What's so special about naturism?

I wonder about this. What's so special about naturism, except the fact that naturists, nudists, and other clothes-free-ists prefer to stay away from clothes?
Clothes. That's the only difference with 'the others' in this world. If you look at that, we're not so special, because clothes - in general - aren't that special. Everyone has some, no big deal.
We can just about anything the clothies can do. Go for walks, cook food, watch TV, play games, have showers - oh, wait, word in the street has it that clothies usually undress for that as well.
I once spoke with a convinced clothes-lover and she said that naturists cannot dress up.

I guess your mileage varies with what's in your wardrobe, or paint bucket, in this case.
We may not be the ones always adhering to the norms which are imposed upon us by the majority, but we're definitely the sensible ones.
With the Earth on fire (which it is lately), not wearing clothes is smarter than putting up air conditioners.
While swimming, wearing nothing is just as warm as the thickest swimsuit (and it feels better coming out of the water). I'm quite convinced everyone can attest to that.
Hmm, when I look at all that, perhaps being more sensible than the clothes addicts is what makes naturism special. The being sensible about things. Doing away with a bunch of norms that are adding to the death of Earth. Perhaps our way is the only way to sustain Earth and leave something worth living for, for the generations to follow. Who, hopefully, will live more in the nude than we're allowed to now.
If you have thoughts about this, please don't hesitate to leave them below!