On the joy of being naked
Nudity is permitted beyond this point.

A new book. Gaea.

Cover of Gaea
Yes, it finally happened.

This was a very long-running project, and its start was quite odd.

Where did it start? On twitter, where a few art-minded people, Kevin and Corin, came up with a superhero who'd step in to prevent us dumb people from doing more damage to the planet we live on. And so the initial image of Gaea was born (and it didn't look anything like this one, trust me).

Then someone suggested this character should have her own story, her own book. Kevin and Corin are great with art and image manipulation, but no writers - they said so themselves. Someone else said that it might be something for me to take on...

And that's how things got rolling.

We got in e-mail contact and started tossing ideas back and forth, questions got answers, and slowly the whole story became a fact.

A fact which is now available in various places. I still need time to get the paperback done, as always. Paperbacks are a LOT of work, especially getting the cover right (it's more than slapping a picture on it). But that will come, in due time.

For now you can find the e-book at Google PlayAmazon KindleKobo EbooksApple BooksBarnes & NobleVivlio and Smashwords.

If you care to read what the story's about, you can 'read all about it' here.

Have a great day!

Paul (and Corin and Kevin, and Fernando, who did a lot of work on the cover).
