That bare-able lightness of being nude
The more matured readers of this title may find a fleeting resemblance to the 1984 novel by Milan Kundara, called The unbearable lightness of being. That's where all resemblance ends, though, but I thought it appropriate for this post. (For those interested, the book also had a film made of it.)
This blog post is not about the film or the book.

We know it, we love it, we still have no clue how to describe it, and it's there.
The winter here made me wear a lot of clothes, even when it wasn't a proper winter.
Proper winter: snow, ice, temperatures way below 30F / -2C
We had none of that, but even when it is 36F / 4C outside, I chose to wear clothes inside, instead of cranking up the heat and the energy bill for the sake of being naked. I'm not such an evangelist. I also consider the strain on the environment for that.
Lately, the weather's become a bit softer, so I drop the clothes a bit earlier, about ten minutes before going to bed. And each time the feeling is there. That bare-able lightness of being free of garments. I dare say that living this way makes the sensation much more intense than those who live nude 24/7/365, or thereabouts.
And this will only get better for a while, until it's warm enough to live nude again. That will take another 5 or 6 months, by my rough estimate.
After that, the lightness will fade, as being naked becomes the normal. Until autumn hits again, and the clothes will stay on again.