On the joy of being naked
Nudity is permitted beyond this point.

The two sides of social media

Naturism and social media. A continuing story of two tales. Two sides. Two views. Two whatever you wants.

Wassup with this?

Social Media
As the name states, social media are to be social. Nice idea, despite the many shouters and haters we find out there on many platforms.

I've found social media for naturism going two ways.

Way 1. Meet and greet.

You meet nice people there, who are into naturism, and they want to talk about their experiences, share (lots of!) pictures, and drink their coffee and tea naked, and they're happy to share that. It's a great way to discover places for spending nude time, make online friends who can become real life friends if the distances aren't too crazy.

Camping nudists with coffee
The people on such platforms often form tight-knit groups who love their nudie friends. And that's good. We like it there, we like the beverage and we like the unclothed state of mind and body.

Good people are everywhere, good nude people also, and it's not hard to find them once you discovered 'the in crowd' on whatever social platform.

It's what social is meant to be, and that's good.

Way 2. Convincing others.

That's where social media often fall short. Naturism, I think, is not something you can get across to people who aren't into it already. It's a personal thing, which demands personal attention. Say what you want, but social media aren't personal when you locate your next door neighbour and you try to convince them to try naturism that way.

You go to your neighbour's house when the moment is there, you talk and drop the subject if the atmosphere is right, and you see how they react. That's what missing on social media. Social media is 'the internet', and that's loaded with 'naturism and nudism' the way we know and hate. The wrong kind of promotion for what we don't stand for, the distorted faction of the porn brigade at work, abusing the name of our ways for their icky stuff.

Nudists at resort
We all know true naturists and nudist are not like that. We do the regular things, without artificial additives, as much as possible.

I have the feeling that promoting naturism on social media won't work. People don't know it, and will probably skip past anything sounding like it if they're not already interested, or they'll even mute the entire topic, if the platform allows that.

Naturism/nudism is a human activity which can be shared online with those "in the know". That's where it seems to end.

The dark side has cookies

I have stopped trying to bring people over 'from the dark side' since long, online.

It simply doesn't work.

They already have cookies (even when ours are better).

