The social part
It occurred to me that nudist/naturists are probably more social than the clothed-minded part of humanity.

From where this bold statement?
As we know, naturists are free of clothing. They get together in the nude and that's it. Okay, that sounds a bit thin, but this is what it boils down to.

This is where the very rich socialise.

Do you begin to see the point?
The rich in one place, the not so rich in the other, and the very unrich in yet another place, 'and never the twain shall meet' (assuming, for simplicity's sake, that twain is more than two).
Now look at the first picture again. Can we tell who's rich and who's not? Not me. Let me know if you recognise the billionaire, the banker or the carpenter.
That's what I mean. Social nudity is the most social of them all. No need to show off the most expensive golf ball, or compare your hiking shorts to that of the neighbour's. No bragging who has the biggest or the fastest yacht.
In a rubber boat on a cozy, small lake, that's where the real fun is. (Try getting a yacht into a small lake!)