The brainwash
That doesn't sound like the wash anyone would like, does it?

Like all those people who are told that not wearing clothes is bad, sinful, unnatural (sic) and so on. All those people who were born with their clothes on might be right, but for the rest of us, wearing clothes is a learnt behaviour.
“If God had meant for us to be naked, we'd have been born that way.”

We - at least most of us - are (or were) conditioned to dress, to cover ourselves. And what more is that conditioning than, indeed, brainwashing?
It's not done on purpose in most cases. People teach as people do and were taught. It's a cultural / society phenomenon. Such stuff grows, and is taken for granted, as normal. The majority, as I've mentioned plenty of times, is on one side. Even if the majority is wrong, simply because there is power in numbers.

Don't worry, there's plenty of brainwashing going around, through advertising and other forms of messaging. In this day and age, it's nearly impossible to escape that. Just look at the way we're being coaxed into buying an even better car, how we need that sixth freezer, and damn, why don't I have that AI powered electric tricycle yet!
I'm happy, for me and all other naturists, we have the way to get away from all of that, simply by being naked in a serene environment (even if it's just the bedroom or bathroom, if there's no other option).
Instead of the brainwash, we have the mindwash, the feeling of connecting to the environment, which brings us that weird joy no one can explain.
Let's "unwash" the brain. If possible also that of someone who needs it.