On the joy of being naked
Nudity is permitted beyond this point.

That freedom feeling

A while ago, on naturistfiction.org, I posted about how words aren't enough to convey the feeling of freedom we, as naturists, experience.

As I recall that post, I wonder if people who have never experienced naturism, have any idea what we're talking about. Even more, I wonder if there is anything in the non-naturist world that comes close to that total liberation that happens when we're dropping the clothes and entering that blissful state we love and crave.

Even when it's cold outside, but when there's no wind, it's a good day to be nude outside, to enjoy physical freedom.

I have yet to find a moment in the clothed life that comes close to this. The only times that happens is... when I take off my clothes... And that's not a fair comparison.

I wonder if anyone here, reading this post, knows of a moment in dressed life that hits that specific spot. I know that it's my drug, that naked feeling. That's also the reason why I love going to a sauna in the colder months (which now are approaching rapidly).

Clothes are perhaps a naturist's Kryptonite. At least they're mine. Clothes do something to me which, perhaps, isn't visible, but it's definitely there. It won't stop me from doing what I want and have to, but the real joy is dampened.

It's so odd. Superman (as I threw in some Kryptonite) is so powerful in his clever tights and I'm not. The tighter the clothing, the worse I feel.

