
4454 accounts are followed by this non-communicating account. This is not a naturist. I checked.
There’s a pattern in which these folks follow others. First they go for the obvious: women who display themselves. Then they go for porn accounts. Then they go for naturists.
Not all follow this pattern but I clearly spotted the ‘waves’ of followings in distinct ‘areas’.
Share and eliminate.
For those on Twitter: you are probably aware of the blocked accounts list. Once you block an account it will appear on the blocked accounts list.
To get to that list, open the menu for your profile and go to ‘Settings and privacy’.
In there you’ll find an option called ‘Blocked accounts’.
That’s an important one. That’s where every account you’ve ever blocked is stored. The good thing is that you can export this list into a file.

If you share that file online, others can download it and import that list into their own blocked accounts list which saves them the trouble to hunt down each one on their own.
It’s easy to share such a list: just dump it into e.g. Dropbox, Google Drive or Onedrive, get the public / shareable link (each system has its own way) and tell the world where it is. People can then grab the file and import it into their own list.
Don’t be scared that any sensitive, personal information is shows in the blocked list. It’s simply a file with numbers. When I open it in Libre Office I see this:
As you see, nothing of my eating habits or preferred colours are in there.
I’ve just uploaded my most recent blocked list to my Google Drive.
You can find and download it here.
I hope you enjoyed this little tour of blocking accounts and spreading them to benefit others.