Nothing for a long time, and then…

Emma Nelson 1 - See-Through
See-Through – Emma Nelson 1

It feels like last week that I published this book.


Oh. It was last week. Hmm. Thank you for letting me know. So it was last week that I published this book. At the moment of writing this post I have not had any bad reactions yet (I am writing this soon after publication so I am able to say this with an honest face), so hopefully the readers are entertained by Emma Nelson’s first adventure.

As the title of this post says: nothing for a long time… (meaning there were no new books for a considerable amount of pendulum swings…) and then… I have the pleasure to announce that the next Naked Crow book, volume 8 in the series, is ‘en route’ for publication.

My friend Will Forest picked the nits out of the text and had valuable feedback on the story, all of which is now all applied.

Yes, dear readers and followers of this blog, Naked Crow 8 will come out ‘soon’. That is probably next month because having the text in shape is not all there is to it.

Let me treat you to a sneak preview of the cover for Naked Crow 8.

Yes, the title is worth the trouble Sheila and her friends get into. They are for real Giant Problems.

Another sneak ‘preview’ is what this book is about. There are young artists of Native American descent, a few mentors and you also get a peek into Alice Branson’s former life when she was married. That ‘heritage’ combined by a rather gruesome find at the Mighty Oaks, makes Sheila’s recipe for Giant Problems. A good thing about this size of problems is that they won’t fit under your bed, so you can go to sleep safely tonight. I hope.

Happy reading, everyone, and be naked as long and often as you can.


Naked activism

Nudity as a lifestyle as most of us practice it isn’t the only way the naked body is ‘used’.

The World Naked Bike Ride is a prime example of this. You probably know about it; a world wide event where, at a certain day per location, as many people as possible come together to ride bikes through a city naked, to protest car and promote the safety of cyclists. London is a famous location, as is Bristol and Brussels. Many more towns have a similar event, which is good.

WNBR London 2016

But there are other ways as well.

Here, women are protesting against bullfighting, using their bodies to attract attention for their cause.

I can only applaud this kind of action, since these ladies are making themselves vulnerable – even when they aren’t entirely naked. There will be plenty of people with cameras and smartphones around to take pictures. As long as that’s for the right reasons...

This naked protester clearly is against war and pro nudity. I find it striking that there is this one naked man in the image and half a brigade of policemen who don’t seem to know what to do about the situation.

Also our good enemy Facebook hasn’t gone without nude protests. We all know that the microcosm of Mark Zuckerberg isn’t the most welcoming place for nudists and naturists. They have even banned images of nude artwork, after all.

2019. Anti-Censorship Activists Strip Nude Outside Facebook HQ to Fight Nudity Ban .

I found this gem on And this was published on June 3rd of this year. I didn’t even know it had happened. The event had been organised by the National Coalition Against Censorship (NCAC) together with Spencer Tunick. More about this on the NCAC website.

So yes, nudity can be used for many purposes. As long as those are positive, uplifting, I am quite alright with those. No people should be hurt by such activities though. And I mean physically. There is no way that we, the nude people, can avoid “offending” others with our naked lifestyle. People are offended too quickly as it is, these days.

By the way, if you want to be counted as a proponent of more realistic nudity on social media, you can sign up here.

More on Emma Nelson and Naked Crow 8

Yes, there is something happening.

Wordy grandmaster Will Forest has gone through all the texts and pointed out the things that weren’t clear, looked off, were inexplicable and more of such beauty.

The story of Emma Nelson should go online this week (at least the e-books). I am still fussing with the cover for that but here is a sneak peek:

That being said, it might end up entirely different. Sneak peeks can make that happen. 😉

Naked Crow 8 is taking shape as well. I’m working through that still, as well as the cover which needs a lot of work. That’s the reason I’m not sharing a preview here: so far there is not much to see.

Since it is a very warm day today, I will cut this post short. Sorry, everyone who had perhaps expected more. There will be more – but not now!

The heat is on. The clothes are off.

My initial idea for the title of this post was “the drinking naturist”, after the podcast “The Thinking Atheist” that I follow, but that might give people the wrong idea (e.g. alcohol and things) so I changed that.

Here in Europe, temperatures are rising this week. Locally we may see 36 C, which is 97 F. Not the stuff we usually encounter during the year, although it’s getting hotter and hotter each year.

Yes, summer is here and it’s a hottie.

This, of course, is a great thing for naturists, nudists and other clothes-free-oriented humans. I can understand that – I’m writing this post clothes-free too, which is the best state to be in for a human body. Clothes not needed? Leave them off. (When will the world understand that?)

Because of that hot weather, I would like to remind everyone that it’s important to stay hydrated. And that means to drink in advance. Once you start feeling thirsty, you’re generally too late. So drink up while you don’t feel like it. Feeling bad just before you drink is not the smart thing to do, even when you’re nude.

I think it’s also smart to stay out of direct sunlight on the hot parts of the day. Now everyone has their own heat tolerance, but please be smart about it. Just because it’s hot and sunny, that doesn’t mean you have to be out in the sun as long as you can. You will survive with the vitamin D you collect in the ‘off hours’. Sun-stroke and skin cancer are real. Please remember that.

Sunlovers having fun at the beach

Naturism and oranges


What do these two have in common? This may seem a strange question but there is something to it.

Have you ever tried to explain naturism to a person? I have. You may have as well. And did it work as in did you make someone go along, become a naturist or at least try it? Not exactly for me. If you managed it, do share your magic in a comment, we’re all curious.

I think naturism and oranges share the same trait: they have to be experienced to be understood. Try explaining the taste of an orange to someone who has never seen or heard of one.

Imagine someone coming up to you and talking about a purple thing you can eat. It is triangular, you need special tools to open it but it tastes great. It can taste a bit salty, or sour, or bitter-sweet, “but you’ll love it”. Would you know what this person is talking about? Do you think you would like it? (I admit I wouldn’t since I made the whole thing up right here.)

That goes for oranges as well, even when they aren’t purple. And for naturism, which isn’t orange unless body-paint has been applied.

Sunday Nudist

We all know naturism is a great thing. A great “fruit”. The trick is to make others eat it. It’s always worth trying to convince someone but, as with oranges (or aforementioned purple fruit) it may not suit everybody’s taste.

The power here is to accept that.

That doesn’t mean I would give up on someone. Give the talk as well as you can and leave it at that for a while. If they are genuinely against it, they won’t mention it again. It’s your guess and estimate to figure out if you want to bring it up again.

Maybe you triggered their curiosity but they need time to get to the point where they want to know more. Or they read about it and they want to experiment/experience it on their own for a while. Golden tip here: if you talk about naturism and you encourage someone to read about it, make sure you have valid references on the web, don’t let people look for naturism on their own. We all know where that leads!

Maybe… who knows… they will find a way to naturism as if they would find a way to the store where triangular purple fruit is sold. With the tools to open it. And then they might surprise you: