On the joy of being naked
Nudity is permitted beyond this point.

New book announcement

A few weeks ago I teased about a new scifi fantasy book called Zalerion.

Zalerion book cover
Well, it's about to happen. Coming Saturday, March 1st, this new book will appear in the shops. And surprisingly enough, the paperback will be available then too! I think this is a first!

My original idea was to make this Zaleria, but I reconsidered. I've been writing about strong female characters for a while already so I thought I'd throw in a male one again. Just to even things out a bit. Going over the chapters I'd already written, to change all the shes in to hes, was a lot of work. It's so easy to miss a reference, especially when the she is talking to a he and these both have to be changed. Talk about transgender! 😁

This story was a lot of fun to write. Designing new worlds, new communities and new environments is always an adventure. I feel this one came out quite well (otherwise I wouldn't dream of publishing it).

I hope you find it a lot of fun to read. Just a few more days....
