On the joy of being naked
Nudity is permitted beyond this point.

More Unsworth Manor Nudes

More Unsworth Manor Nudes Cover
Unsworth Manor has been abandoned. A war has left its ugly scars everywhere across Europe, many people are picking up the pieces and rebuild their lives. What will happen to the Manor? And who is Avery Montague? Follow the experiences of this wartime airplane pilot, who wants to settle down in England and make the best of life, and how he discovers the past of the building in β€œMore Unsworth Manor Nudes”.

The e-book is available at Smashwords, Amazon, Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.de, Amazon.nl, Amazon.it, Amazon.fr, Amazon.es, Amazon.ca, Amazon.au, Barnes&Noble, Apple iTunes, Google Play and Kobo.Β You can find the paperback version on Amazon and the audiobook on Google Play.
