Bathing suit days

No, that’s not here and now. Please, stop that thought 5 seconds ago!

Last week, my girlfriend and I went to a wellness resort. The day we picked had a problem, though. That day, at the resort we frequent, was a bathing suit day.

Shock, terror, horror, fear

We are not bathing suit kind of people, so I looked around a bit further and found a ‘sister branch’ of the resort. 100 km away. I’d rather drive 100km (and 100 back) than do something bathing suit related.

In a weird manner I can ‘accept’ that many people mentally tend to jump to ‘bathing suit’ when they see ‘swimming pool’. From day 1, this has been ingrained in most people’s minds – and hooray for those who escaped that lunacy – but why do people insist on bathing suits in a sauna? Most people (at least from my generation, which is probably semi-stone age) remember that saunas originated in Finland, and people were naked in there from the start of the tradition.

Covered people in a sauna
Who would cover up like this in a sauna??

Perhaps it has to do with this faux interpretation of sauna visits, that being covered is normal. Which, as we all know, has to do with the ‘prudish’ attitude of our society that seeing skin is lethal for people’s mental health, unless it’s used for sex.

The drive was worth it. A great place, surprisingly busy for a Wednesday, but due to the size of the resort it wasn’t crowded anywhere. And many people who didn’t feel the need to wear bathrobes or go wrapped in towels most of the time. Normal people with normal bodies. It was good to see there were many younger people too. (Note, for someone of the semi-Stone age, 30 and up is ‘younger’.)

I will always avoid bathing suit days in a spa or wellness resort or sauna.

Nude rules.

Author: Paul

Promoting the clothes-free lifestyle.

3 thoughts on “Bathing suit days”

  1. It’s hard for me to justify the 11/2 ti 2 hour drive to get to a beach or nudist resort. I feel guilty for burning the better part of a tank of fuel just to be in a place to not wear a swimsuit but sometimes I just need to get away. I wish there were more options.

    1. And not just the cost of petrol, but the time…
      Spending 5 hours to get to swim for 1-2 hours is just not a good way to spend your day.
      Now if you turned it into a long weekend it might be worth it.

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