Sunday Nude Art
"Strangers in Paradise", by Max Renneisen, oil on Canvas, 23.6 x 19.7" (I thought to vary the subject a bit once in a while. There is so much beautiful nude art around. It has to be shared and seen.)
Continue reading..."Strangers in Paradise", by Max Renneisen, oil on Canvas, 23.6 x 19.7" (I thought to vary the subject a bit once in a while. There is so much beautiful nude art around. It has to be shared and seen.)
Continue reading...Just me, on a hike.
Continue reading...No artificial additives.
Continue reading...What would the world be without music? (Yes, this is me, and that is my harp. Got it a few weeks ago.)
Continue reading...When will this be mainstream, normal, accepted, etc?
Continue reading...Image from, used with permission.
Continue reading...Sports, done the right way. Unhindered by clothes.
Continue reading...Image courtesy of Classic Nudists
Continue reading...The best way to be in nature.
Continue reading...This picture was taken on July 5th 2024, for Naked Reading Day. Did you read naked that day?
Continue reading...(Found online, no attibution) Nothing you can't do in the nude better than gardening?
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