On the joy of being naked
Nudity is permitted beyond this point.

The biggest organ

The Midmer-Losh pipe organ, located in Atlantic City, New Jersey, is the largest organ in the world. 33,000 pipes fill an entire building.

All the keys of the organ

Of course I 'm not going to write about that organ. I'm here for the biggest human organ. Our skin.

The skin that soaks up sunlight and makes us healthy. The skin that always fits, no matter our size, height or width. Whether at the local nude beach or at the local sauna, I'm always surprised how different everyone is in their nudity and how 'the same' we all are at the same time. I wrote about that before, how the clothing industry tries to make everyone look the same with their latest fashion fad, and failing because that stuff looks different on each person. For that same reason: we're all different. And not just in size, also in age.

It's one of the most beautiful things to see nude people in every form and age mingle and just be there, happy, chatting, walking, enjoying themselves.

Care to be alone? Also no problem. You're respected. It's also my experience that the

Nude hiker in canyon
folks who come around to show off their amazing physique usually do so only once or twice. I have yet to see them gather a flock of oooh-aaah yellers, drooling over how beautiful they are compared to others. Because no one cares.

The places I have seen are there for the normal people, the ones who accept themselves, wrinkles, scars and flab be damned. That's how it should be. Fashion and 'beauty' go out the window as soon as clothes leave the body. We should have more places where we can leave the clothes behind.

Clothes have labels. People don't need labels. People need clothes to stay warm, not to stay labelled. It's time the world sees this...

By the way, if you do want to learn more about the organ mentioned at the top, you can read up on Wikipedia and listen to / watch this (long) clip:

